Audio and Video


Joseph A. Buttigieg

“Power, Consent and Gramsci” (2004)
Joseph A. Buttigieg discusses power, consent, and Gramsci’s concept of civil society. This audio feature is part lecture and part interview that was broadcasted on the radio program Living Room on KPFA in Berkeley, CA. The lecture was recorded at Rethinking Marxism’s 5th International Gala Conference held at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst on 6-8 November 2003. C.S. Soong conducted the interview on 14 January 2004. Other talks from Rethinking Marxism’s 5th International Gala Conference are available here.
Listen: Streaming MP3 or Download (25.1 MB)

“Reading Gramsci: Philology and Critical Method” (2007)
This is the second part of a series of seminars, hosted by the University of Malta, commemorating the 70th anniversary of Gramsci's death. Note that there are a few minutes of introductory remarks at the beginning of the talk. Originally posted on Campus FM, University of Malta. (01:57:24)
Listen: Windows Media Audio (19.1 MB)

Eric Hobsbawm

“Gramsci and Marxism” (1987)
This lecture by the British Marxist historian and author, Eric Hobsbawm, was recorded in April 1987 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Gramsci's death. The journal Marxism Today, which dissolved in 1991, sponsored the talk. In the talk, Hobsbawm discusses Gramsci's contributions to Marxist theory and politics. Please note several seconds of audio appear to be missing between parts one and two. Special thanks to Nigel Rogers for his assistance in obtaining this recording.
Part 1: Streaming MP3 | Download (43:30) (29.9 MB)
Part 2: Streaming MP3 | Download (19:06) (13.1 MB)

Peter Mayo

“Political and Cultural Formation in the Work of Antonio Gramsci” (2007)
This is the first part of a series of seminars, hosted by the University of Malta, commemorating the 70th anniversary of Gramsci's death. Note that there are a few minutes of introductory remarks at the beginning of the talk. Originally posted on Campus FM, University of Malta. (1:50:03)
Listen: Windows Media Audio (17.9 MB) | Streaming MP3 | Download (75.6 MB)

“Gramsci, the Southern Question and the Mediterranean” (2010)
This talk was recorded April 21, 2010 as a part of the University of Malta Work in Progress Seminar Series. The talk appeared as a paper in the Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1-17. An Italian version appeared in G. Schirru (ed) Gramsci, le Culture ed il Mondo (Rome: Viella, 2009), and a German version appears in Das Argument, September 2010. (1:45:56)
Windows Media Audio (13.3 MB) | Streaming MP3 | Download (72.8 MB)


New York and the Mystery of Naples: A Journey through Gramsci’s World.

Italian title: New York e il Mistero di Napoli: Viaggio nel Mondo di Gramsci.
Producer: Giorgio Baratta
Distributor: Le Rose e i Quaderni, 1994.
The presentation of this documentary film provides English translations and subtitles. The film includes a presentation by Dario Fo and interviews with Giuseppe Fiori, Cornel West, Edward Said, and many others.

Gramsci: Everything that Concerns People (1987)

The film Gramsci: Everything that Concerns People (1987) was made for Channel 4 (Scotland) by Mike Alexander and Douglas Eadie, with Tom Nairn and Hamish Henderson as consultants.

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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025