Gramsci Bibliography: 2012

Bibliography: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


Manabendra, Mukherjee. “Antonio Gramsci: Hegemony and Related Issues,” Desh-Hitaishi, Special Autumn Issue (2012): 127-144.

This essay discusses the Gramsci’s concept of hegemony and related relevant concepts. The essay synoptically discusses the socio-economic condition and the influences of different philosophical and political thoughts then prevailing in Italy, particular of Benedetto Croce during the 19th century and early 20th century. The essay connects Gramsci’s views on hegemony with revolution and the role of intellectuals.


Carmel Borg, Joseph A Buttigieg and Peter Mayo (eds.) Gramsci i l'Educació. Xativa: Edicions del CReC, 2012.


Balampekou, Matina, and Georgis Floriotis. “Antonio Gramsci, Education and Science.” Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 10.1 (2012): 285–297.

This paper explores how the ideas of a great political thinker and philosopher Antonio Gramsci, are relevant to education and science and to critical science education. One of the main points in Gramsci's analysis is the social value and impact of certain aspects of the superstructure. He understands that education is a means which can be used for the reproduction of the social structure and that science and its uses may, in a certain way, replace religion in its function of justifying existing social structure. In analysing the role of education in capitalist society, he attempts to suggest a different use and hierarchy for education and science, moreover, one that can empower counter-hegemonic action for social change.

Bamber, John, and Jim Crowther. “Speaking Habermas to Gramsci: Implications for the Vocational Preparation of Community Educators.” Studies in Philosophy and Education 31.2 (2012): 183–197.

Re-working the Gramscian idea of the 'organic' intellectual from the cultural-political sphere to Higher Education (HE), suggests the need to develop critical and questioning 'counter hegemonic' ideas and behaviour in community education students. Connecting this reworking to the Habermasian theory of communicative action, suggests that these students also need to learn how to be constructive in developing such knowledge. Working towards critical and constructive capacities is particularly relevant for students who learn through acting in practice settings where general principles and purposes acquired in the academy need to be interpreted in response to the unique demands of specific situations.

Burawoy, Michael. “The Roots of Domination: Beyond Bourdieu and Gramsci.” Sociology 46.2 (2012): 187–206.

In this article I examine Bourdieu's conception of symbolic domination as based on misrecognition and compare it with Gramsci's notion of hegemony based on consent. Drawing on ethnographic research in workplaces in the USA and Hungary I show how both theories are flawed. Gramsci does not appreciate the importance of mystification as a foundation for stable hegemony in advanced capitalism while Bourdieu's notion of misrecognition, based on the notion of habitus, is too deep to comprehend the fragility of state socialist regimes. Comparative analysis, I argue, calls for a concept of domination that is more contingent than Bourdieu's symbolic domination, yet deeper than Gramsci's hegemony.

Carlucci, Alessandro (ed). New Approaches to Gramsci: Language, Philosophy and Politics, Special issue of the Journal of Romance Studies 12.3 (Winter 2012). Link to journal.

  1. Alessandro Carlucci,  “Introduction: New approaches to Gramsci: language, philosophy and politics”
  2. Derek Boothman, “Gramsci’s interest in language: the influence of Bartoli’s Dispense di glottologia (1912–13) on the Prison Notebooks”
  3. Craig Brandist, “The cultural and linguistic dimensions of hegemony: aspects of Gramsci’s debt to early Soviet cultural policy”
  4. Carl Levy, “Gramsci’s cultural and political sources: anarchism in the prison writings
  5. Fabio Frosini, “Reformation, Renaissance and the state: the hegemonic fabric of modern sovereignty”
  6. James Martin, “Gramsci and Gobetti: a case of elective affinity”
  7. Jenifer Nicholson, Review article: “Gramsci and education”
  8. Appendix: Antonio Gramsci et al. The Proletcult Institute (1922)

Ciavolella, Riccardo. “Huunde fof ko Politik: Everything Is Politics: Gramsci, Fulani, and the Margins of the State in Mauritania,” Africa Today 58.3 (2012): 2-21.

This article inquires into the relationship between the state and the Fulaaɓe, a Fulani community with pastoral and nomadic origins in Mauritania. First, it shows the state-driven process of Fulaaɓe marginalization by analyzing elites' discourses on these "bushmen" and their hegemonic forms of government (administrative control, patronage relationships, "ethnic" persecutions, and so forth). Then, it discusses how the Fulaaɓe have found spaces for agency and political mobilization. By recasting the analysis into the Gramscian theoretical framework, the article aims at participating in the political anthropological reflection on hegemony and resistance and in the dialogue on state-society relationships in Africa.

Coutinho, Carlos Nelson. Gramsci’s Political Thought. Trans. Pedro Sette-Camara. Brill Academic 2012. Historical Materialism Book Series. ISBN: 9789004228665.

