As the World Wide Web and the Internet have grown in the last few years, so have the number of web sites devoted exclusively to Gramsci and Gramscian studies. There are many new and expanded web sites that are useful and informative not only to Gramsci scholars but also to those who are reading Gramsci's writings for the first time.
The Antonio Gramsci Internet Archive
The Marxists Internet Archive recently expanded its on-line textual holdings of Gramsci's work.The Antonio Gramsci Internet Archive includes many of Gramsci's political and prison writings on-line in English, Danish, and Spanish. Currently the English section of the Archive contains seven of Gramsci's writings from 1916 to 1920, approximately forty entries from Selections from Political Writings 1921-1926 (translated and edited by Quintin Hoare), and five notes from Gramsci's prison notebooks. The Danish section of the Archive contains six of Gramsci's pre- prison writings and nineteen prison notes, and the Spanish section of the Archive contains seven of Gramsci's pre-prison writings. In addition to Gramsci's writings, there is an impressive number of writings available at the Marxists Internet Archive. There are seven large archives that include writings by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, and Luxemburg, among others, and there are thirty- two smaller archives that include writings by Antonio Labriola, CLR James, and Georg Lukács, just to name a few. As with the Gramsci Archive, the other archives are accessible in a variety of different languages.
Gramsci for Beginners
Those who want to know more about Gramsci's life and work may look at Gramsci for Beginners, which "is both for those who know little or nothing about Antonio Gramsci and those who are familiar with his life and writings but want to deepen their knowledge of him, his times and his [END PAGE 36] ideas." Gramsci for Beginners includes an explanation as to why Gramsci's writings are important
today, a biography of Gramsci, an overview of the Prison Notebooks, and a glossary of terms
from the Prison Notebooks. Gramsci for Beginners is written in a tone that is politically committed
but also very clear and informative.
Gramsci e o Brasil
Gramsci e o Brasil is a virtual library of Gramscian scholarship. The primary focus of the web site is a Gramscian view of Brazilian culture, politics, and society, but the site also contains a biography and chronology of Gramsci's life, a Portuguese bibliography of works by and on Gramsci, on-line essays on aspects of Gramscian and Marxian theory, and essays on Latin American politics. Currently the site holds over 125 on-line essays by a variety of academics, political analysts, and activists with a Gramscian perspective. The size and scope of Gramsci e o Brasil is unsurpassed by any other Gramscian web site on the Internet.
Antonio Gramsci Web Ring
The IGS Web Site is now a member of the Antonio Gramsci Web Ring. The Web Ring is part of the Yahoo search engine, and the purpose of the Web Ring is to organize a number of web sites around a particular theme or topic. The Antonio Gramsci Web Ring currently includes six web sites: the IGS web site; Gramsci e o Brasil; Gramsci Links Archive; Gramsci for Beginners; Cátedra Libre Antonio Gramsci, which is an organization at University Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Politica - Antonio Gramsci, which is an Italian site that includes a chronology of Gramsci's life, a bibliography of Gramsci's work, and links to political movements.
Gramsci Bibliography
Those who want to search for works written on Gramsci's life and thought may search John Cammett's comprehensive Gramsci bibliography.
International Gramsci Society
It is also worth noting that the IGS web site provides complete texts of all issues of the Newsletter, which can be downloaded in the Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. The site also enables users to search quickly and easily for information in all of the issues.
Note: All of the web sites mentioned above are available at the Gramsci Links Archive: