Gramsci Bibliography: 2007

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Gramsci in Translation

Gramsci, Antonio. Prison Notebooks, vol 3. Translated by Joseph A. Buttigieg. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007). [ISBN: 9780231139441]. [Contains Notebooks 6, 7, and 8].

Gramsci, Antonio. “16 May 1925 Parliamentary Speech.” Cultural Studies, vol. 21, no. 4 (2007): 779-95. [Link]. [Includes an introduction by Mark Hayward entitled “Listening to Gramsci”].

Articles & Books Related to Gramsci

Ashbolt, Anthony. “Hegemony and the Sixties: Observations, Polemics, Meanderings.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 208 - 20. [Link].

Abstract: The concept of cultural hegemony and the 1960s are interconnected in important ways. First, it was in the 1960s that a keen interest in the concept developed. Second, the battle for cultural hegemony today takes place in the shadow of the sixties. The neoconservative agenda has been developed with reference to Vietnam and the liberation movements of the 1960s. The neoconservatives certainly saw sixties radicalism as a challenge to power and privilege. Ironically, some on the Left now beg to disagree and see the radical sixties, in particular the counterculture, as paving the way for a new phase of consumer capitalism. This paper argues that despite the contradictions of cultural radicalism, there were genuine challenges to hegemony in the sixties and that it is important to keep alive the Utopian spirit of radicalism in that period.

Bambery, Chris. “Hegemony and Revolutionary Strategy.” International Socialism, no. 114 (2007): 85-103. [Link to article]. [Special Issue on “Gramsci's revolutionary legacy”].

Boothman, Derek. “Critique and Semantic Modification in Gramsci's Approach to Paradigmatic Translation.” Italian Culture, vol. 24 (2007): 113-40.

Abstract: This paper continues a line of argument, begun fairly recently that tries to look at certain specific cases of intralinguistic translation in the human sciences. As such it pays particular attention to the remarks on translatability contained in the work of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci and, more important, his application of these to the discourse of various key sources he draws on. Here we shall make no more than passing reference to the ways in which his concepts may be translated into other national cultures; rather, we shall explore the ways in which he modifies concepts from other ideological discourses.

Bratich, Jack. “A Review Of: "Gramsci Is Dead: Anarchist Currents in the Newest Social Movements by R. Day".” The Communication Review, vol. 10 (2007): 167-70. [Link to journal].

Buck-Morss, Susan. “Sovereign Right and the Global Left.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 4 (2007): 432-51. [Link to journal].

Abstract: The question of sovereign right has been largely ignored by the Left, in both theory and practice, and the consequences are serious. The USSR's notion of the Communist party as the sovereign body allowed it to be above the law. The concept of hegemony, based on Antonio Gramsci's national model, is inadequate because it does not deal, as does sovereignty, with the global order, the distinction between legitimacy and law, and international recognition. In order to compensate for this lack, Carl Schmitt's concept of the nomos is introduced and given a radical, critical interpretation. This global ordering allows us to emphasize Marx's theory of imperialism, rather than industrial stages, with implications that are crucial for the critique of U.S. policy today and the organization of a global Left.

Budd, Adrian. “Gramsci’s Marxism and International Relations.” International Socialis, no. 114 (2007): 125-35. [Link to article]. [Special Issue on “Gramsci's revolutionary legacy”].

Cahill, Damien. “The Contours of Neoliberal Hegemony in Australia.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 221 - 33. [Link to journal].

Abstract: With neoliberalism now the dominant logic of state policymaking internationally, this article examines the contours of neoliberal hegemony in the specific national context of Australia. It understands neoliberalism as a class-based project, arising in a particular historical context and aimed at dismantling the hegemonies underpinning the postwar social order, thereby creating a new set of conditions for capital accumulation. The article tracks the reorganization of everyday life brought about by neoliberalism, maps the organized support and opposition for neoliberalism, and identifies the contours and contradictions of the neoliberal state project. It concludes that the expanded reproduction of neoliberalism in Australia is far from guaranteed, contingent as it is upon a unique combination of material inducements and economic and extraeconomic coercion.

