Gramsci Bibliography: 2011

Bibliography: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


Gramsci in Translation

Gramsci, Antonio. Prison Notebooks: Three Volume Set. Translated by Joseph A. Buttigieg. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780231157551

Articles by Gramsci published in the International Press Correspondence. Introduced by Derek Boothman. International Gramsci Journal No. 3 (March 2011). [pdf]

• The Genoa Conference and Italy, Inprecorr Vol.2, No.28, p.211 (19 April 1922).
• The Mussolini government, Inprecorr Vol. 3, No. 102, p. 824.
• Fascism: Letter from Italy, Inprecorr Vol. 4, No. 1. (3 January1924).
• Italy and Yugoslavia, Inprecorr Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 25-26. (24 January 1924).
• Election Results in Italy, Inprecorr Vol. 4, No. 25, p. 231.
• The situation in the Communist party of Italy, Inprecorr Vol. 5, No. 60, pp. 835-6.

Articles & Books Related to Gramsci

Baldacchino, John. “‘Relative Ignorance’: ‘Lingua’ and ‘Linguaggio’ in Gramsci’s Concept of a Formative ‘Aesthetic’ as a Concern for Power.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 43.6 (2011): 579–597.

Abstract: This essay looks at the relationship between formative aesthetics, language and the historical anticipation that begins with Antonio Gramsci's discussion of Kant's idea of "noumenon". In Gramsci both education (as "formazione") and aesthetics stem from a concern for power in terms of the hegemonic relations that are inherent to history as a political horizon. The title cites Gramci's suggestion that Kant's "noumenon" should be read as a proviso set apart by a "relative ignorance" of reality ["relativa ignoranza" "della realta"] to be resolved by a future science. Yet far from another epistemological layering, a future science must also resolve those hegemonic relations of power that emerge from formation as a political act figured in the agonistic character of language as "lingua" and "linguaggio".

Bruff, Ian. “What about the Elephant in the Room? Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties in Capitalism”. New Political Economy, vol. 16, no. 4 (2011): 481-500. Link.

Abstract: Conceived as considerably broader than simply the Varieties of Capitalism framework, I argue that the varieties of capitalism literature is premised upon an institutional reductionism which necessitates the search for a more holistic approach. In brief, if we are to explain convincingly the evolution of national political economies, then we must acknowledge that varieties of capitalism are also varieties in capitalism. In particular, Antonio Gramsci's writings on common sense enable us to focus on the role of institutions as a historical force without abandoning the system of production that they are part of. I then provide an alternative explanation, compared to the varieties of capitalism literature, of the evolution of the Dutch and German political economies in order to demonstrate the advantages of the framework I develop.

Bruff, Ian. “Overcoming the State/Market Dichotomy”, in Stuart Shields, Ian Bruff & Huw Macartney (eds), Critical International Political Economy: Dialogue, Debate and Dissensus (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011): 80-98. ISBN: 9780230280304.

Buttigieg, Joseph A. “Antonio Gramsci: Liberation Begins with Critical Thinking,” in Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Authors and Arguments. Edited by Catherine H. Zuckert. Cambridge University Press, 2011. 44–57. ISBN 9781107006225.

Crehan, Kate. “Gramsci's Concept of Common Sense: A Useful Concept for Anthropologists?” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 273-87. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: The article begins with a brief look at the anthropological notion of culture and some of its ghosts, contrasting this with Gramsci's very different approach. It goes on to look in detail at Gramsci's concept of ‘common sense’, arguing that common sense as theorized by Gramsci provides anthropologists (whose discipline is so concerned with the quotidian) and others, with a useful theoretical tool with which to map everyday life. Gramsci's understanding of common sense encompasses its givenness – how it is both constitutive of our subjectivity and confronts us as an external reality – but also stresses its contradictions, fluidity and potential for change. To help clarify the specific character of the Gramscian notion of common sense, the article compares it with another concept that has been widely embraced within anthropology and elsewhere: Pierre Bourdieu's notion of habitus – a notion, I argue, that remains in many ways tethered to its anthropological origins.