In Gramsci's Political Thought, Carlos Nelson Coutinho offers an analysis of the evolution of the political thought of Antonio Gramsci. Focusing on central concepts of the Prison Notebooks and relating them to the history of modern political ideas, the book also demonstrates that Gramsci's ideas continue to be relevant resources for understanding the controversies of our present time. Written by a leading Brazilian Marxist theorist, Gramsci's Political Thought provides one of the most succinct and theoretically focused introductions to the thought of Antonio Gramsci available internationally.

D’Elia, Costanza. “The Risorgimento and Religion. Notes on the ‘canon’ and Gramscian Annotations.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 17.5 (2012): 630–644.

English, Leona M., and Peter Mayo. “Adult Education and the State: Gramsci, the Historical Materialist Tradition and Relevant Others.” European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 3.1 (2012): 11–27. PDF.

This paper focuses on the relationship between adult education and the State within the context of hegemonic globalization and the all pervasive neoliberal ideology. It draws from a variety of sources and provides an overview of discussions concerning the State giving pride of place to the Historical Materialist tradition in the area. Using a Gramscian perspective, it argues that contrary to the widespread mantra that the state has receded into the background in this era of globalization, we argue that the State remains ever so present in this context and, if anything, remains central to the Neoliberal project.

Fax, Joanna. “Vulnerability as Hegemony: Revisiting Gramsci in the Age of Neoliberalism and Tea Party Politics.” Culture, Theory and Critique 53.3 (2012): 323–337.

The concept of 'vulnerability' – a descriptor attached to those under a given set of oppressive circumstances – has by now become a familiar part of the political lexicon. This article examines recent academic, cultural, and political formulations of 'vulnerability', a dexterous category to be sure, and how what I call 'vulnerability discourse' has functioned in neoliberal times to describe a conceptual shift from the state as guarantor of rights to protector of private property. Analysing the terrain of vulnerability discourse sheds light on the dynamics of what Gramsci has termed the 'integral state' to elucidate how this discourse works to obscure the innovative ways the state and capital collude to consolidate class power.

Finger, Anne. “Antonio Gramsci's South or Some Aspects of the Disability Question.” New Politics 53 (Summer 2012). Link to article.

Gill, Stephen, ed. Global Crises and the Crisis of Global Leadership. Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 9781107674967.


    Part I. Concepts of Global Leadership and Dominant Strategies:
  1. Leaders and led in an era of global crises. Stephen Gill
  2. Leadership, neoliberal governance and global economic crisis: a Gramscian analysis. Nicola Short
  3. Private transnational governance and the crisis of global leadership. A. Claire Cutler
  4. Part II. Changing Material Conditions of Existence and Global Leadership – Energy, Climate Change and Water
  5. The crisis of petro-market civilization – the past as prologue? Tim Di Muzio
  6. Global climate change, human security, and the future of democracy. Richard A. Falk
  7. The emerging global freshwater crisis and the privatization of global leadership. Hilal Elver
  8. Part III. Global Leadership Ethics, Crises and Subaltern Forces:
  9. Global leadership, ethics and global health – the search for new paradigms. Solomon R. Benatar
  10. Global leadership and the Islamic world – crisis, contention and challenge. Mustapha Kamal Pasha
  11. Public and insurgent reason – adjudicatory leadership in a hyper-globalizing world. Upendra Baxi
  12. Part IV. Prospects for Alternative Forms of Global Leadership:
  13. Global democratization without hierarchy or leadership? The world social forum in the capitalist world. Teivo Teivainen
  14. After neoliberalism – left versus right projects of leadership in the global crisis. Ingar Solty
  15. Crises, social forces and the future of global governance – implications for progressive strategy. Adam Harmes
  16. Organic crisis, global leadership and progressive alternatives. Stephen Gill.

Gill, Stephen. “Towards a Radical Concept of Praxis: Imperial ‘common Sense’ Versus the Post-modern Prince.” Millennium - Journal of International Studies 40.3 (2012): 505–524.

This article argues for a radical conception of praxis in international relations. By praxis is meant those forms of critical theoretical and practical activity that are not only linked to understanding, explaining and acting in international relations but also transforming those relations to help constitute a more ethical, just and sustainable world order. The argument is developed as follows: (1) discussion of theoretical perspectives, and how they constitute dominant paradigms of International Relations in the West, particularly in the USA. Such dominant paradigms are shaped by a liberal ontology, opposed to Marxism and critical theory. (2) A critique of 'imperial common sense' that is bound up with US supremacy in an unjust world of deepening crises, growing inequality, social dislocations and unsustainable accumulation. Here my argument involves a dialectical strategy that critically addresses the nature, self-evidence and global influence of mainstream American International Relations. (3) A discussion of how new forms of praxis are emerging, seeking to develop radical alternatives that are sober, imaginative, sustainable and politically and ethically credible – in the multiple, diverse and new forms of political agency reflected in the figure of the 'post-modern Prince'. The article concludes by outlining elements of a radical research agenda to address significant intellectual, ethical and public policy issues in the emerging world order.