Cupples, Julie, Kevin Glynn, and Irving Larios. “Hybrid Cultures of Postdevelopment: The Struggle for Popular Hegemony in Rural Nicaragua.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 97 (2007): 786-801. [Link to journal].

Abstract: This article contributes to contemporary debates around “postdevelopment” by examining the new social alliances that are reimagining, rearticulating, and refashioning development discourses and practices in Northern León, an impoverished region on Nicaragua's Pacific coastal strip. We examine the strategies and tactics whereby Northern León's citizens, local leaders, and nongovernmental organizations have reworked the region's cultural, political, and economic terrains in ways that negotiate and contest Northern León's marginalization by the Nicaraguan central government, and that challenge and reshape global spaces and imaginaries constituted through the disciplinary and regulatory discourses of international financial institutions and predatory multinational capital. We draw particularly on Gramscian perspectives and other contemporary theoretical engagements with neoliberalism, globalization, and postdevelopment in order to present the case of Northern León as an opportunity to think through the possibilities for forms of grassroots globalism that mobilize strategies of discursive activism, disarticulation/rearticulation, and “place-projection” in ways that destabilize and disrupt the linear temporalities and spatial fixities of mainstream development thought and practice.

Davidson, Alastair. “Antonio Gramsci and Australia.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 159 - 68. [Link to journal].

Abstract: The influence of both the politics and writings of Antonio Gramsci have a long history in Australia. Many early Italian immigrants were refugees from Fascism through whom were established strong connections between Italian Communists and the Australian left. The academic literature on Gramsci began somewhat earlier in Australia than in either Britain or America but, after the mid-1980s, its explorations of Gramsci were subsumed by the wider English-language literature. This essay situates the papers in this symposium within the historical context of Australian scholarship on both Gramsci and hegemony. It first explores the influence of Gramsci on politics within Australia, then concentrates on how Gramsci studies are enjoying something of a revival in Australia today.

Degiuli, Francesca and Christopher Kollmeyer. “Bringing Gramsci Back In: Labor Control in Italy’s New Temporary Help Industry.” Work, Employment & Society, vol. 21, no. 3 (2007): 497-515.

Abstract: This article examines the labor control processes being implemented in Italy’s recently developed temporary help industry. The social science literature generally predicts that voluntary forms of labor control require genuine compromises between management and its workforce. Based on interviews, observational field-work, and analysis of industry documents, the authors compare this expectation against the details of the Italian case. Overall, they find that management is attempting to build consensus not by granting temporary workers meaningful concessions, as the literature would generally suggest, but rather by reframing temporary work as a viable opportunity for upward social mobility, and reinforcing these ideological messages with coercion when needed.These findings suggest that ideological power may play a larger role in the labor control process than previously recognized, and that Gramsci’s theory of ideological hegemony deserves greater attention from scholars studying such matters.

Ditchev, Ivaylo. “Hegemony of the Global-Popular? (or Cultural Studies as an Accomplice?).” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, vol. 8 (2007): 454-57. [Link to journal].

Abstract: The title is supposed to be a paradox, as the two notions are opposed in Gramsci's work: hegemony being the heterogeneous aspect of the dominating alliance in a given historical period (e.g. fascism), whereas the national-popular representing the unified cultural resistance from below. The question mark thus refers to a short circuit of opposites, to an unexpected consequence of liberation itself, rather than to the domination of some new cultural industry, as the one Adorno had fought against. Not that cultural industries aren't stronger than ever; but cultural studies have developed various strategies to critique them over the post-war years. I want to argue here that the new amorphous world without transcendence and alternative (usually called 'globalization') puts the discipline in a more difficult situation. Is there a danger of cultural studies becoming an accomplice to such a new hegemonic culture of the global-popular? d

Gilks, David. “Riforma e Rinascimento, Protestantism and Catholicism in Antonio Gramsci's Writings on Italian History, 1926-35.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 12, no. 3 (2007): 286-306. [Link to journal].