Dainotto, Roberto. “Gramsci's Bibliographies.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 211-24. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: As homage to John Cammett's bibliographical works, the essay looks at the importance, strategic uses and critical relevance of bibliographies in the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. In the overcoming of vulgar determinism that Gramsci called ‘philosophy of praxis’, bibliographies became – more than mere superstructural effects – social institutions through which a critical war of position could be waged against both Gentile's fascist idealism and against Croce's liberal one.

Diamantopoulos, M. Cooperative Development Gap in Québec and
Saskatchewan 1980 to 2010: A Tale of Two Movements, Canadian Journal of
Nonprofit and Social Economy Research
, Vol. 2, No 2 ( Fall / Automne 2011): 6-24. PDF

This study uses Gramscian hegemony theory and the social movement approach to cooperative development to investigate the cooperative development gap that opened up between the provinces of Québec and Saskatchewan from 1980 to 2010. First, provincial sector growth is compared across several indices to establish this gap's empirical scope and scale. Second, historical research and fieldwork findings are used to illuminate the gap's origins and its historical significance. The article concludes that the development gap has been largely driven by bloc formation and dissolution—the historic erosion of Saskatchewan's traditional, agrarian-cooperative bloc and the renewal and expansion of Québec's social economy bloc.

Fontana, Benedetto. “Politics and History in Gramsci.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 225-38. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: The work of historian John Cammett underlines the intimate relation that Gramsci establishes among thought, history and politics. Gramsci's political thought is an extended discourse on the relation between party and class, and on the formation of hegemonic and subaltern forms of consciousness. Reading Cammett highlights Gramsci's passion for a politics that would renovate and remake the world. Both Gramsci and Cammett looked within the existing society for the trace elements from which would emerge a new politics to construct a new order and a new historical reality.

Glassman, Jim. “Cracking Hegemony in Thailand: Gramsci, Bourdieu and the Dialectics of Rebellion.” Journal of Contemporary Asia 41.1 (2011) : 25-46. [Link].

Gramsci's notion of “hegemony,” like Bourdieu's concept of “habitus,” seems designed to explain accommodation to existing social structures, rather than resistance. In this paper, however, I draw from the Prison Notebooks some arguments that contribute to a Gramscian understanding of how hegemony may break apart under the weight of the same uneven development processes central to hegemony. Drawing also from Bourdieu, I argue that the conceptions of “hegemony” and “habitus” inscribe the possibility of resistance within the embodied experience of accommodation to class rule. I then elaborate a dialectical, Gramscian-Bourdieusian account of the Red Shirt movement in Thailand, showing that the seeds for the destruction of royalist hegemony in Thailand have been sown in the embodied processes of accommodation to ruling class hegemony. The breadth and depth of challenges to this hegemony, moreover, are evident not only from the activities of the Red Shirt movement and regional discontent in Northern and Northeast Thailand but from the resistance of working class women to attempts to police their sexuality and limit their consumerism. The refusal of Thai elites to accept the breadth and depth of Thailand's dispositional transformation has legitimised – in their eyes – the brutal crackdown on Red Shirt protestors that resulted in the April-May 2010 massacres. Yet repression can only kill off political leaders and specific parties; it will not likely derail the growing resentment of ordinary Thais over elitist class rule.

Green, Marcus E., ed. Rethinking Gramsci. New York: Routledge, 2011. [Link].

