IGS News

Death of Joseph A. Buttigieg (January 27, 2019)

oseph A. ButtigiegIt is with great sadness we report that Joseph A. Buttigieg, President and founding member of the International Gramsci Society, passed away on Sunday, January 27, 2019.The University of Notre Dame announced the sad news.




Ghilarza Summer School 2018

The call for the 2018 Ghilarza Summer School is now available.

Ghilarza Summer School 2016

The Ghilarza Summer School - Scuola internazionale di studi gramsciani offers 15 scholarships for participating in an advanced studies course on the thought of Antonio Gramsci. The course will be held in Ghilarza (the small town in Sardinia were Gramsci spent the years of his childhood and youth) during the period from 5th to 10th September 2016, and will be dedicated to the subject: the expansion of ideology: folklore, religion, common sense, good sense, philosophy

La Ghilarza Summer School - Scuola internazionale di studi gramsciani bandisce 15 posti per la partecipazione a un corso di alta formazione sul pensiero di Antonio Gramsci.
Il corso si svolgerà a Ghilarza (il paese della Sardegna in cui Gramsci visse negli anni dell’infanzia e della giovinezza) dal 5 al 10 settembre 2016 e sarà dedicato al tema: l’estensione dell’ideologia: folclore, religione, senso comune, buon senso, filosofia.

More details available here / PDF.

Call for Papers: Past and Present: Philosophy, Politics, and History in the Thought of Gramsci
International Conference, 18-19 June 2015, King's College London

Speakers: Fabio Frosini (Urbino), Alex Loftus (KCL), Peter Thomas (Brunel); including contributions and chairing from: Carl Levy (Goldsmiths), Magnus Ryner (KCL), Anne Showstack Sassoon (Birkbeck), Leila Simona Talani (KCL), Cosimo Zene (SOAS).

The legacy of the Italian theorist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) has been widely acknowledged as one of the most significant intellectual contributions of the twentieth century. Even as the historical events of his life have faded from living memory, Gramsci's thought has increased in influence and become diffused amongst a multitude of disciplines in the academic firmament; from philosophy to history and geography, through cultural theory and subaltern studies, to international relations, linguistics, critical legal studies and beyond.

In light of the widespread and heterogeneous deployments of his ideas, it seems apt and necessary to return to the texts themselves: Gramsci's pre-prison and his prison writings, both the Prison Notebooks and the Letters from Prison. The aim of this conference is to bring together a new generation of scholars working on Gramscian themes in order to engage closely with his writings.

Working in collaboration with experienced Gramsci scholars, this conference is the first initiative of a group of early-career researchers and graduate students. Through a combination of panels and workshops, the conference will provide participants with the opportunity to present their work and to receive constructive feedback in a friendly and stimulating environment.

The two-day international conference also aims to contribute to the process of building links between Anglophone and international, in particular Italian, Gramsci scholarship. The organizers hope to create a network through which to share research and encourage interactions between researchers from different countries working on Gramscian thought and related topics. It is proposed that an edited collection of essays will be published as a product of the conference and further engagements.

Gramsci's perspective is marked by a profound sense of the manifold connections between the explanation of the past and the analysis of the present. Our intention is collectively to investigate the rich potentialities of the theme 'Past and Present' in his thought. Participants are invited to explore the conceptual laboratory of Gramsci's historical-political narration, as well as his endeavour to theorize the unity of theory and practice. This nexus between 'explication' of the past and strategic 'analysis' of the present is characteristic of the originality of Gramsci's approach to the 'question of theory'. More broadly, the conference aspires to study the way in which Gramsci's historical perspective intermingles with his engaged concern for the future of a 'big and terrible' world, in the sense that might today be called 'global history'.

Gramsci's ability to dialectically unite seemingly opposed elements (i.e. civil society and the state, structure and superstructure, the spatial elements of historicism, or vice versa the multiple temporalities going across the political space) illuminates the capacity of his thought to stimulate critical renewals in various domains of thought. Further investigation of this critical project reveals the aspect of 'reciprocal translatability' that Gramsci identifies between different facets of the knowledge of reality as 'philosophy', 'politics' and 'economics'. The conference aims to explore the ongoing elaboration of this 'homogeneous circle' (Notebook 4, § 46), that is, the constitution of Gramsci's conception of the world and its relation to history, understood as a unitary and dynamic process.

Consequently, we encourage paper proposals that analyze Gramsci's thought (either the prison or his pre-prison writings) from political, philosophical, economic, and historical points of view, whilst evoking the connections between these different dimensions. Inter-disciplinary papers that focus on the reappraisal of Gramscian concepts in the contemporary world (within cultural theory, post-colonial studies, International Relations, geography, history of science, etc.) are also welcome.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: the Marxian legacy and the philosophy of praxis; Gramsci and global history: the 'integral historian'; the Gramscian analysis of modernity: crisis, hegemony and passive revolution; the Party and the role of the traditional and organic intellectuals; Gramsci and pragmatism: language, truth, ideology; Anti-economism and Gramsci's critical economy; Gramscian cultural writings; Centre and periphery; From 'subaltern social groups' to global subalternity.