Abstract: This article readdresses Gramsci's use of Italian history, focusing on his judgement that the Italian Renaissance marked the start of a specifically Italian course of historical failure because it led directly to the Counter-Reformation, the Risorgimento and Fascism. It shows that Gramsci's political strategy after 1923 -- on the need for a mass socialist movement -- informed his historical opinions. His view of a regressive Renaissance contrasted the dominant historiographical consensus that saw it as the start of European modernity. Gramsci conceptualized modern European history according to a Reformation–Renaissance dichotomy that also determined his general sense of culture. By contrasting Catholic Italy (whose Renaissance had failed to lead to a Reformation) with the Protestant north (whose general Renaissance had formed a harmonious couplet with the Reformation), Gramsci reveals that his single greatest debt as a historian was to Weber rather than Marx or Croce.

Harman, Chris. “Gramsci, the Prison Notebooks and Philosophy.” International Socialism, no. 114 (2007): 105-23. [Link to article]. [Special Issue on “Gramsci's revolutionary legacy”].

Hawksley, Charles. “Editor's Preface.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 157-58. [Link to journal].

Abstract: These articles by Australian scholars explore Gramsci's concept of hegemony from a variety of historical and geographic case studies. The first reviews the development of Gramsci studies in Australia. Others seek to explain how capitalist interests propose a specific world-view among a broad population and how, through a combination of coercion and popular consent, this world-view comes to be perceived as both natural and desirable.

Hawksley, Charles. “Constructing Hegemony: Colonial Rule and Colonial Legitimacy in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 195-207. [Link to journal].

Abstract: Europeans first entered the highlands of Papua New Guinea during the 1930s, but only rudimentary attempts were made by the Australian state to pacify and develop the area. In the postwar years, the administration provided health, education, and agricultural services to highlands New Guineans as part of the colonial trade-off: acceptance of centralized administration for peace and economic development. From a Gramscian perspective, the induction of New Guineans into modernity involved both coercion at the hands of the colonial state and a popular acceptance of new ways. Peace and expanded economic opportunity transformed the lives of the peoples of the eastern highlands, and similar processes in other districts positioned the colonial state as a central actor in creating the new capitalist economy. Securing hegemony meant the population became active in the construction of the new good sense, and this laid the foundations for the future independent state to rule with a degree of legitimacy and to engage with the world capitalist market.

Haug, Wolfgang Fritz. “Philosophizing with Marx, Gramsci, and Brecht.” boundary 2, vol. 34, no. 3 (2007): 143-60.

Hill, Deb J. Hegemony and Education: Gramsci, Post-Marxism, and Radical Democracy Revisited. (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007). [ISBN: 0739121669 cloth]. Link to flyer.

Abstract: Hegemony and Education is a study written in opposition to the displacement of hegemony by recent post-Marxist scholarship from the historical materialist foundations that underpin Gramsci’s own distinctive usage of the concept. The study centers upon the inevitable loss of the nuances of hegemony as a concept that highlights the problem of the pathological reach of a capitalist epistemology and ontology upon human identity. Deb J. Hill argues that it was precisely the impress of capitalism’s economic and extra-economic aspect upon humanity’s own cognitive and moral capacity—upon its relational and valuational capacity—that Gramsci’s writings attempted to articulate. In this respect, Gramsci differentiated himself in Marxist circles by the depth of his insights into Marx’s historical materialist method and the practical reasoning that this methodology simultaneously engendered. As Hegemony and Education reveals, Gramsci’s written legacy reflects his historical materialist allegiance: the problem of “education” as no less than the educative-formative problem of practical reasoning. 

Howson, Richard. “From Ethico-Political Hegemony to Postmarxism.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 234 - 44. [Link to journal].