Table of Contents

    Marcus E. Green, Introduction: Rethinking Marxism and Rethinking Gramsci
    I. Culture and Criticism
  1. Stuart Hall. Race, Culture, and Communications: Looking Backward and Forward at Cultural Studies
  2. Paul Bové. Dante, Gramsci and Cultural Criticism
  3. Daniel O'Connell. Bloom and Babbitt: A Gramscian View
  4. Marcia Landy. Socialist Education Today: Pessimism or optimism of the intellect?
  5. II. Hegemony, Subalternity, Common Sense
  6. Derek Boothman. The Sources for Gramsci's Concept of Hegemony
  7. Marcus E. Green. Gramsci Cannot Speak: Presentations and Interpretations of Gramsci's Concept of the Subaltern
  8. Cosimo Zene. Self-consciousness of the Dalits as 'subalterns:' Reflections on Gramsci in South Asia
  9. Evan Watkins. Gramscian Politics and Capitalist Common Sense
  10. Frank R. Annunziato. Gramsci's theory of trade unionism
  11. Nelson Moe. Production and Its Others, Gramsci's 'Sexual Question'
  12. Adam David Morton. Social Forces in the Struggle over Hegemony: Neo-Gramscian Perspectives in International Political Economy
  13. Richard Howson. From Ethico-Political Hegemony to Post-Marxism
  14. III. Political Philosophy
  15. Richard D. Wolff. Gramsci, Marxism and Philosophy
  16. Carlos Nelson Coutinho. General Will and Democracy in Rousseau, Hegel, and Gramsci
  17. Wolfgang Fritz Haug. From Marx to Gramsci, from Gramsci to Marx: Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Praxis
  18. Steven R. Mansfield. Gramsci and the Dialectic
  19. Esteve Morera. Gramsci's Critical Modernity
  20. IV. On Gramsci's Prison Notebooks
  21. David F. Ruccio. Unfinished Business: Gramsci's Prison Notebooks
  22. Joseph W. Childers. Of Prison Notebooks and the Restoration of an Archive
  23. Peter Ives. The Mammoth Task of Translating Gramsci
  24. William V. Spanos. Cuvier's Little Bone: Joseph Buttigieg's English Edition of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks
  25. Joseph A. Buttigieg. The Prison Notebooks: Antonio Gramsci's Work in Progress

Green, Marcus E. “Rethinking the subaltern and the question of censorship in Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks.” Postcolonial Studies 14.4 (2011): 387-404. [Link]

Abstract: This article provides a new reading of Gramsci's concept of subaltern social groups. Through a philological analysis of the Prison Notebooks, the article puts into question the widespread (mis)interpretation in subaltern studies and postcolonial literature that Gramsci developed the phrase ‘subaltern social groups’ as code for the word ‘proletariat’ in his Prison Notebooks in order to deceive prison censors. The article first demonstrates how the diffusion of the ‘subaltern censorship thesis’ has limited current interpretations of Gramsci's concept of the subaltern to strictly class terms. Then, through an exegesis of Notebook 25, the article demonstrates that there is no textual evidence to support the censorship thesis. Finally, through an examination of several notes in Notebook 25, the article provides an extrapolation of Gramsci's concept of subalternity. This reveals that Gramsci's concept of the subaltern is not limited to class relations and that subalternity in the Gramscian sense encompasses an intersectionality of race, class, gender, and religion. In contrast to current literature, this article shows that Gramsci's concept of the subaltern is more complex than often recognized and that his analysis of subalternity relates to the function of intellectuals, constructions of identity and otherness, historiography, representation, the national popular, coloniality, and political organization.

Guha, Ranajit. “Gramsci in India: Homage to a Teacher.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 288-95. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: In this paper (first delivered at the Gramsci Foundation in Rome in 2007), the distinguished Indian historian Ranajit Guha pays homage to the influence of Gramsci's writings in India and in particular of the development of Subaltern Studies. His paper traces the impact of Gramsci's ideas – in particular the notion of hegemony – on those writing about South Asian history since the early 1960s, and the ways in which they made possible a fuller understanding of how the dichotomies between its elite and subaltern streams limited the ability of the leaders of the Indian nationalist movement to mobilize its popular base.

Krätke, Michael R.. “Antonio Gramsci’s Contribution to a Critical Economics.” Historical Materialism 19.3 (2011): 63-105.

Abstract: According to conventional wisdom, Antonio Gramsci is a political philosopher lacking in, and who avoids, a serious interest in political economy. That is a serious misrepresentation of Gramsci's works and thought. Equally wrong is the widespread view that anything Gramsci had to say about political economy is to be found in his scattered notes on `Americanism and Fordism'. On the contrary, a careful rereading of Gramsci's Prison Notebooks shows that Marx's great and unfinished project of the critique of political economy plays a crucial rôle for Gramsci's efforts to come to grips with the basics of a critical social science that could live up to the aspirations of a `scientific socialism'. As Gramsci was fully aware of the everyday battles of ideas in capitalist societies to be fought about the notions and tenets of popular or vulgar political economy, he did the best he could in order to understand and clarify the bases of a `critical' and `scientific' political economy. A political economy that was and still is urgently needed in order to fight the strongest of the strongholds of bourgeois hegemony - the ideas of vulgar economics in everybody's heads.

