Gramsci Bibliography: 2020

Below is a list of recent publications related to Gramsci that have been sent to us or brought to our attention by members of the International Gramsci Society. We update the page as new information becomes available. Previous bibliographies to the year 2004 are linked below, and bibliographies from 1992-2005 are included in the archived issues of the IGS Newsletter under the heading “Gramsci Bibliography: Recent Publications.”

In addition to this site, Fondazione Istituto Gramsci in Rome hosts the comprehensive and searchable Bibliografia Gramsciana, which contains over 15,000 publication listings related to Gramsci.

To include a publication on this page, please send bibliographic information (in MLA format) to Marcus E. Green.

Bibliography: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004

Last update: May 8, 2020


Antonini, Francesca, Aaron Bernstein, and Lorenzo Fusaro, eds. Revisiting Gramsci’s Notebooks. Brill, 2020. Source.

Abstract: Revisiting Gramsci’s Notebooks offers a rich collection of historical, philosophical, and political studies addressing the thought of Antonio Gramsci, one of the most significant intellectuals of the twentieth century. Based on thorough analyses of Gramsci’s texts, these interdisciplinary investigations engage with ongoing debates in different fields of study. They are exciting evidence of the enduring capacity of Gramsci’s thought to generate and nurture innovative inquiries across diverse themes.Gathering scholars from different continents, the volume represents a global network of Gramscian thinkers from early-career researchers to experienced scholars. Combining rigorous explication of the past with a strategic analysis of the present, these studies mobilise underexplored resources from the Gramscian toolbox to confront the actuality of our “great and terrible” world.


  • Introduction: Gramsci Past and Present, by Francesca Antonini, Aaron Bernstein, Lorenzo Fusaro and Robert Jackson

Global Gramsci: Gramscian Geographies

  • Gramsci as a Historical Geographical Materialist, by Alex Loftus
  • Neoliberalism as Passive Revolution? Insights from the Egyptian Experience, by Roberto Roccu
  • The Old Is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born: ‘Past and Present’ of Thailand’s Organic Crisis, by Watcharabon Buddharaksa

Language and Translation

  • Gramsci: Structure of Language, Structure of Ideology, by Derek Boothman
  • Hegemonic Language: The Politics of Linguistic Phenomena, by Alen Sućeska
  • Translations of the Prison Notebooks into Polish: A Gramscian Analysis, by Marta Natalia Wróblewska

Gramsci and the Marxian Legacy

  • Time and Revolution in Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks, by Fabio Frosini
  • From Marx’s Diesseitigkeit to Gramsci’s terrestrità assoluta, by Aaron Bernstein
  • Interpreting the Present from the Past: Gramsci, Marx and the Historical Analogy, by Francesca Antonini

Subalternity between Pre-modernity and Modernity

  • We Good Subalterns, by Peter D. Thomas
  • Subalternity and the National-Popular: A Brief Genealogy of the Concepts, by Anne Freeland
  • What Can We Learn from Gramsci Today? Migrant Subalternity and the Refugee Movements: Perspectives from the Lampedusa in Hamburg, by Susi Meret

Postcolonial and Anthropological Approaches

  • Back to the South: Revisiting Gramsci’s Southern Question in the Light of Subaltern Studies, by Carmine Conelli
  • Resisting Orientalism: Gramsci and Foucault in Counterpoint, by Nicolas Vandeviver
  • The Changing Meanings of People’s Politics: Gramsci and Anthropology from Subaltern Classes to Contemporary Struggles, by Riccardo Ciavolella

Culture, Ideology, Religion

  • Religion, Common Sense, and Good Sense in Gramsci, by Takahiro Chino
  • Past and Present: Popular Literature, by Ingo Pohn-Lauggas
  • The ‘Mummification of Culture’ in Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks, by Robert Jackson

Historical Capitalism and World History

  • Gramsci and the Rise of Capitalism, by Yohann Douet
  • The Gramscian Moment in International Political Economy, by Lorenzo Fusaro
  • Rethinking Fordism, by Bruno Settis

Readings of Gramsci

  • Between Belonging and Originality: Norberto Bobbio’s Interpretation of Gramsci, by Alessio Panichi
  • The Diffusion of Gramsci’s Thought in the ‘Peripheral West’ of Latin America, by Valentina Cuppi
  • An Imaginary Gramscianism? Early French Gramscianism and the Quest for ‘Marxist Humanism’ (1947–65), by Anthony Crézégut
  • Althusser, Gramsci, and Machiavelli: Encounters and Mis-encounters, by Sebastian Neubauer

Bianchi, Alvaro. Gramsci’s Laboratory: Philosophy, History and Politics. Brill, 2020. ISBN: 978-90-04-41779-3 Source.