Speakers will have to cover their trip and accommodation expenses.

Abstracts of no more than 400 words should be sent by Friday 23rd January 2015 to: gramsciconference2015@gmail.com

Supported by:
- Department of European Studies, King's College London
- Department of Geography, King's College London
- International Gramsci Society
- International Gramsci Society - Italia
- Ghilarza Summer School – Scuola internazionale di studi gramsciani

Organizing committee:
Francesca Antonini (Università di Pavia, Italy)
Aaron Bernstein (King's College London)
Lorenzo Fusaro (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico)
Robert Jackson (Manchester Metropolitan University)

For further information, please contact gramsciconference2015@gmail.com or visit http://gramsciconference2015.blogspot.co.uk/

Ghilarza Summer School 2014

The Ghilarza Summer School offers 15 scholarships for participating to an advanced studies course on the thought of Antonio Gramsci. The course will be held in Ghilarza (OR) during the period from 8th to 12th September 2014, and will be dedicated to the subject: Hegemonic/Subaltern.

La Ghilarza Summer School bandisce 15 posti per la partecipazione a un corso di alta formazione sul pensiero di Antonio Gramsci. Il corso si svolgerà a Ghilarza (OR) nel periodo 8-12 settembre 2014 e sarà dedicato al tema: Egemonico/Subalterno.

More details available here / PDF.

Call for Papers: Science as Cultural Hegemony: Gramscian Concepts for the History of Science

International Workshop
23-24 January, 2014
Centre d’Història de la Ciència (CEHIC)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)-Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC)

In spite of the longstanding perception of modern science as value-free knowledge of the external world, the boundaries between a supposed ideology-free history of ideas and an ideology-loaded social history of science have been progressively blurred in the last decades. As a result, criticisms of the autonomy and neutrality of modern science have permeated more or less explicitly recent historiography of science. Within such a framework, the profiles, responsibilities and commitments of academics, and especially of those involved in the natural sciences, have been dramatically realigned.

As some recent scholarship has shown, of particular significance in discussing these issues are the reflections of the political thinker Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). In his Prison Notebooks of the 1920s and the 1930s, he provided scholars with an effective vocabulary to critically grasp new interactions between science and society. Key notions such as “cultural hegemony,” and the role of the “intellectuals” (scientists, experts, popularizers, educators), when raised within the context of historiography of science, may help to articulate new approaches for understanding the relationship between science and social control.

The workshop aims at examining and assessing the ways in which hegemonic values and science have been continuously intertwined. It may provide the opportunity to bring to surface the manner in which science—through its practices, conceptions, justifications, transmission, circulation and employment—mirrored power relations in the past.

Contributions focused on specific case studies, and historiographical papers are equally welcome.

The workshop will be organized around the following themes:

  1. The ways in which power relations and ideology have been historically reflected in scientific practices and in the circulation of knowledge through hegemonic values.
  2. The rhetoric of “neutral objectivity of science” and its relation in social control and in governance as technocracy.
  3. The relation between science and popular culture and the forms of interaction between experts and laymen.
  4. The collective responsibility of intellectuals and the possibilities for building up a critical discourse in the natural sciences.
  5. The struggle for academic hegemony in history of science, science teaching, science popularization, and geography of science (especially the center-periphery relations).

We specifically urge the participation of young scholars.

The workshop language will be English.

It is intended to publish a volume with papers, which will be further elaborated as a result of the discussions during the workshop.

Please send a title and an abstract proposal of no more than 400 words to Agustí Nieto-Galan [agusti.nieto@uab.cat] before 01 May 2013.

See the Call for Paper PDF for more information.

Posted: 6 March 2013

GramsciSource Now On-line

GramsciSource.org is available to the public in beta form. The site includes the complete Italian version of Gramsci's complete Prison Notebooks. This is just the beginning of a detailed and comprehensive projet.

Posted: 19 June 2012

Call for Chapters: Gramsci and Foucault, A Reassessment

The ideas of these two towering thinkers of the 20th century, Gramsci and Foucault, have all too often fallen into opposing camps. Radhakrishnan (1987) argues that Foucault’s understanding of the subject remains philosophical, while Gramsci’s continual interrogation of the relation between the individual and the group allows for concrete political theory and action. Richard Day’s “Gramsci is Dead” (2005) meanwhile attacks the whole notion of hegemony from a Foucauldian perspective. Scott Lash (2007) argues that ‘power over’, in contemporary society, has become post-­-hegemonic, suggesting a more Foucauldian conception of ‘power from within.’ The noted neo-­-Gramscian Stephen Gill (Griffiths 2009), meanwhile, has drawn substantially on Foucauldian notions of panopticism to develop his new concepts of disciplinary neo-­-liberalism.