McNally, Mark. “Revisiting the Gramsci-Bukharin Relationship: Neglected Symmetries.” History of European Ideas 37.3 (2011): 365-375. Link.

Abstract: In this article I revisit the ideas of Antonio Gramsci and Nikolai Bukharin from a contextual perspective to argue for a revision in the way current scholarship on Gramsci interprets his thought as fundamentally at odds with that of Bukharin. I show in particular that if we resist the temptation to reduce Bukharin to the level of his 1921 book, Historical Materialism, and concentrate instead on his more sophisticated NEP writings of the mid-1920s a series of symmetries in the advanced thought of these two key thinkers of early 20th century Marxism emerges that have been poorly recognised in the literature on Gramsci to date.

Morera, Esteve. Gramsci’s Historicism: A Realist Interpretation. Routledge, 2011. (Routledge Revivals)

Abstract: First published in 1990, this book is a comprehensive study of Gramsci's Quaderni, and gives the reader a penetrating account of the structure of Gramsci's thought. The author draw on many materials and sources, making accesible to the English-speaking reader a wide range of texts otherwise only available in Italian, French, Spanish, and Catalan. His book sheds light on Gramsci's basic philosophical and methodological principles, and will be useful as an introduction to Gramsci for students of political science, sociology, social science, history, and philosophy, as well as to scholars in the field.

Morera, Esteve. “Antonio Gramsci: Social Theory - Hegemony, Civil Society,” in Avenel Companion to Modern Social Theorists. Edited by Pradip Basu. Memari (West Bengal): Avenel Press, 2011.

Morton, Adam. Revolution and State in Modern Mexico: The Political Economy of Uneven Development. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011. [Link].

Abstract: This groundbreaking study develops a new approach to understanding the formation of the post-revolutionary state in Mexico. In a shift away from dominant interpretations, Adam Morton considers the construction of the revolution and the modern Mexican state through a fresh analysis of the Mexican Revolution, the era of import substitution industrialization, and neoliberalism. Throughout, the author makes interdisciplinary links among geography, political economy, postcolonialism, and Latin American studies in order to provide a new framework for analyzing the development of state power in Mexico. He also explores key processes in the contestation of the modern state, specifically through studies of the role of intellectuals, democratization and democratic transition, and spaces of resistance. As Morton argues, all these themes can only be fully understood through the lens of uneven development in Latin America.

Nieto-Galan, Agustí. “Antonio Gramsci Revisited: Historians of Science, Intellectuals, and the Struggle for Hegemony.” History of Science 49.4 (2011): 453–478.

Abstract: Beyond the specialist area of history of science, there has been an enormous amount of scholarly interest in the life and works of the Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) in the second half of the 20th century, in particular his extraordinary intellectual output while detained in Mussolini's prisons from 1926 until his death in 1937. Inspired by Gramsci's concepts such as hegemony and intellectuals, this paper attempts to demonstrate how Gramsci's ideas can contribute to critically explore the value-laden nature of science and technology. Gramscian concepts can also stimulated new analysis of science communication processes such as teaching, popularising and cross-cultural knowledge transferring, which, in recent decades, have led to an increasing historiographical plurality, and self-reflexivity. The paper also shed some light on the role of historians of science as professional experts and intellectuals, and their capacity to resist and counterbalance the well-established patterns of political, economic and academic hegemony.