Abstract: Recent literature on postmarxism has neglected a direct and strong engagement with Gramsci's theory of hegemony. What has happened through this disengagement is that postmarxism has been imbued with the poststructuralism of Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault. That has rendered it incapable of becoming a theory that can engage the social as well as the political. This paper attempts to reengage with Gramsci's theory of hegemony and to bring back both the political and the social by focusing on a key aspect of the concept of hegemony—that is, the ethico-political. It argues that, far from being “just theory,” postmarxism's engagement with Gramsci moves it toward a practical politico-social ontology. In this paper, the nexus between hegemony, the ethico-political, and postmarxism is developed by focusing on two of postmarxism's key concepts: antagonism and equivalence.

Levy, Carl. “'Sovversivismo': The Radical Political Culture of Otherness in Liberal Italy.” Journal of Political Ideologies, vol. 12, no. 2 (2007): 147-61. [Link to journal].

Abstract: This article examines the concept of sovversivismo ('subversiveness') and the sovversivo (subversive) in Liberal Italy. The term could mean spontaneous unfocussed rebellion and a general mood against the State and the ruling class. Drawing its intellectual sustenance and personnel from a territory that stretched through central Italy, subversive culture gave the anarchists a purchase over the larger socialist movement, as the Red Week of 1914 demonstrated. The subversive also attracted avant-garde intellectuals and artists in Milan, Florence, Rome and elsewhere. Before 1914 Benito Mussolini tried to meld the intellectual subversives with the popular and working-class subversives from its geographical heartland in order to outflank the leadership of the PSI. The article discusses the analyses of sovversivo/sovversivismo by Antonio Gramsci and Errico Malatesta, but sovversivismo was also employed by the polite classes in 1914-1915 during the interventionist crisis and used to overwhelm the Liberal State between 1919 and 1926.

Luyt, Brendan. “The Ala, Public Libraries and the Great Depression.” Library History, vol. 23 (2007): 85-96. [Link to journal].

Abstract: During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the American Library Association (ALA) became active in an alliance of public administrators, bank executives and teachers defending public spending from powerful populist anti-tax coalitions seeking drastic tax cuts as a solution to economic stagnation. Librarians were encouraged by the ALA to join the fight for 'constructive economy' that would reform and strengthen the role of public institutions. On the surface, this appears to be another example of the cyclical calls for library action that Michael Harris identified as characteristic of the profession's history. But in this case, the threat was real and the campaign produced significant long-term change. Librarians and their institutions became part of a much broader set of social forces that served to re-establish the hegemony of the American state at a time when it was particularly vulnerable to attack. In fact, the ALA's calls for 'constructive economy' foreshadowed and made possible the post-war Fordist compromise between monopoly capital, the state and organized labour. This article examines the role the ALA hoped libraries would play in the campaign against the anti-taxation groups and, using the work of social theorists Antonio Gramsci and Nicos Poulantzas, situates these efforts within the wider political economy of the time.

Mayo, Peter. “Gramsci, the Southern Question and the Mediterranean.” Journal of Educational Studies Vol. 12, No. 2 (2007): pp. 1-17. [Link to article]

Morton, Adam David. Unravelling Gramsci: Hegemony and Passive Revolution in the Global Political Economy. (London: Pluto Press, 2007). [ISBN: 9780745323848 Paperback. |ISBN: 9780745323855 Hardback]. [A part of the Reading Gramsci series. Table of Contents].

Abstract: Unravelling Gramsci makes extensive use of Antonio Gramsci's writings, including his much-overlooked pre-prison journalism, prison letters, as well as his prison notebooks, to provide a fresh approach to understanding his contemporary relevance in the current neoliberal world order. Adam Morton examines in detail the themes of hegemony, passive revolution and uneven development to provide a useful way of analysing the contemporary global political economy, the project of neoliberalism, processes of state formation, and practices of resistance. The book explores the theoretical and practical limitations of how Gramsci's ideas can be used today, offering a broad insight into state formation and the international factors shaping hegemony within a capitalist framework.

Morton, Adam David. “Waiting for Gramsci: State Formation, Passive Revolution and the International,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 35:3 (2007): 597-621.