Are these two thinkers really as opposed as a simplistic humanist/antihumanist comparison might suggest, i.e. “the imprisoned leader of the Italian communist party and the anticommunist campaigner for reform of the penal system” (Ekers and Loftus 2008). Is it, as Barnett would have it, that “marxist and Foucauldian approaches “imply different models of the nature of explanatory concepts; different models of causality and determination; different models of social relations and agency; and different normative understandings of political power” (Barnett, 2005:8). Or is it merely that the two thinkers focused upon differing aspects of a wider picture that do not exclude each other: does Foucault’s concentration upon the micropolitics in society that adds up to and constitutes the central figure of the State undermine and discount, or complement and mirror Gramsci’s concentration on the hegemonic reach of that centre out into the minutiae of social relations?

This book sets out to deliberate in detail some of the issues, linkages, dissonances, and potential harmonies between the work of these two great thinkers, in search of tools of socio-­-political and critical analysis for the 21st century. Contexts as various as human geography, online social networking, political economy, critical theory and beyond are welcomed for a rich and lively collection.

Abstracts are invited from all interested parties towards a full proposal to Ashgate Publishing who are interested in this book. Subject to successful review, full chapters will be expected by 30th September 2012, with a view to publication by Ashgate Publishing in 2013. Further details: Gramsci-Foucault_CallforChapters.pdf

Posted: 17 Sept 2011

“Negotiating The Enlightenment: Kant, Gramsci, Education & Women” Conference

What is Enlightenment? asked Immanuel Kant, speaking for the scholarly European. Antonio Gramsci took it out of the university and planned, in his prison notebooks, to bring the subaltern into the question. His planning was made possible by Tatiana Schucht and Giulia Schucht Gramsci. Our conference will enter this narrative of intellectual history, with equal focus on Kant, Gramsci, and the Schucht sisters.


· Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Columbia University)

· David Freedberg (The Italian Academy, Columbia University)

· Ursula Apitzsch (Goethe-University of Frankfurt/Main)

· Joseph Buttigieg (University of Notre Dame)

· Elisabeth Ellis (Texas A&M University)

· Mika LaVaque-Manty (University of Michigan)

· Luca Maria Scarantino (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)

· Sven Trakulhun (University of Zurich)

· Nadia Urbinati (Columbia University)

Friday, March 25 from 10:00 am-5:00 pm

The Italian Academy
1161 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027

For complete information and schedule, visit

Sponsored by Columbia University Global Cultural Studies and The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies

The Death of Giorgio Baratta (January 20, 2010) 

by Guido Liguori

Giorgio BarattaIt is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death today of Giorgio Baratta, after an illness that he had borne with strength and courage, but whose progression had inevitably led to a deterioration in his condition over the last few months. Right up to the last, Giorgio remained what he had always been – calm, optimistic, active, keenly interested in the problems of others. The entire membership of the IGS, and all those who have known him, embrace and extend their condolences to his family, to his wife Gisela, to his children and share in their grief.

Giorgio Baratta was one of the founders of the IGS and of its Italian section, IGS-Italia, whose President he was. He was founder and president of the Immaginare l’Europa network and, most latterly, he collaborated in the foundation and leadership of Terra Gramsci, an organization that, in connexion with the IGS-Italia, was born in Sardinia.

For many years Baratta taught philosophy at the University of Urbino, studying the philosophy of the Renaissance, of Husserl, of Sartre, of Marxism, proceeding to the “discovery” of Gramsci, of whose work he became not only a tireless propagator, but also one of the world’s most highly-regarded and renowned scholars. Among his last books (all in the catalogue of Rome’s Carocci publishing house) are Le rose e i quaderni (The Roses and the Notebooks), 2000 and 2003; Antonio Gramsci in contrappunto (Antonio Gramsci in Counterpoint), 2007; Leonardo tra noi (Leonardo among Us), 2007.

A creative and extremely active cultural organizer, the possessor of an artistic vein that was deep-rooted in his family, Baratta was the author of researches and contributions on a variety of musical subjects (Leonardo and music, Verdi in Italian culture, poetry and music in bossa nova, the musical thought of Adorno; and so the list goes on), while also producing and bringing to fruition innumerable cultural events (many of them devoted to Brazil, such as Napoli-Bahia), congresses, reviews, and films. In this latter field he conceived and wrote the script for the 1987 Gramsci l’ho visto così (I saw Gramsci this Way), directed by Gianni Amelio, as well as bringing to the screen New York e il mistero di Napoli. Viaggio nel mondo di Gramsci raccontato da Dario Fo (New York and the Mystery of Naples. A Journey into the World of Gramsci, as Told by Dario Fo).