Paggi, Leonardo. “Dear John, Where Is the World We Lost?” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 170-78. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: These personal memories and recollections seek to relocate John Cammett's contribution in the history of Italian and American politics in the 1960s. Cammett's deep involvement in the thought and human personality of Gramsci was closely intertwined with his fascination for the Italian communist left, which since the Resistance against Nazi-fascism had demonstrated its capacity to mobilize on a very wide scale the participation of the popular masses in the country's political life. Gramsci was for him a living cultural symbol and image of a successfully political movement whose counter-tar had been totally defeated, on the contrary, in the history of the United States. But Cammett's book on Gramsci brought an important chapter of Italian culture to the attention of the American Left at a moment when it was seeking new ideas and identities to challenge a political system weakened and undermined by the ideological constrains of the 1950s and its commitment to a very unpopular war.

Pearmain, Andrew. The Politics of New Labour: A Gramscian Analysis. London: Lawrence & Wishart Ltd, 2011. [Link].

Introduction: Gramsci, History and New Labour
Part I Gramsci and his Legacy
1. First Uses of Gramsci
2. Optimism of the Seventies, Pessimism of the Eighties
3. Iron in our souls: the hegemony of Thatcherism
4. The Abuses of Gramsci: 'Post-Marxism', Postmodernism and Cultural Studies
5. The 'Euro-communist' Roots of New Labour: Marxism Today
6. The 'Euro-communist' roots of New Labour: 'New Times'
Part II A Critique of New Labour
7. The Makings of New Labour
8. Neil Kinnock and the Labour Party Policy Review
9. Labour, Modernity and 'Modernisation'
10. What New Labour Took from the Left
11. What New Labour Left Out: the 'Gramscian' Left

Perkins, Harold A. “Gramsci in Green: Neoliberal Hegemony Through Urban Forestry and the Potential for a Political Ecology of Praxis.” Geoforum, 2011 (forthcoming) [Link].

Righi, Andrea. Biopolitics and Social Change in Italy: From Gramsci to Pasolini to Negri. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 9780230115033.

Abstract: The study of how life can be controlled, supported, and manipulated has become the most urgent scientific and political task of our society. Each discipline approaches this biopolitical dimension with its tools and agenda; however they ignore how labor over time has materially produced crucial transformations in the manipulation of life. By placing the social dimension of labor at the base of the discourse of life, this book engages with the work of key intellectual figures including Gramsci, Pasolini, the neo-feminist militants of Lotta Femminista, Negri, and Virno, and reconstructs a critical genealogy of the notion of biopolitics from the point of view of twentieth and twenty-first century Italy.

Roberts, David D. “Reconsidering Gramsci's Interpretation of Fascism.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 239-55. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: The increasingly accepted notion that fascism was not merely reactionary but revolutionary, competing with Marxism, invites reassessment of Gramsci's interpretation of fascism. With his emphasis on the relative autonomy of political and cultural factors, Gramsci might have recognized the scope for a competing revolution, even if only the better to counter it. But though his initial analysis of the Italian revolutionary situation was almost proto-fascist in certain respects, he dismissed fascist claims to constitute an alternative revolution, and, partly as a result, he consistently underestimated fascism prior to 1926. After his imprisonment, however, he began seeking to devise the categories necessary to understand fascism's unanticipated triumph. Although he continued to sidestep aspects of the fascist challenge, his innovative way of analyzing fascism as a form of Caesarism, engaged in a war of attrition, enabled him to illuminate the peculiar combination of accomplishment, limitation and failure that characterized the fascist regime.

Rosengarten, Frank. “John Cammett's Writings on Antonio Gramsci and the Pci.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 195-210. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: This essay on John Cammett's contributions to Gramsci studies is composed of four parts. Part 1 deals with the intriguing interplay in Cammett's writings between Old Left loyalties and New Left challenges to it. Part 2 focuses on his work as a bibliographer and editor, the most important aspect of which is his monumental Bibliografia gramsciana, comprising three volumes published in 1991, 1995 and 2001. Part 3 consists of some remarks on Cammett's career as a professor and academic administrator. Part 4 is a brief discussion of the book for which he is most widely known, his 1967 study Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism.

Saccarelli, Emanuele. “The Intellectual in Question: Antonio Gramsci and the crisis of academia.” Cultural Studies 25.6 (2011): 757–782.