Abstract: This article asserts that Antonio Gramsci’s account of ‘the international’ linked to the rise of the modern capitalist states-system remains neglected within debates on the historical sociology of International Relations (IR). It does so by following two main axes of enquiry that assist the aim of unravelling Gramsci’s relevance to understanding processes of state formation within the causal conditioning of ‘the international’. The first axis focuses on Gramsci’s historical research on Renaissance Italy and the role of mercantile capital in shaping late medieval and early modern states; the ‘southern question’ concerning the terms of uneven development of the Mezzogiorno in Italy; and the Italian Risorgimento understood as a passive revolution, or the reorganisation of state identity through the reproduction of capitalist property relations. These issues provide a historical backdrop to considering Gramsci’s novel contribution to understanding the ‘national’ dimension as a point of arrival in understanding processes of capitalist expansion within ‘the international’ realm. This is pursued through his account of the states-system and its relation to the emerging hegemony of Anglo-Saxon capitalism that involved detailing the European response of fascism to the growing intervention of foreign capital and the conditions of uneven development in terms of the specific context of the Russian Revolution and the liberal internationalism of Woodrow Wilson. It is argued that a recognition of such, as specific instances of passive revolution, assist in providing an essential contribution to understanding ‘the international’ in conditioning state formation that has been absent from current debates in historical sociology in IR.

Morton, Adam David. “Disputing the Geopolitics of the States-System and Global Capitalism,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 20:4 (2007): (Forthcoming).

Abstract: Alex Callinicos’s intervention in the debate on the geopolitics of the states-system and capitalist modernity provides a crucial wake-up call to International Relations theory and practice. Yet, within the contending positions he outlines disputing the political economy of geopolitical conflict, inter-state rivalry, and capitalist imperialism, the insights of Antonio Gramsci are notably present by their absence. This article contributes to the debate by elaborating how the theory of passive revolution reveals the political rule of capital, thereby internally relating the states-system to capitalist modernity within a focus on uneven development. This concern is evident in Gramsci’s analysis of the labour process of Anglo-Saxon capitalism and the geopolitics of the states-system contained within his survey of ‘Americanism and Fordism’. Theorisation on the passive revolution of capital might then provide a fruitful basis from which an empirical research agenda on social development could be advanced with reference to postcolonial state formation processes.

Morton, Adam David. “Global capitalism and the peasantry in Mexico: The recomposition of class struggle.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 34:3 (2007): 441-473

Abstract: Taking its cue from debates on ‘the death of the peasantry’ in Latin America, this article attempts to focus on the constitution, transformation and recomposition of peasantries within the contemporary dynamics of neoliberalism. At the same time, such issues are analysed within the categories of resistance developed by Antonio Gramsci and his own methodological criteria in understanding the history of subaltern classes. The argument proceeds by tracing the historically uneven and combined development of capital accumulation in Mexico and how this has impacted on the regional conditions of state formation in Chiapas, which has shaped the novel form of resistance articulated by the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN). The article explores the historical and contemporary dynamics of changes to production relations that have transformed the peasantry in Chiapas, Mexico. As a result, the thesis about the inevitable disappearance of the peasantry is challenged to assert the relevance of renewed conditions of class struggle embodied in the novel and purposeful agency of the EZLN. It is argued that the recomposition of class struggle and resistance reflected in the resurgence of peasant movements such as the EZLN is an essential feature of the contradictions of global capitalism within the contemporary age of neoliberalism.

Ruberto, Laura E. Gramsci, Migration, and the Representation of Women's Work in Italy and the U.S. (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007). [ISBN: 9780739110737 Hardcover]. [Table of Contents].

Abstract: Examining films, literature, songs, and photographs with an emphasis on a feminist materialist interpretation, Producing Culture considers the representations of different kinds of labor historically performed by women in Italy and the U.S. in order to reassess dominant narratives about the history of Italy and of Italians in the United States.