Publication of Dizionario gramsciano 1926-1937 

The IGS is pleased to announce the publication of Dizionario gramsciano 1926-1937, edited by Guido Liguori and Pasquale Voza, published by Carocci. The publication of this comprehensive dictionary marks an important development in Gramscian studies. As the English translation of the publisher's description explains:

Dizionario gramsciano

In the last ten years of his life, while in prison Gramsci dedicated much thought to the defeat of the communist movement and the failure of the revolution in the West. He reworked the fundamental questions of his previous political action, rethinking the answers that had been given and the experiences lived through. On this basis, he devised a particular lexis of his own, in order to express his political theory and, together with it, an entire world of concepts that would exert their influence over the most varied fields of knowledge. This language of his often invents new words, or reinvents old ones, infusing them with new and different meanings. The Gramscian Dictionary 1926-1937, a collective work by scholars of different nationalities, cultures and expertise, reconstructs the meaning of the lexical items and concepts present in the Prison Notebooks and the Prison Letters and, uniting scientific rigour and clarity of exposition,  through its over 600 entries provides the necessary accompaniment to the world’s most widely known Italian thinker of modern times.

Dizionario gramsciano 1926-1937 is available for purchase on the Carocci website. Currently the dictionary is available only in Italian.

Posted: 22 December 2009

IGS Call for Papers > Rethinking Marxism 2009 Conference 

Rethinking Marxism 2009 Conference
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
5-8 November 2009

The International Gramsci Society is organizing a number of panels for the Rethinking Marxism 2009 Conference at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

As part of the Rethinking Marxism Conference, the IGS plans to sponsor several panels related to Gramsian studies and topics.

We invite members of the IGS community to submit paper proposals on topics related to Gramscian studies and to the application of Gramsci's ideas.

Proposals for papers should include:
  1. Paper title
  2. Presenter's name, affiliation, and contact information (email, phone)
  3. Brief abstract (no more than 200 words)

Please send proposals to Joseph A. Buttigieg and Marcus E. Green by e-mail.

Deadline for proposal submissions: 15 July 2009.

For more information on the Rethinking Marxism 2009 Conference, see

Rethinking Marxism is a journal of economics, culture & society.

Posted: 22 March 2009

Gramsci Caucus of the American Association for Italian Studies

The newly-constituted Gramsci caucus of the American Association for Italian Studies will hold its first meeting in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the AAIS, to be held at  St. John’s University’s Manhattan Campus, May 7-10, 2009.

For those who are interested in participating, I am attaching, below, copies of the caucus’s mission statement and of the AAIS’s call for sessions/roundtables.

Gramsci Caucus Mission Statement:
The Gramsci Studies caucus seeks to promote and develop the study of the work and writings of Antonio Gramsci; to provide a North American meeting place to foster professional relationships; and a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of the results of members’ research. Discussion topics will cluster around, but not be limited to intellectual history; history and historiography; Americanism and Fordism; and Italian cultural politics and political culture.

Call for Sessions and Roundtables:
The AAIS is now accepting session and roundtable proposals for the forthcoming Conference at St. John’s University, Manhattan campus, May 7-10, 2009. Please do not send attachments. Instead, include all information for proposals and completed sessions within the body of the e-mail. 

November 15th
Call for sessions and roundtables sent to Renga.1@osu.edu .
Completed sessions or roundtables may also be sent at this time.
Please include the following information for each proposed session or roundtable:
            Title of Session or Roundtable            
            Organizer, affiliation, e.mail address
Please include the following information for each completed session or roundtable:
            Title of Session or Roundtable in Upper Case
            Organizer, affiliation, e.mail address
            Chair (if different from Organizer), affiliation
            Name, affiliation, title for each participant in a session
            Name, affiliation for each participant in a roundtable
            Any audio-visual equipment needed.
January 2nd
Proposals due to Session and Roundtable Organizers to include title, brief abstract (150-200 words) and audio-visual needs.
January 20th
Completed sessions and roundtable submitted to renga.1@osu.edu .
Please include the following information for each completed session or roundtable:
            Title of Session or Roundtable in Upper Case
            Organizer, affiliation, e.mail address
            Chair (if different from Organizer), affiliation
            Name, affiliation, title for each participant in a session
            Name, affiliation for each participant in a roundtable
            Any audio-visual equipment needed.
Please remember that according to AAIS By-Laws, you must be member in good standing to propose or participate in a session or roundtable. Click here http://aais.info/membership.htm  for AAIS membership.
Lodging, Registration and Event information coming soon.

Posted: 26 August 2009

Memorial for John Cammett

JOHN M. CAMMETT (1927-2008)

Sunday, October 5, 2008 | 11:00 A.M.

Gerald W. Lynch Auditorium
John Jay College
899 Tenth Ave (between 58-59 Sts)
New York, N. Y. 10019

Reception to follow

In memory of his life and work, his family is establishing the "JOHN M. CAMMETT MEMORIAL AWARD" to be given to a deserving advanced History graduate student pursuing scholarship in areas dear to John's heart and interests.