Although contemporary scholars in various disciplines readily appropriate many of his ideas, Antonio Gramsci's theory of intellectuals remains curiously unappreciated. From the standpoint of the oft-lamented crisis of the contemporary intellectual, however, it represents a resource that is both indispensable and difficult to retrieve. In this article the historical and sociological nuances of Gramsci's theory, as well as the powerful, yet unheeded lessons of his own life as an intellectual will be examined. In particular, Gramsci's analysis of the social affiliation and political agency of the intellectual provides the framework necessary to explain the rise and ongoing crisis of the academic intellectual as a historically unprecedented figure. This point will be illustrated by examining the case of influential academic intellectuals such as Michael Walzer and Michel Foucault. The article concludes with some reflections on the merits of Gramsci's distinctive way of being an intellectual.

Slaughter, Jane. “Gramsci's Place in Women's History.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 256-72. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: This paper traces the connections between Antonio Gramsci's ideas and developments in Western gender and women's history. The revival of women's history in the West in the 1970s brought the discovery or reacquaintance with Gramsci's writings, and this essay looks at examples of recent scholarship in gender and women's history that employs Gramscian theory. Equally important will be a consideration of Gramsci himself as an actor on the stage of women's history in the years before World War II. The last third of the paper places Gramsci in Italian family life, Communist Party politics and men's and women's prison experiences in the first half of the twentieth century. This discussion benefits from the growth of secondary literature on gender and women's history in Italy for this era, and rests on the many primary accounts left by women who lived and worked with Gramsci.

Vacca, Giuseppe. “Gramsci Studies since 1989.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (2011): 179-94. Special Issue: Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett. [Link].

Abstract: John Cammett's collaboration with the Gramsci Institute Foundation began in the spring of 1989. John had prepared an international biography of studies on Gramsci's life and writings, which, with help from some young researchers at the Foundation, he presented during the Institute's conference on ‘Gramsci in the World’ (Formia, October 1989) that resulted in the birth of the International Gramsci Society. The bibliography was first published in 1991 in the first volume of the Annali of the Gramsci Institute, and in revised and updated form again in 1993. Subsequently, it was digitized and, under John's direction, regularly updated by Francesco Giasi and Luisa Righi: when it went online in 2005 it became the key instrument for internationalizing Gramsci studies. After 1989, the Institute had been able to resume its research in the Komintern archives and was receiving the flow of new documents from the private papers of the Gramsci-Schucht family in Moscow which gave rise to a new set of studies on Gramsci's political and family life between 1926 and 1937.

Zene, Cosimo. “Self-Consciousness of the Dalits as ‘Subalterns’: Reflections on Gramsci in South Asia.” Rethinking Marxism 23.1 (2011): 83-99. [Link].

In this article I reflect on Gramsci's category of the “subaltern,” taking into consideration recent contributions to this topic, particularly those offered by Joseph Buttigieg, Giorgio Baratta, and Marcus Green. The latter, besides presenting an eloquent critique of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's article “Can the Subaltern Speak?” allows me to return to Gramscian sources so as to carry out a radicalization of Gramsci's positions with reference to the experience of “Untouchables”/Dalits in South Asia. There is little doubt that inquiry into the “subaltern question” in India today cannot ignore the “Dalit question.” The case study referring to the Rishi-Dalits of Bangladesh accentuates still further the precarious position of these groups as subalterns, but also their aspiration to overcome subalternity.


Thomas, Peter D. “Nykysubjektin' itsetuntemusta jäljittämässä” [Self-knowledge and the Contemporary ‘Subject’: an Inventory of Historical Traces], translated by Juha Koivisto, niin & näin 70, 3/2011.


Carlucci, Alessandro. “Gramsci and the Cours de linguistique générale,” Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 64 (2011): 27-48. [Link].