Glasius, Marlies. "Gramsci for the Twenty-first Century: Dialectics and Translatability." International Studies Review (2012): 666-686. [Link to journal]

Including contributions:

  1. Maaike Warnaar, "Gramsci's Bridges: A Dialectical Approach to International Studies"
  2. Marlies Glasius, "Gramsci's Trenches: Civil Society as 'Warfare'"
  3. Otto Holman, "Gramsci's Social Forces: Class and Class Formation and the European Sovereign Debt Crisis"
  4. Andrea Ruggeri, "Gramsci's Persuaders: Studying Collective Mobilization"
  5. Peter Ives, "Gramsci's Writings: Genuine versus Exaggerated Obstacles to Learning from the Prison Notebooks"

Levant, Alex. “Rethinking Spontaneity Beyond Classical Marxism: Re-reading Luxemburg Through Benjamin, Gramsci and Thompson.” Critique 40.3 (2012): 367–387.

This paper reconsiders the established reading of Luxemburg's conception of spontaneity, where she is said to have overestimated the role of spontaneity and underestimated the role of the party because of an economic-determinist view of history. It reconsiders this view by re-reading Luxemburg's concept of spontaneity through the work of Walter Benjamin, Antonio Gramsci and E.P. Thompson. Using conceptions of subjectivity not yet available at the time of these debates, as well as the recent scholarship of Lars Lih on Lenin's What Is To Be Done?, this article illuminates both conscious and unconscious processes behind what often appears to be spontaneous resistance, and offers a new reading of Luxemburg's critique of Lenin's views on organization in 1902–1905. It argues that Luxemburg's perceived economism is produced by her critics' own economistic reading of spontaneity. In contrast, it suggests that her depictions of spontaneous activity speak to historical processes that can be illuminated by conceptions of subjectivity developed after her assassination, and which require a substantial reconceptualization of the nature of subjectivity beyond the limits of classical Marxism.

Levy, Carl. “Antonio Gramsci, Anarchism Syndicalism and Sovversivismo.” Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red. Ed. Dave Berry et al. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

Louai, El Habib. "Retracing the concept of the subaltern from Gramsci to Spivak: Historical developments and new applications." African Journal of History and Culture 4.1 (January 2012): 4–8. PDF.

The aim of this paper is to retrace the historical developments and new implications of one of the most disputed concepts in post-colonial theory. The study of the concept of the subaltern deals first with preliminary definitions of this concept as it was initially used by the Italian Marxist political activist, Antonio Gramsci, in his widely known book "Prison Notebooks". Later, this paper examined the new reflections of the subaltern concept as explicated by those critics and historians who defined themselves as members of the Subaltern Studies Group. A particular focus at this stage is laid on the key insights of the forefather of the group, Ranajit Guha, and on the latest assumptions and ideas provided by the prominent deconstructivist, post-colonial critic, Gayatri Spivak, mainly in her seminal essay: "Can the Subaltern Speak?" The study finally tackled some of the present day implications of the subaltern concept as it unfolds in a post-modern condition. The analysis at this stage focused on key ideas introduced by the post-modern scholar, Jean Baudrillard, and post-colonial critic, Homi Bhabha.

Mayo, Peter. Politics of Indignation: Imperialism, Postcolonial Disruptions and Social Change. Zero Books/John Hunt Publishing, 2012. ISBN: 9781780995366.

This work focuses on contemporary issues within the context of neoliberalism and colonial legacies, while exploring decolonizing spaces. It provides a critical analysis of the neoliberal onslaught on public education in many countries, including Cuba, Nicaragua and the Arab world, and it offers new insights into the dynamics of control, while demonstrating how and where resistance has succeeded.

Mayo, Peter. “The Gramscian Infulence” in Paulo Freire's Intellectual Roots: Toward Historicity in Praxis, edited by Robert Lake. Continuum, 2012.

Mayo, Peter. “The Integral State and the Philosophy of Praxis.” Educational Philosophy and Theory (2012): [pre-print]

Extended review of Peter D. Thomas, The Gramscian Moment. Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism Leiden: Brill, 2009

Merli, Paola. “Creating the Cultures of the Future: Cultural Strategy, Policy and Institutions in Gramsci.” International Journal of Cultural Policy 19.4 (2012): 399-461. Part I, Part II, Part III.