Saccarelli, Emanuele. Gramsci and Trotsky in the Shadow of Stalinism: The Political Theory and Practice of Opposition. (New York: Routledge, 2007). [ISBN: 978-0415961097].

Abstract: This book addresses a particular period in the historical development of Marxism (the rise of Stalinism), and on two theorists who opposed Stalinism (Gramsci and Trotsky), in order to make sense of Marxism's contemporary impasse, both as an important strand of political theory and as a living philosophical and political tradition.

Smith, Kylie. “Subjectivity, Hegemony, and the Subaltern in Sydney, 1870-1900.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 169-79. [Link to journal].

Abstract: Australian historiography traditionally has privileged the study of the organized working class. This established history ignores socially disruptive elements in late-nineteenth-century Sydney (the height of working-class organization), such as “larrikins,” who have been too simply categorized as an expression of antiauthoritarianism born out of convictism. This paper argues, rather, that larrikins can be understood as a form of resistance to a nascent industrial capitalism and its increasing psychological impositions. This new form of capitalism sought to create, through the rhetoric and practices of respectability and discipline, a new type of worker and a new type of human being. This paper explores these themes in relation to the city of Sydney in the 1880s, concentrating on the reaction of the state to the challenges posed by subaltern groups such as larrikins to the emerging hegemonic principles of industrial capitalism.

Thomas, Peter. “Gramsci and the Intellectuals: Modern Prince vs Passive Revolution.” In Marxism, Intellectuals and Politics, edited by David Bates. (Basingstoke [England] ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). [ISBN: 9781403949981 (Hardcover)].

Thomas, Peter. “Historicism, Absolute.” Historical Materialism, vol. 15, no. 1 (2007): 249-56.

Tihonova, Yulia. “In Step with Gramsci: An Interview with Alfredo Jaar.” Afterimage: The journal of media and cultural criticism vol. 34, no. 5 (2007): 19-22. [Link to article].

Trudell, Megan. “Gramsci: The Turin Years.” International Socialism, no. 114 (2007): 67-83. [Link to article]. [Special Issue on “Gramsci's revolutionary legacy”].

Wells, Andrew. “Imperial Hegemony and Colonial Labor.” Rethinking Marxism, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 180-94. [Link to journal].

Abstract: This paper explores Gramsci's theory of hegemony through an analysis of areas of colonial India and Indochina in 1860–1940. It investigates the commodification of labor under capitalism, arguing that the mass relocation of people through indenture was facilitated by state coercion. Such labor was allegedly consensual. However, in the colonies the state had to regulate plantation conditions to monitor the behavior of private companies. A new world-view emerged in which land ownership and land taxation paid for the apparatus of colonial governance. Examining peripheral colonial capitalism indicates to some extent how the state and private capital could behave when untouched by ideology or critique. It also shows how hegemony is reliant on both coercion and consent.



Nieto-Galan, Agustí. Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) 70 anys després. Velles i noves idees per a l’esquerra del segle XXI. Quaderns de la fundació nous horitzons, nº 29. Barcelona 2007.



Boni, Livio. "Gramsci et la psychanalyse. Sur les traces d'une réceptionfragmentaire dans les Cahiers de prison" (I)", in Cliniques Méditerrannéennes,n° 74, Marseille, 2007

Boni, Livio. "Gramsci et la psychanalyse. Sur les traces d'une réceptionfragmentaire dans les Cahiers de prison (II)" in Cliniques Méditerranéennes,n°75, Marseille, 2007



Gramsci, Antonio. Amerika und Europa, ed. Thomas Barfuss, Argument-Verlag, 2007. [ISBN 978-3-88619-424].

Rego-Diaz, Victor, and Andreas Merkens, eds. Mit Gramsci Arbeiten: Argument Verlag, 2007). [ISBN: 978-3-88619-425-4].