Contributions are most welcome. Check should be made out to the Graduate Center Foundation with a notation that they are for the John M. Cammett Memorial Award and mailed to the

Ph.D. Program in History
The Graduate Center - CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, N. Y. 10016-4309
(Tax deductible)

History Department
College of Staten Island - CUNY
Staten Island, N. Y. 10314
718 982 2885

Posted: 26 August 2008 (updated 11 Sept 2008)

The Death of John Cammett

It is with the deepest sadness that we communicate to fellow IGS members the news we have just received about one of our most wonderful colleagues and treasured friends.

John M. Cammett, a distinguished historian, Italianist, and most renowned Gramsci scholar in the United States, died yesterday in New York.  A founding member of the International Gramsci Society, John Cammett has worked indefatigably since the 1980s to promote the IGS.

Cammett was the author of the first book-long study on Gramsci in the English language: Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism (Stanford University Press, 1967). In the 1990s Cammett came to be known the world over for his comprehensive Bibliografia gramsciana which cataloged and described thousands of books and articles on Gramsci (as well as works by Gramsci) in numerous languages. The first edition of Cammett’s meticulous bibliography was presented at the International Gramsci Congress that was held in Formia in 1989—it listed 6,000 titles in 26 languages. The bibliography, continuously updated by the Fondazione Gramsci, has grown to 17,000 titles in 40 languages, and is now also readily available on line.

John Cammett was active in labor politics and the trade union movement well before completing his studies at Columbia University. For most of his academic career he was a professor of History at John Jay College of the City Univ. of New York, where he also served for many years as dean. Cammett was also a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of CUNY.

John Cammett inspired all the major initiatives of the IGS and was the major driving force behind its growth. He leaves us with an enormous debt of gratitude for all he taught us and enabled us to achieve. We mourn his loss with the most profound sadness.

Posted: 31 July 2008

Rethinking Marxism 2009


Posted: 26 June 2008.

IGS-Mexico Conference: 29 November - 1 December 2007
The conference program for the IV Conferencia Internacional Estudios Gramscianos ‘Gramsci a Setenta Años de la Muerte’ (Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de México) is available on the IGS website. Click here.

Posted: 10 October 2007.

Gramsci Symposium: Nov. 9-11, 2007 at Michigan State University

The College of Arts and Letters at Michigan State University is pleased to host “Gramsci Now: Cultural and Political Theory,” an international symposium to mark the 70th anniversary of the death of Antonio Gramsci. The symposium will be held Friday through Sunday, November 9-11, 2007 in East Lansing, Michigan, USA.

This very special event is being hosted as part of the “Year of Arts and Culture” at Michigan State University.

The symposium is broadly interdisciplinary in scope, with panels on:
    • Gramsci and Post-Colonial Theory
    • Gramsci’s Relevance to Contemporary Economic and Political Theory
    • Gramsci and Cultural Studies

There will also be four plenary addresses on:
    • Reading Gramsci: Questions of Method
    • Gramsci’s Concept of Common Sense
    • Gramsci’s Conception of Political Organization
    • Gramsci and ‘The New World Order’

Presenters are:
    Stanley Aronowitz
    Joseph A. Buttigieg
    Kate Crehan
    Roberto Dainotto
    Michael Denning
    Benedetto Fontana
    Stephen Gill
    Marcia Landy
    Guido Liguori
    Frank Rosengarten
    David Ruccio
    Epifanio San Juan, Jr.

Visit www.cal.msu.edu/Gramsci.php for more information.

Posted: 10 October 2007

July 1, 2007: Call for Papers > Gramsci Symposium in Tokyo - 1 & 2 December 2007

A Symposium commemorating the 70th anniversary of the death of Antonio Gramsci will be held at the Liberty Tower of Meiji University located at Surugadai, Tokyo on the 1st and 2nd of December 2007.

The initiative has been taken by a number of Japanese scholars, researchers and activists interested in researching and deepening the thoughts and theories of the Italian Marxist revolutionary, Antonio Gramsci. Since last June 2006, they have discussed how to celebrate this event of world historical importance.

It will also be an occasion to discuss and reflect on the world situation, characterized by deepening globalization, as well as on the critical situation in Japan as shown by the deterioration of various kinds of “differences or gaps” in the society and the rise of populism, new and old versions of nationalism, etc.

Although we do not have the capacity to accommodate scholars from abroad to attend the symposium, we invite scholars to submit paper proposals for consideration in the symposium proceedings.

While all papers that address the following topics would be particularly welcomed, anyone from abroad wishing to make a contribution needs to submit a title and abstract of the proposed paper of no more than 200 words, no later than July 15, 2007 to the Secretariat of the symposium via e-mail (gramsci@m18.alpha-net.ne.jp).

All proposed papers, written in English or Italian language and no more than 5,000 words, should be sent to the Secretariat at latest by the end of August 2007. By the end of October the Special volume of papers will be translated and published to all Japanese participants in the symposium.

Provisional Main Topics of Symposium

  1. The globalization and the Gramscian concept of hegemony.
  2. The theoretical problems related to the deciphering of the Prison Notebooks. The last ten years of Gramscian study and now.
  3. Japanese contemporary history and Gramscian study.
  4. The functions of intellectuals and education in the 21st century.
  5. The role of culture and media in the 21st century.
  6. Movements and thoughts of autonomy, cooperation and democracy. Verifying the theories and practice of social movements.  
  7. Gramsci and contemporary thinkers (Said/Foucault/Hall,etc).

