About IGS

The International Gramsci Society was founded in October 1989 at the international conference "Gramsci nel mondo" held in Formia, Italy. The aim of the International Gramsci Society is to facilitate communication and the exchange of information among the very large number of individuals from all over the world who are interested in Antonio Gramsci's life and work and in the presence of his thought in contemporary culture.

In March 1992, we published the first issue of the IGS Newsletter, in order to keep members informed about publications, meetings, and other activities relevant to the study and the interpretation of Gramsci. The IGS Newsletter has been published for several years in paper form and mailed to all members of the Society.

In 1998, we launched the IGS web site in association with the ItalNet Consortium and the University of Notre Dame, and started publishing the IGS Newsletter in both paper and electronic form. All back issues of the IGS Newsletter are available in an online searchable HTML format and as downloadable Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) files.

In early 2002, we launched the IGS Listserv and expanded the website to include more information and to continue our aim of facilitating communication and exchange on the life and work of Antonio Gramsci.

International Gramsci Society Conferences
The IGS organizes an international conference every few years. Three conferences have been held thus far in Naples (1997), Rio de Janeiro (2001), and in the cities of Cagliari, Ghilarza, and Ales in Sardinia (2007).

IGS conferences provide the occasion for an extensive examination of the status of Gramsci's influence in contemporary culture, the diversity of Gramscian studies, the various directions in which the interpretations and the uses of Gramsci's ideas and categories have been developing. The conferences have also served another, more practical purpose: they provide IGS members with the opportunity to collectively plan the work of the Society and give its organizational structure a more permanent and solid form.

Click here for information on IGS Membership.

Home > About IGS

About IGS
About IGS
Coordinating Committee

About Gramsci
Introduction to Gramsci
Chronology of Gramsci’s Life
Photo Archive

Articles & Reports
Course Syllabi
Gramsci Bibliography
IGS Archive - Publications

Concordance Tables
Pre-Prison Index
Prison Notebooks

Audio and Video
Audio and Video

IGS Newsletter (1992-2005)

Summer School
Ghilarza Summer School

IGS Journal
International Gramsci Journal

IGS Web Sites
Asociación Gramsci México
IGS Brasil
IGS France
IGS Italia

Related Websites
Fondazione Istituto Gramsci
Gramsci Bibliography (DiLAG)
Gramsci Digital Library
Gramsci e o Brasil
Marxists Internet Archive


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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025