Abstract: Are there any links between Antonio Gramsci's ideas on language and the contents of the CLG? Although no documentary evidence exists confirming that Gramsci read the Cours, some passages from his writings bear striking resemblances to Saussure's posthumous work. This article argues that certain aspects of Gramsci's life can account for those resemblances. Between 1911 and 1926, he studied linguistics at Turin University and came into contact with early Soviet cultural life, residing in Russia twice in the early 1920s. Soviet linguists were then discussing the Cours, and post-revolutionary intellectual life was, on the whole, quite receptive to it. At the same time, the specific cases of individual linguists and publications - especially some articles that appeared in the journal La Cultura - show that inter-war Italian culture was not impervious to (at least some of) the ideas expressed in the CLG. Therefore, it is likely that these ideas became part of the intellectual milieu in which Gramsci's thought developed.


Opratko, Benjamin, and Oliver Prausmüller, eds. Gramsci global: Neogramscianische Perspektiven in der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie. Argument Verlag, 2011. ISBN: 9783867543101.

For the first time in German, this volume brings together a systematic analysis of "neo-Gramsian perspectives" of international political economy. The current crisis of global capitalism raises fundamental questions that are examined in th discipline of IPE. How can we understand the global implementation of the neoliberal project? What is the relationship between state, civil society and the economy that characterizes neoliberal capitalism? What are the contradictions which allow social movements and organic intellectuals to intervene? Contributions by Hans-Jürgen Bieling, Robert W. Cox, Stephen Gill, Catherine & Katherina Hajek Kinzel, Laura Horn, Branwen Gruffydd Jones, Adam David Morton, Nicola Sekler & Ulrich Brand, Ngai-Ling Sum, Benjamin Oliver & Opratko Prausmüller, Bernd Röttger and Jens Winter.


See Gramsci Project > Bibliografia. News of Italian publications should be sent to Michele Filippini.


La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 52 (November 2011)

  1. Notebook 19 Italian Risorgimento §14-23, translated by Prison Notebooks Research Group
  2. The argument against the discontinuity and the "witnes" of Pertini in reply to the criticisms of Mr. Matsuda, by Tomihisa Suzuki
  3. For the research of the Subaltern Notebook, by Hiroshi Matsuda
  4. Social movements and the role of the party in the thought of Gramsci and today, by Guido Liguori
  5. Book review of Junji Nishikado, The Mobile Theory of the Thought of Lukacs, by Ken Yamane
  6. Oppressors and the Oppressed by A. Gramsci at the age of 19
  7. Factory council movments in Turin and G. Sorel, Editorial published in l'Ordine nuovo, 11 Oct 1919.

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 51 (August 2011)

  1. Notebook 19 Italian Risorgimento §6-12, translated by Prison Notebooks Research Group
  2. Sakubei Yamamoto and his collection depicting the conditions of coal mines approved for UNESCO's Memory of the World heritage registration, by Nobuaki Kurosawa
  3. Book reviews:
    · Antonio Labriola, Socialism and Philosophy, by Tadashi Suzuki
    · Antonio Gramsci, On Subalterns, Volume VII of Collected Works, translated annotated by Hiroshi Matsuda, by Hiromi Fujioka
    · Nabuaki Jurosawa, On life long learning: Conceptions of Civil society and Pedagogy Today, by Shigeki Maruyama
    · Tomihisa Suzuki, A. Gramsci: Prison Notebooks and the formation of a critical sociology, by Shoichi Takaya

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 50 (April 2011)

  1. Notebook 19 Italian Risorgimento §5, translated by Prison Notebooks Research Group
  2. Social enterprise movement animating civil society, by Hisao Kozuka
  3. Review of Hiroyuki Aoyagi, Marx and his educational thought, by Nobuaki Kurosawa
  4. Review of Tomihisa Suzuki, A research on Gramsci's Prison Notebooks, by Takemi Miyashita
  5. In commemoration of 120 years of his birth: The thought of A. Gramsci and our molecular revolution, by Eleonora Forenza, translated by Koichi Ohara


Arnaut de Toledo, Cézar de Alencar; Gomes, Jarbas Mauricio. "Antonio Gramsci e a educação na sociedade industrial". Revista UNIFAMMA. Maringá, v. 10, n. 1, p. 92-95, 2011. (Resenha) [PDF]

Arnaut de Toledo, Cézar de Alencar; Gomes, Jarbas Mauricio. "Dizionario gramsciano 1926-1937: um estudo filológico dos Quaderni del Carcere de Antonio Gramsci". HISTEDBR on-line. Campinas, Dez, n. 44, p. 328-332, 2011. (Resenha). [Link]

Bianchi, Alvaro ; ALIAGA, Luciana . Força e consenso como fundamentos do Estado: Pareto e Gramsci. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política, Niterói, n. 3, p. 17-36, 2011.