Abstract: Warum sollte eine heutige Lektüre von Antonio Gramsci gewinnbringend sein? Gramsci (1891–1937) begegnete den gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen und Krisen seiner Zeit nicht mit fertigen Antworten und Gewissheiten. Statt die Begriffe dogmatisch zu schließen, praktiziert er ein Denken, das bestehende Einsichten und Kategorien der marxistischen Theoriebildung differenziert, erneuert und in politisch-praktischer Absicht zuspitzt. Dabei von historischen Studien wie von politischen Kämpfen seiner Gegenwart ausgehend, gelingt es Gramsci, einen Politik- und Denkansatz zu entfalten, dessen tragende Begriffe (wie z. B. Hegemonie, Zivilgesellschaft, integraler Staat, passive Revolution, Fordismus oder Alltagsverstand) anhaltend produktive Anregungen für Herrschaftskritik und emanzipatorisches Handeln bereitstellen.

Table of Contents

  1. Mario Candeias. Gramscianische Konstellationen Hegemonie und die Durchsetzung neuer Produktions-und Lebensweisen
  2. Frigga Haug. Mit Gramsci die Geschlechterverhältnisse begreifen
  3. Bernd Röttger. Passive Revolutionen und Gewerkschaften Aufstieg und Niedergang korporatistischer Politik
  4. Christoph Scherrer. Hegemonie: empirisch fassbar?
  5. Ingo Lauggas. Empfindungsstrukturen und Alltagsverstand Implikationen der materialistischen Kulturbegriffe von Antonio Gramsci und Raymond Williams
  6. Uwe Hirschfeld. Mit Gramsci die Politik Sozialer Arbeit verstehen
  7. Mikiya Heise und Daniel von Fromberg »Die Machtfrage stellen« Zur politischen Theorie Antonio Gramscis
  8. Michael Jäger. Die Partei, die ein Ziel hat
  9. Armin Bernhard. Pädagogische Grundverhältnisse Die Relevanz Antonio Gramscis für eine emanzipative Pädagogik
  10. Andreas Merkens. »Die Regierten von den Regierenden intellektuell unabhängig machen« Gegenhegemonie, politische Bildung und Pädagogik bei Antonio Gramsci
  11. Oliver Marchart. Gramsci und die diskursanalytische Hegemonietheorie Ein fragmentarisches ABC
  12. Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Marxistisch philosophieren – aber wie?
  13. Christian Gaedt. Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937)



La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 39 (March 2007)

Table of Contents

  1. Pasquale Vorza, "Gramscian Concept of Intellectuals." Report on the IGS-Italia seminar. Translated by Jun-ichi Tanimoto.
  2. "Gramsci the Stranger," An interview with Joseph A. Buttigieg. Translated by Yoshifumi Morikawa.
  3. Akira Itoh, Book review of Vine Roses Bloomed at the Harbed Wires by Pak Min Na.
  4. New publications: Kaouru Katagiri, Decipher Gramsci's Prison Notebooks.

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 40 (July 2007)

Table of Contents

  1. Hiroshi Matsuda, "Actual Problems in Gramsci Studies."
  2. Meetings of the 70th Anniversary of Gramsci's Death
  3. Katsumi Nakamura, "Adolescent Gramsci as a matrix of linguistic and spatial turns in Marxism" (summary).
  4. Jun-ichi Tanimoro, "Gramsci studies in Japanese political science" (summary).
  5. News of Takeo Nakamura's Death
  6. Hiroshi Maea, "Takeo Nakamura's precious work of seeking a true Gramscian figure through over forty years of praxis."

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 41 (November 2007)

Table of Contents

  1. Jun Kaneyama, "From syndicalism to Gramsci: on the problem of morality in industrial society."
  2. Akira Itoh, "Reflecting upon the late Ryo Maeno and his politics."
  3. Yoskifumi Morikawa, Book review of The birth of a primordial Fascism by Hiromi Fujioka.
  4. Table of full items in the 1st series of L'Ordine Nuovo, a weekly of socialist culture (May 1, 1919 to December 24, 1920), translated and edited by Koichi Ohara.