Abstract: The purpose of Gramsci’s Laboratory is to interpret the relationship between philosophy and politics in Gramsci’s Quaderni del carcere. A milestone in contemporary Brazilian Gramsci reception, the book argues that in Gramsci’s work the unity of theory and practice is unfolded theoretically through the unity of philosophy, history and politics. Bianchi argues that this unity was developed in the research project that Gramsci carried out in prison, and was thus a product of the ‘determination in the last instance’ of politics itself. His book demonstrates that a correct understanding of this unity requires us to recognise that history and philosophy are constitutive elements of the political field from which they claim to keep their distance.

Briziarelli, Marco. “Translatability, Translational Labor and Capitalist Subsumption: The Communicative Venues of Capitalism.” Democratic Communiqué 20.1 (2020). Source.

Abstract: This essay advances a critique of current capitalism based on the operationalization of Gramsci’stake on translation and translatability and Marx’s notion of subsumption, and argues thattranslatability reveals subsumptive processes in communicative terms because it describes how theprinciple of exchange value productively interacts with language and signification, thus sheddinglight on how communication captures and is captured by contemporary capitalism. The significanceof translational labor becomes especially manifest in the context the so-called gig economy, inwhich translational labor is needed to fill the gaps between the casualization and exploitationtendencies of the gig labor process and the powerful rhetoric of entrepreneurship and flexibilityexperienced by gig workers.

Cadeddu, Davide, ed. A Companion to Antonio Gramsci: Essays on History and Theories of History, Politics and Historiography. Brill, 2020. Source.

Abstract: In A Companion to Antonio Gramsci some of the most important Italian scholars of Gramsci's thought realize an intellectual account of the Gramscian historiography. The volume is organized into five parts. In the first, an updated reconstruction of his biographical events is offered. The second part provides three different perspectives permitting an analysis of the ideas and theories of history which emerge from Gramsci’s writings. In the third section as well as the fourth section, the most explicitly political themes are considered. Finally, in the last part the timelines of twentieth century historiography in Italy are traced and a picture is painted of the reasons for the development of the principal problems surrounding the international literary output on Gramsci.



  • Gramsci: From Socialism to Communism, by Leonardo Rapone
  • Antonio Gramsci: the Prison Years, by Angelo d’Orsi

Theories of History

  • The Crisis of European Civilization in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci, by Giuseppe Vacca
  • Notes on Gramsci’s Theory of History, by Marcello Montanari
  • The Layers of History and the Politics in Gramsci, by Vittorio Morfino


  • Gramsci’s Antidogmatic Reading of Marx, by Stefano Petrucciani
  • Gramsci, the October Revolution and its “Translation” in the West, by Guido Liguori
  • On the Transition to Communism, by Alberto Burgio


  • Gramsci: Political Scientist, by Michele Prospero
  • The “Prison Notebooks”: Hegemony and Civil Society, by Giuseppe Cospito
  • On the Productive Use of Hegemony (Laclau, Hall, Chatterjee), by Michele Filippini


  • The Influence and Legacy of Antonio Gramsci in Twentieth-Century Italy, by Marzio Zanantoni
  • The International Historiography on Gramsci in the Twenty-First Century, by Davide Cadeddu

Cloud, Dana L. “Critical Rhetoric| The Critique of Domination and The Critique of Freedom: A Gramscian Perspective — Commentary.” International Journal of Communication 14 (2020): 831–849. Source. PDF

Abstract: This article recounts the significance of Raymie McKerrow’s article “Critical Rhetoric: Theory and Praxis” for scholars in the field of communication studies. In contrast to the Foucauldian stance on domination and freedom put forward by McKerrow, I argue that the Marxist and antifascist activist Antonio Gramsci offers an account of domination and freedom in the theory of hegemony that is internally consistent. In addition to its coherence, hegemony theory is rooted in historical materialist practice that urges challenges to capitalism as a system rather than exercising contingent judgments without a clear goal, or telos. Gramsci’s “pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will” is an urgent corrective to the “critique of freedom” and poststructuralist thought more generally in the present political moment.

Huo, Shuhong, and Inderjeet Parmar. “‘A new type of great power relationship’? Gramsci, Kautsky and the role of the Ford Foundation’s transformational elite knowledge networks in China.” Review of International Political Economy 27.2 (2020): 234–257. Source.

