Concordance Table 2: Critical Edition - Volume 2

Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks, Volume 2

Translated and edited by Joseph A. Buttigieg. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.

Notebook 4 (1930-1932) Notes on Philosophy. I. Materialism and Idealism
Note # Page # Note title or first line of note.
§1 137 If one wants to study a conception of the world
§2 139 De Man's book
§3 140 Two aspects of Marxism
§4 144 Machiavellianism and Marxism
§5 144 Historical materialism and practical criteria or canons of historical and political interpretation
§6 147 Roberto Ardigò
§7 149 Superstructures and science
§8 150 Machiavelli and Marx
§9 151 A repertory of Marxism
§10 152 Marx and Machiavelli
§11 152 Fundamental problems of Marxism
§12 153 Structure and superstructure
§13 154 Notes and observations on the "Popular Manual"
§14 155 The concept of "orthodoxy"
§15 156 Croce and Marx
§16 158 The teleology of the "Popular Manual"
§17 158 Immanence and the "Popular Manual"
§18 159 The technique of thinking
§19 161 The "technical instrument" in the "Popular Manual"
§20 161 Croce and Marx
§21 162 The technique of thinking
§22 162 Croce and Marx. The value of ideologies
§23 163 The "Popular Manual" and sociological laws
§24 163 The Restoration and historicism
§25 164 Notes on the "Popular Manual
§26 166 The "Popular Manual" and the "ultimate cause"
§27 166 Teleology
§28 166 Antonino Lovecchio, Filosofia della prassi e filosofia dello spirito
§29 166 Machiavelli
§30 167 De Man's book
§31 168 By Georges Sorel
§32 172 The "Popular Manual"
§33 173 The passage from knowing to understanding to feeling...
§34 174 Apropos of the appellation of "historical materialism"
§35 174 On the origin of the concept of "ideology"
§36 175 Criteria of "literary" judgement
§37 176 Idealism-positivism. ["Objectivity" of knowledge.]
§38 177 Relations between structure and superstructures
§39 188 On the "Popular Manual"
§40 188 Philosophy and ideology
§41 189 Science
§42 191 Giovanni Vailati and scientific language
§43 192 The "objectivity of the real" and Prof. Lukács
§44 193 Sorel
§45 194 Structure and superstructures
§46 196 Philosophy-politics-economics
§47 197 The objectivity of the real and Engels
§48 198 Henri De Man's book
§49 199 The intellectuals
§50 210 The common school
§51 214 Brains and brawn
§52 215 Americanism and Fordism
§53 220 Concordats and international treaties
§54 225 1918
§55 225 The educational principle in elementary and secondary school
§56 231 Machiavelli and the "autonomy" of the phenomenon of politics
§57 232 Vincenzo Cuoco and passive revolution
§58 233 [Popular literature]
§59 233 [History of the subaltern classes]
§60 233 Cultural topics
§61 234 Philosophy-ideology, science-doctrine
§62 235 Military and political craft
§63 236 The Sorel-Croce correspondence
§64 236 "History and Anti-history"
§65 236 Past and present
§66 237 The military element in politics
§67 240 The relative greatness of powerful nations
§68 240 Il libro di don Chisciotte by E. Scarfoglio
§69 241 On political parties
§70 242 Sorel, the Jacobins, violence
§71 242 Science
§72 242 The new intellectual
§73 243 Lorianism
§74 243 G. B. Angioletti
§75 243 Past and present
§76 244 Vittorio Macchioro and America
§77 245 Types of periodicals
§78 246 The question of "structure and poetry" in the Divine Comedy...
§79 248 Criticism of the "unexpressed"?
§80 249 Pliny records that when Timanthes of Sicyon painted...
§81 249 The date of Guido Cavalcanti's death...
§82 250 Guido's disdain
§83 251 Vincenzo Morello. Dante, Farinata, Cavalcante
§84 254 The "renunciations of description" in the Divine Comedy
§85 255 One of the "Sotto la Mole" columns, entitled "Il cieco Tiresia"...
§86 256 I am transcribing some passages on the topic of Cavalcante and Farinata from a letter by Prof. U. Cosmo...
§87 257 Since one should not care a hoot about the solemn task of advancing Dante criticism...
§88 258 Shaw and Gordon Craig
§89 259 Cultural topics
§90 259 Catholic integralists, Jesuits, Modernists
§91 260 The cosmopolitan character of Italian intellectuals
§92 261 Cultural topics
§93 261 Intellectuals. Brief notes on English culture
§94 264 Concordat
§95 264 History of the subaltern classes

Go to Notebook: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

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Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: November 25, 2024