Why Gramsci Now? Rethinking Hegemony and World Change. The Special Collection of Papers Presented to the Symposium Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Death of Antonio Gramsci. Papers presented at the Symposium Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the death of Antonio Gramsci, Tokyo, Japan, December 1-2, 2007.

Table of Contents

    Plenary Session I: Globalization and the Gramscian concept of Hegemony

  1. Hideharu Saitoh?The hegemonic struggle for Global Governance
  2. Masaharu Takashima?The appropriation of Gramscian terms and his hegemony analysis on Globalism
  3. Hiroyuki Tosa?The Passive Revolution and the state of exception in the Global Governance
  4. Masaya Honda?Global Civil Society and Metamorphose of Socialism
  5. Carlos Nelson Coutinho: The time of Neoliberalism: The passive revolution or the counter-reformation?
  6. Esteve Morera: Hegemony and Globalization: Some theoretical considerations
  7. Simon Tate: Hegemony, Caesarism and Transformism: Exploring the role of the British government in the international community during the war in Iraq 2002-2004
  8. Joseph A. Buttigieg: Some observations on Gramsci and the right wing in the USA
  9. Adam David Morton: Disputing the Geopolitics of the States-System and Global Capitalism
  10. Plenary Session II: Theoretical problems over how to read “Prison Notebooks” 

  11. Tadao Uemura:“Totalitarian State” and the dream of a society of organized producers—rethinking about the “Totalitarism” of Gramsci
  12. Hiroshi Matsuda: For a further development of study of “Prison Notebooks
  13. Hisatoshi Yoshida: The range and significance of Gramscian Concept of Civil Society
  14. Hiroshi Maeda: The present state of Gramsci studies in our country and an interpretative orientation of “Prison Notebooks”
  15. Tomihisa Suzuki:The structure and method of the system of “Prison Notebooks”
  16. Giuseppe Prestipino: Hegemony and democracy between State and Civil Society
  17. Thematic Session I: Postwar politics in Japan and Gramsci

  18. Akira Itoh: Some characteristics of postwar nationalism in Japan and development of the passive revolution”)
  19. Hisao Kozuka:Changes of Civil Society in the postwar Japan
  20. Masakazu Ohtake: The conceptions of Trasformismo and Passive Revolution and the postwar history of Japan)
  21. Thematic session II: Intellectuals and education in the 21st Century

  22. Nobuaki Kurosawa: Educational thought in Gramsci ---For the presentation of the work “Educative principle in Gramsci” by Alighiero M. Manacorda
  23. Senkoh Tsuda:Contemporary hegemonic rule and the Educational reform
  24. Thematic session III: The role of culture and media in the 21st century

  25. Tetsuro Katoh: From the war of movement and the war of position to the war of information—overcoming A. Gramsci
  26. Thematic session IV: Gramsci and Civil Sector of No-profit and Collaboration

  27. Katsumi Yokota & Shigeki Maruyama: Gramsci and Civil Sector of No-profit and Collaboration
  28. Thematic session V: Gramsci and Contemporary thought

  29. Ken Yamane: E. Said’s Method of Literary Critics and Gramsci
  30. Alastair Davidson: Uses and abuses of Gramsci, II: Gramsci and Said (with a sideways glance at Guha
  31. Yuri Brunello: When the postmodern looks at the left: Stuart Hall, interpreter of Gramsci
  32. Sumith Chaaminda: Gramscian Legacy in Laclau and Mouffe’s Theory of Post-Marxism
  33. Appendix: Bibliography of Gramsci studies in Japan (Fall 1997 to Fall 2007). Edited by Jun-ichi Tanimoto and revised and supplemented by Katsumi Nakamura



Almeida Rodríguez, Manuel S. “Los Estudios Gramscianos Hoy: ¿Gramsci Lingüista?” Tabula Rasa, vol. 7, no. Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Bogotá-Colombia) (2007).

Kanoussi, Dora. Los cuadernos filosóficos de Antonio Gramsci De Bujarin a Maquiavelo. (México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés, 2007). [ISBN: 978-970-722-726-2]. cover

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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025