For the organizing committee of the Symposium
Nobuaki Kurosawa (Nagano University)
Koichi Ohara (IGS-Japan)

June 5, 2007: IV Conferencia Internacional de Estudios Gramscianos 2007, Buenos Aires, pospuesto

conferencia pospuesta al marzo de 2008


“Antonio Gramsci: A Sardinian in the ‘Vast and Terrible World’”

SARDINIA: 2-5 MAY 2007

The third conference/convention of the International Gramsci Society will be held in Sardinia, Italia from the 2nd to the 5th of May 2007 in collaboration with Casa Museo Gramsci of Ghilarza, the Casa Natale Gramsci of Ales, and the Istituto Gramsci of Sardinia.

The inaugural conference of the IGS was held in Naples ten years ago and the second one took place in Rio de Janeiro in 2001. To mark the 70th anniversary of Gramsci’s death, the IGS will hold its next international conference in Sardinia, Gramsci’s birthplace. It will be an occasion to discuss and reflect on his legacy in the places—Cagliari, Ghilarza, and Ales—where he spent the earliest formative years of his life.

The conference program will consist of four plenary sessions as well as three concurrent sessions. Every plenary session will open with two talks of 30 minutes each; they will be followed by a series of shorter papers (20 minutes each). Each of the concurrent sessions will have one 30-minute opening presentation that will be followed by a number of 20-minute papers. Participants may wish to write longer papers with a view to subsequent publication—in which case their presentations at the conference will consist in a partial reading or a summary of the longer version of their work. The relative brevity of the presentations is necessary to ensure that as many active participants as possible can be included in the conference program.

Anyone wishing to participate in the conference needs to submit a title and an abstract of the proposed paper and indicate in which of the sessions (listed below) she or he would like to be included. All proposals should be sent via e-mail before February 15th to the following address: igs2007 @ victoryiscertain.com

 The proposals will be reviewed by the conference program committee that will make the final decision on which papers will be included in the official program. The decisions of the committee will be communicated to all prospective participants on March 15th.

Conference participants are expected to be current members of the IGS or IGS-Italia. To become an IGS member or renew one’s membership please go to:

(Participants from Italy: please check the Italian version of this message for information on applying for or renewing membership in IGS-Italia.)

The IGS does not have the financial resources to defray the participants’ travel expenses to and from Sardinia. Efforts are under way to secure funds to provide all participants included in the program with hotel accommodation in Sardinia for the duration of the conference. Modest grants may also become available to partially defray the travel expenses of young scholars. (Applications for these grants should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae.)


1. Plenary session: The National-International nexus
The nation state and globalization; the processes of national and international hegemonies; the relation between state and market; the national-popular and globalization; a new internationalism; the role of supra-national institutions; imperialism today; civil society today.

2.  Plenary session: From Sardinia to the World
Autonomy as self-government; the southern question past and present; folklore and subalternity; geopolitics and planetary culture.

3.  Plenary session: Intellectuals and Mass Society
New forms of relationship between the intellectuals and the masses; the new processes of forging common sense; the mass media versus the “intellectual advancement of the masses”; writing, orality, and non-verbal languages in the processes of hegemony; literature/literatures; intellectuals and the formation of common sense; music as “the most universal language of our time”; schooling and formation; continuing education

4. Plenary session: Passive Revolution and the Struggle for Hegemony
The modalities of bourgeois hegemony at the present time;  striving for an alternative hegemony; globalization as passive revolution; the political party today; non-statal political formations (movements); parliamentary democracy and new forms of democracy; religion and politics.

5. Concurrent sessions:

  1. How well is Gramsci known in the world today? Translations, editions, translatability; discourses
  2. Marxism as “philosophy of praxis”
  3. Gramsci in the schools

July 30, 2006: Call for papers: IV Conferencia Internacional de Estudios Gramscianos 2007

IV International Conference on Gramscian Studies 2007

La Fondazione Istituto Gramsci y la IGS (Mexico) organizan la IV Conferencia Internacional de Estudios Gramscianos 2007, “La Presencia de Antonio Gramsci en la Cultura Latinoamericana 1937–2007,” en la ciudad de Buenos Aires los días 2 a 4 de noviembre de 2007. {Pospuesto al marzo de 2008}.

El comité científico del evento es presidido por Juan Carlos Portantiero, Alberto Filippi (Argentina), Giuseppe Vacca (Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, Roma) y Dora Kanoussi (Universidad Autónoma de Puebla).