Abstract: Challenging conflictual Realist and optimistic liberal-internationalist arguments about full-scale integration of China into the US-led order, this article uses Gramsci’s concept of hegemony and Kautsky’s concept of ultra-imperialism to explore US hegemony’s influence in transforming China and to characterize the relationship. Original archival research shows that China’s elites were gradually integrated into the US-led order from 1978, with a special role played by elite knowledge networks built by the Ford Foundation, particularly in Chinese economic policy reform, diffusion of free market thinking, and the development and teaching of Economics as a technocratic, policy-oriented academic discipline. Ford funded Sino-American elite knowledge networks closely connected with Chinese globalizing elites, with and through which liberal tendencies penetrated China, adapted to local conditions. We argue that these networks played significant yet neglected roles in managing change in China, and Sino-US relations during a time of global power transitions. This is inexplicable in either Realist or Liberal-internationalist terms, but provides the substance of what might be a ‘new type of great power relationship’, perhaps explicable in Kautskyian ‘ultraimperialist’ terms. Though conflict and turbulence remain in the relationship due to changing economic conditions and global strategies, this need not result in inter-hegemonic military conflict.

Köpping Athanasopoulos, Harald. “The Margins of History – Rediscovering the Subaltern.” In EU Migration Management and the Social Purpose of European Integration: The Spillover of Misery. Ed. Harald Köpping Athanasopoulos, 65–79. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. Source.

Abstract: This chapter discusses the Gramscian concept of subalternity, which is a useful tool for studying the experiences of transnational migrants. While Gramsci’s narrative of the practice of hegemony has recently been recovered (e.g. Thomas P: Hegemony, passive revolution and the modern prince. Thesis Eleven 117(1):20–39, 2013), his treatment of ‘subalternity’ has sometimes been inaccurately depicted. There has been a tendency to equate subalternity with inferiority and the Marxian lumpenproletariat. Gramsci however discusses subalternity in terms of its potential to emerge from its own subordination, continually pursuing an emancipatory agenda. The chapter also addresses neofunctionalism’s view on the subaltern. Indeed, Haas’s theory lacks the theoretical tools to deal with class issues, delegating the subaltern to the vague category of exogenous factors. The final part of this chapter discusses different ways by which neofunctionalism actually produces subalternity if put into political practice. Specifically, the concepts of commodification, reification and biopolitics are addressed.

Moussaly, Omer. “The Lessons of Gramsci’s Philosophy of Praxis.” Dialogue and Universalism 30.1 (2020): 119–138. Source.

Abstract: For many intellectuals, including the philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis, the historical destiny of Marxism-Leninism has discredited the philosophy of praxis. It can no longer serve as a source for radical political thought. Analyzing the theoretical contributions of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, we argue that a renewal of Marxism is both possible and needed. After more than forty years of neoliberal capitalism, a revitalized Marxism can contribute to the critique of contemporary forms of economic exploitation and statist domination. We propose that it is the concepts developed by Castoriadis that need to be translated and adapted to this reformed philosophy of praxis.

Pearson, Richard. "Reappraising Anderson on Gramsci". Studies in Marxism 15 (2020). Kindle Edition. Edited by Mark Cowling.

Abstract: This essay is a discussion of Perry Anderson's 1976 New Left Review article, "The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci". Anderson's article has been reissued in book form in 2017. We take account of historical changes since 1976 and consider relevant literature by other writers. We seek to challenge views expressed by Anderson. These include Anderson's claim that Gramsci did not clarify his rejection of reformism. Furthermore, we discuss Anderson's claim that Gramsci did not clarify the distinction between bourgeois democracy and fascism. Another claim by Anderson that we address is that Gramsci did not consistently understand the differences between conditions in the East and the West. Hence we consider how Gramsci did perceive these differences and the related need for socialists in the West to win hegemony in civil society. Our essay is also concerned with clarifying the distinction between state and civil society in Gramsci's notebooks. We also seek to clarify the relationship of coercion and consent in the operation of bourgeois class rule. Furthermore, we also consider Anderson's adoption of neo-liberal views in recent writing.

Ramos, Leonardo. “Gramscian IPE.” In The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy: Conversations and Inquiries. Ed. Ernesto Vivares, 262–277. New York: Routledge, 2020. Source.

Rogers, Samuel. “Hungarian authoritarian populism: a neo-Gramscian perspective.” East European Politics 36.1 (2020): 107–123. Source.

Abstract: This article analyses post-2010 Hungarian populism from a neo-Gramscian perspective. Stuart Hall’s authoritarian populism is discussed because the critical role of (transnational) capital in maintaining and stabilising populist regimes. The result is a unique approach that partially captures how the Fidesz-KDNP government has instigated changes to the external dimensions of the political economy. This analysis has the potential to be applied to similar regimes in post-socialist Europe, graduating from accounts of populism that often underplay (a) factors that maintain regimes, (b) regimes’ relationship with (transnational) capital and, (c) the role of capital relations in achieving regime consolidation.


None to report.


None to report.


None to report.


See Gramsci Project > Bibliografia. News of Italian publications should be sent to Michele Filippini.


None to report.


None to report.


None to report.


None to report.


Feyzullah Yilmaz has compiled a list of Turkish Gramsci publications at Neo-Gramsian Portal.


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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025