Coordinating Committee

The IGS Coordinating Committee is composed of a number of individuals who represent various geo-cultural areas and who collaborate with the secretary in gathering and disseminating information of interest to IGS members.

The International Gramsci Society held its fifth general assembly on 1 October 2021 at the the International Conference in Cagliari. The Assembly included scholars from 15 different countries. The Assembly noted that the objectives set at the Campinas Assembly meeting in 2017 had been achieved and discussed the problems relating to its presence in various countries, activities undertaken, and projects for the next few years. The character of the Association was reaffirmed, which aims to be a useful network for the exchange of experiences, study materials, and ideas for disseminating the knowledge of Gramsci in the world.

The Assembly—remembering the figure of Joseph Buttigieg, founder, irreplaceable point of reference and long-time president of IGS, who passed away in 2019—elected Guido Liguori as the new president of the International Gramsci Society. The Assembly also confirmed in office the board elected in Campinas in 2017, asking Derek Boothman, director of the International Gramsci Journal, to be part of it; and confirming Marcus Green as the Secretary of the Association.  

The IGS Coordinating Committee is now composed of the following members:

Current Members

Guido Liguori
Marcus E. Green
Alvaro Bianchi Brazil
Derek Boothman Italy
Martin Cortes Argentina
Marcos Del Roio
President of IGS-Brasil
Romain Descendre France
Lea Durante Italy
Anxo Garrido Fernández Spain
Eleonora Forenza Italy
Gianni Fresu Italy
Fabio Frosini Italy
Miguel Angel Herrera Colombia
Patrizia Manduchi Italy
Massimo Modonesi Mexico
Koichi Ohara Japan
Ingo Pohn-Lauggas Austria
Ivete Simionatto Brazil
Panagiotis Sotiris Greece
Peter Thomas United Kingdom
Fernando Zamorano Spain

In Memoriam

Giorgio Baratta (1938–2010)
Francisco Fernández Buey (1943–2012)
Joseph A. Buttigieg (1947–2019)
Carlos Nelson Coutinho (1943–2012)
Valentino Gerratana (1919–2000)
Eric Hobsbawm (1917–2012)
United Kingdom
Antonio Santucci (1949–2004)

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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025