Los temas de la conferencia son

  1. Momentos importantes de la difusión de la obra de Gramsci en América Latina, 1947 – 1992.
  2. Interpretaciones sobresalientes del pensamiento gramsciano en América Latina del 1992 a 2007.
  3. Los ‘usos’ de Gramsci en la cultura política latinoamericana

Invitamos a los estudiosos interesados a enviar sus propuestas de ponencia a más tardar el 30 diciembre 2006, a dorakanoussi @ yahoo.com con:

  1. Titulo de la ponencia
  2. Nombre del autor y datos (dirección electrónica, teléfonos etc).
  3. Breve resumen de no más de 300 palabras

April 13, 2006: “Antonio Gramsci e i subalterni” Seminar in Rome, Italy

January 17, 2006: IGS Call for Papers: Rethinking Marxism 2006 Conference

Rethinking Marxism 2006 Conference
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
26-28 October 2006

The International Gramsci Society is organizing a number of panels for the Rethinking Marxism 2006 Conference at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA on 26-28 October 2006.

As part of the Rethinking Marxism Conference, the IGS plans to sponsor four panels related to Gramsian studies and topics.

We invite members of the IGS community to submit paper proposals on topics related to Gramscian studies and to the application of Gramsci's ideas.

Proposals for papers should include:

  1. Paper title
  2. Presenter's name and contact information (address, email, phone, fax)
  3. Brief abstract (no more than 200 words)

Please send proposals to Joseph A. Buttigieg and Marcus E. Green .

Deadline for proposal submissions: 1 June 2006.

For more information on the Rethinking Marxism 2006 Conference, see

To submit a non-IGS paper proposal, go to

Rethinking Marxism is a journal of economics, culture & society. For more
information on the journal, see http://www.nd.edu/~remarx/

May 23, 2005: Call for Papers: “Gramsci: Materialism and Culture”
An interdisciplinary conference at the University of Toronto, October 14-15, 2005. The purpose of this conference is to bring together scholars interested in revisiting the relationship between materialism and culture in the thought of Antonio Gramsci.

Papers can be in, but need not be restricted to, the following general areas:

(i) Materialism and culture in Gramsci's sources
(ii) The intellectual context of Gramsci's thought
(iii) The conceptual dynamics of materialism and culture in Gramsci's works
(iv) The legacy of Gramsci

Papers should be approximately 30 minutes in length and may be either in Italian or in English.

Send proposals (200 words) to Domenico Pietropaolo at domenico.pietropaolo@utoronto.ca by August 1, 2005.

All proposals should include the authors's affiliation and full contact information. Acceptances will be notified by August 15, 2005.

May 14, 2005: “The Gramsci Discourse” Conference at UC Santa Cruz
An interdisciplinary conference held on May 20 & 21, 2005, sponsored by Cowell College and Stevenson College, with special thanks to the Siegfried B. and Elisabeth Mignon Puknat Endowment.

Participants include: Margaret Brose (UCSC) • Joseph Buttigieg (U Notre Dame) • Giulia Centineo (UCSC) • James Clifford (UCSC) • Chris Connery (UCSC) • Vilashini Cooppan (UCSC) • Kate Crehan (College of Staten Island/Graduate Center CUNY) • Angela Davis (UCSC) • Guillermo Delgado-P. (UCSC) • Dana Frank (UCSC) • Susan Gillman (UCSC) • Jason Jacobs (UCSC) • George Lipsitz (UCSC) • Dennis Looney (U Pittsburgh) •(UCSC) • Robert Meister (UCSC) • Tyrus Miller (UCSC) • Nelson Moe (Barnard College) • Eleonora Pasotti (UCSC) • Marguerite Waller (UC Riverside).

All events will be held at the Page Smith Library, Cowell College, University of California at Santa Cruz and are free and open to the public.

A PDF conference poster with schedule is available.

January 21, 2005: "Hegemony: Explorations into Consensus, Coercion & Culture"
The University of Wollongong (Australia) is hosting a conference entitled "HEGEMONY: Explorations into Consensus, Coercion and Culture" that will take place on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th February 2005. Some of the conference papers have been made available for download on the conference web site.

The conference guests include: Joseph Buttigieg (USA), Derek Boothman (Italy), Koichi Ohara (Japan), Scott Poynting (UWS), Boris Frankel (Melb), Peter Beilharz (Latrobe), Alastair Davidson (UOW).

January 20, 2005: The Death of Nicola Badaloni
Nicola Badaloni, the renowned Italian philosopher and political theorist, has died at the age of 80. Badaloni wrote many important books and scholarly essays on Marx, Labriola and Gramsci, as well as on Bruno, Campanella, and Vico. Born in Livorno, Badaloni was a prominent member of the Italian Communist Party and served for many years as President of Istituto Gramsci in Rome. His book, Il marxismo di Gramsci (Turin: Einaudi, 1975) has been extremely influential and widely cited; among other things, it highlights the influence of Sorel and Labriola on Gramsci. Badaloni's other monograph on Gramsci was published in 1988: Il problema dell'immanenza nella filosofia politica di Antonio Gramsci (Venice: Arsenale Ed.).