Bianchi, Alvaro. Antonio Gramsci e a ciência política italiana. In Giovanni Semeraro, Marcos Marques de Oliveira, Percival Tavares da Silva, Sônia Nogueira Leitão (orgs.). Gramsci e os movimentos populares. Niterói: UFF, 2011, v. , p. 189-200.

Countinho, Carlos Nelson. De Rousseau a Gramsci: ensaios de teoria política. Boitempo, 2011. ISBN: 978-85-7559-183-3

Nesta nova empreitada intelectual, o autor aponta as potencialidades transformadoras e os dilemas de fenômenos políticos, como a democracia, pelo pensamento de Rousseau, Hegel, Marx e Gramsci, além de aprofundar o compromisso entre reflexão e ação que caracteriza a sua obra. Para ele, é preciso confrontar e superar a ideia de democracia como um simples jogo competitivo pelo poder político.

Martins, Marcos Francisco. Gramsci, os intelectuais e suas funções científico-filosófica, educativo-cultural e política. Pro-Posições, v. 22, n. 3, p. 131-148, 2011.

Passos, Rodrigo Duarte Fernandes dos . Gramsci e seu "infinito laboratório". Informe Econômico (UFPI), v. 12, p. 49-51, 2011.

Ramos, Leonardo. “Notas sobre os processos de resistência ao sistema G7/8.” Conjuntura Internacional, vol. 8, no. 7 (2011): 12-20. [Link].

Abstract: Buscando contribuir para o resgate do pensamento gramsciano no campo da Economia Política Global, o presente artigo apresenta uma análise crítica dos processos de resistência ao sistema G7/8 em um contexto de globalização da resistência. Neste processo, buscar-se-á fazer algumas considerações críticas acerca das potencialidades e limites emancipatórios de tais movimentos de protesto e resistência ao sistema G7/8.

Semeraro, Giovanni; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Marques de; SILVA, Percival Tavares da, Leitão, Sônia Nogueira (orgs.). Gramsci e os movimentos populares. Niterói: UFF, 2011.

Simionatto, Ivete. “Marxismo gramsciano e Serviço Social: interlocuções mais que necessárias.” Revista Em Pauta, n.26. Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro-UERJ, Rio de Janeiro (2011): 17-34.


None to report.


Gramsci, Antonio. Hapishane Defterleri: 1. Cilt. (Joseph A. Buttigieg). Translated by Ekrem Ekici. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 2011. ISBN: 6054511204.

Gramsci, Antonio. Gramsci Kitabı Seçme Yazılar 1916-1935. Ed. David Forgacs. Trans. İbrahim Yıldız. Ankara, Turky: Dipnot, 2011. [Dipnot]

Borg, Carmel, Joseph Buttigieg, Peter Mayo. Gramsci ve Eğitim. Translated by Selim Sezer. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 2011. ISBN: 9786054511198.

Ives, Peter. Gramsci’de Dil ve Hegemonya. Translated by Ekrem Ekici. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 2011. ISBN: 9786055679996.

Mayo, Peter. Gramsci, Freire ve Yetişkin Eğitimi. Translated by Ahmet Duman. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi, 2011. ISBN: 9786055580179.

Morton, Adam David. Gramsci’yi Çözümlemek. Translated by Barış Baysal. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 2011. ISBN: 9786054511150.

Ransome, Paul. Antonio Gramsci: Yeni Bir Giriş. Translated by Ali İhsan Başgül. Ankara: Dipnot Yayınları, 2011. ISBN: 6054412358.

Santucci, Antonio A. Gramsci’yi Anlamak. Translated by Selim Sezer. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 2011. ISBN: 6054511044.


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Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025