May 6, 2004: Giuseppe Sormani International Prize
The Fondazione Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci, with the sponsorship of the city of Torino, announces The Giuseppe Sormani International Prize for a Work about Antonio Gramsci.

Instructions available in English, Italiano, español, and Deutsch at The Fondazione Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci.

January 22, 2004: Call for papers: MLA 2004 Conference in Philadelphia, USA
The journal Italian Culture and the American Association for Italian Studies will sponsor two sessions at the 2004 Meeting of the Modern Language Association, to be held in Philadelphia in late December, 2004. For those interested, session titles and organizers are:

1. “Gramsci, Rhetoric, and Philology”
Organizer: Roberto Dainotto

2. “Violence, Ethics, and Literature”
Organizer: Joseph Francese

October 16, 2003: ‘Images of Gramsci’ Conference Program
‘Images of Gramsci: Connections and Contentions in Political Theory and International Relations.’ Organized by Andreas Bieler and Adam Morton. University of Nottingham, U.K. 24-25 October 2003. Click here for program.

September 12, 2003: IGS-Mexico Conference Program
The conference program for the III. International Conference on Gramscian Studies (Puebla, Mexico) is available on the IGS web site. Click here.

May 12, 2003: IGS-Mexico Conference Update
The Antonio Gramsci Center at the Autonomous University of Puebla (Mexico) and La Fondazione Istituto Gramsci di Roma (Italia) are pleased to announce the participants for the 3rd International Conference on Gramscian Studies at the University of Puebla held on 7-10 October 2003:

Jorge Acanda · Manuel Almeida · Ursula Apitzsch · Giorgio Baratta · F. Beigel · Derek Boothman · Francisco Fernandez Buey · Joseph Buttigieg · Giuseppe Cospito · Carlos Nelson Coutinho · Chiara Daniele · Alastair Davidson · Donatella Di Benedetto · Carl Dyke · Roberto Finelli · Maurice Finocchiaro · Benedetto Fontana · Fabio Frosini · Francesco Giasi · R. Graf · Peter Gran · Marcus Green · Luiz Sergio Henriques · Rafael Hernandez · Manuel Herrera · F. Hidalgo · John Holst · Renate Holub · Peter Ives · Francesca Izzo · Sabine Kebir · Néstor Kohan · Guido Liguori · Rafael Quintero Lopez · Fernando Martinez · Rita Medici · Adam Morton · Marco Nogueira · Koichi Ohara · Pablo Pacheco · Silvio Pons · Andrea Texeira · Giuseppe Vacca · Yannis Voulgaris · Immanuel Wallerstein · Yichng Wu.
Paper presenters are requested to submit their papers to Dora Kanoussi by 30 September 2003.

A conference program will be sent to all participants in the last week of September.

February 16, 2003: IGS-Mexico Call for Papers
The Antonio Gramsci Center at the Autonomous University of Puebla (Mexico), scientific location of the International Gramsci Society (IGS-Mexico), is organizing the III. International Conference on Gramscian Studies. The conference will be held on 7-10 October 2003 at the Autonomous University of Puebla (Mexico).

The main objective of the conference is the gathering of researchers from all levels and all kinds of institutions in order to further mutual understanding and to discuss each other’s work. Work reflecting the state of the art and the advances in Gramscian studies across the world is particularly welcome. In addition, work not directly linked to Gramscian studies is also welcome, if it concerns issues from international politics and is carried out from the perspective of political science. The second part of the Conference is dedicated to these important issues. The conference will include presentations and keynote addresses by eminent colleagues. In addition, time for discussion will be included.

Prospective authors should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words by 31 March 2003. Submissions by electronic mail are encouraged in order to facilitate the review process. Send abstracts to Dora Kanoussi of the IGS-Mexico Coordinating Committee.

Abstracts will be reviewed and those selected will be notified by 30 April 2003. The preliminary Conference program will be issued on 30 April 2003.

In addition to the abstract, the following information is required:
Name, title, organization, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail.

31 March 2003: Submittal of abstracts
30 April 2003: Notification of acceptance, preliminary Conference program
7 October 2003: Inauguration of the Conference
10 October 2003: End of the Conference

August 18, 2002: Call for papers: “Marxism and the World Stage” Conference
The editors of the journal Rethinking Marxism announce "Marxism and the World Stage," the fifth in its series of international Gala celebrations of the Marxian tradition. The conference will be held 6-9 November 2003 at the University Of Massachusetts at Amherst. Full details are available on the conference web site.

April 27, 2002: 65th Anniversary of Gramsci's Death.
Sixty-five years ago on this day in 1937, Antonio Gramsci died from a cerebral hemorrhage at the Quisisana clinic in Rome, just six days after his prison sentence expired. He was only forty-six years old.

April 5, 2002: Gramsci Internet Archive now searchable!
Now one can search the few on-line texts available at the Gramsci Internet Archive, which include a number of Gramsci's pre-prison writings and some sections from The Selections from the Prison Notebooks.

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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025