Gramsci's writings have rarely been discussed and used systematically by scholars in cultural policy studies, despite the fact that in cultural studies, from which the field emerged, Gramsci had been a major source of theoretical concepts. Cultural policy studies were, in fact, theorised as an anti-Gramscian project between the late 1980s and the early 1990s, when a group of scholars based in Australia advocated a major political and theoretical reorientation of cultural studies away from hegemony theory and radical politicisation, and towards reformist–technocratic engagement with the policy concerns of contemporary government and business. Their criticism of the 'Gramscian tradition' as inadequate for the study of cultural policy and institutions has remained largely unexamined in any detail for almost 20 years and seems to have had a significant role in the subsequent neglect of Gramsci's contribution in this area of study. This essay, consisting of three parts, is an attempt to challenge such criticism and provide an analysis of Gramsci's writings, with the aim of proposing a more systematic contribution of Gramsci's work to the theoretical development of cultural policy studies. In Part I, I question the use of the notion of 'Gramscian tradition' made by its critics, and challenge the claim that it was inadequate for the study of cultural policy and institutions. In Parts II and III, I consider Gramsci's specific writings on questions of cultural strategy, policy and institutions, which have so far been overlooked by scholars, arguing that they provide further analytical insights to those offered by his more general concepts. More specifically, in Part II, I consider Gramsci's pre-prison writings and political practice in relation to questions of cultural strategy and institutions. I argue that the analysis of these early texts, which were written in the years in which Gramsci was active in party organisation and leadership, is fundamental not only for understanding the nature of Gramsci's early and continued involvement with questions of cultural strategy and institutions, but also as a key for deciphering and interpreting cultural policy themes that he later developed in the prison notebooks, and which originated in earlier debates. Finally, in Part III, I carry out a detailed analysis of Gramsci's prison notes on questions of cultural strategy, policy and institutions, which enrich the theoretical underpinnings for critical frameworks of analysis as well as for radical practices of cultural strategy, cultural policy-making and cultural organisation. I then answer the question of whether Gramsci's insights amount to a theory of cultural policy.

Miles, Lilian, and Richard Croucher. “Gramsci, Counter-hegemony and union-CSO Coalitions in Malaysia.” Journal of Contemporary Asia (2012): n. pag.

The dramatic outcome of the Malaysian 2008 Elections has been interpreted within a Gramscian framework. We deploy an alternative Gramscian approach, restoring relevant aspects of Gramsci's theories to the centre of analysis. We therefore focus on mutual perceptions in coalitions between Civil Society Organisations (hereinafter CSO) and trade unions as a key indicator of the strength of counter-hegemonic forces. We conclude that accounts that claim that 'counter-hegemony' is developing are at best questionable. Fundamental differences exist between these central institutional actors which sit uneasily with claims that the construction of counter-hegemony is under way.

Morera, Esteve. Gramsci’s Historicism: A Realist Interpretation (Routledge Revivals). New York: Routledge, 2012. Paperback ISBN: 978-0-415-61587-7.

First published in 1990, this book is a comprehensive study of Gramsci's Quaderni, and gives the reader a penetrating account of the structure of Gramsci's thought. The author draw on many materials and sources, making accesible to the English-speaking reader a wide range of texts otherwise only available in Italian, French, Spanish, and Catalan. His book sheds light on Gramsci's basic philosophical and methodological principles, and will be useful as an introduction to Gramsci for students of political science, sociology, social science, history, and philosophy, as well as to scholars in the field.

Morton, Adam David. “Reading Gramsci: Interpretation, Appropriation or Negotiation?” Capital & Class 36.3 (2012): 541–547. Web. 19 Jan. 2013.

Murray, Kyle, and Owen Worth. “Building Consent: Hegemony, ‘Conceptions of the World’ and the Role of Evangelicals in Global Politics.” Political Studies (2012): n/a–n/a. [on-line pre-publication]

Since Robert Cox's early interventions in the 1980s, the work of Gramsci has been openly applied to the arena of international politics, often superimposed on to the wider concepts of ‘world order’ and ‘transnational class’ formation. While this has produced a great deal of commendable scholarly work, it has equally produced a growing number of critics who have voiced concerns over the viability and feasibility of applying Gramsci's key concepts to the realm of the international. Rather than revisiting these charges, we argue that one of the main problems associated with the ‘neo-Gramscian’ interpretations of international relations (IR) is that they have tended to develop an ontology of their own and have not pursued a re-reading of Gramsci's actual work to explore a fresh opening towards applying Gramsci to the international. We argue that by re-exploring Gramsci's understanding of ‘conceptions of the world’ and by re-examining Gramsci's concept of hegemony, a greater scope can be achieved for understanding power relations within global politics. We demonstrate the potential for this by tentatively looking at the role of increasingly popular global evangelical religious groups in the fashioning of hegemonic consent across diverse parts of civil society, arguing that it is such bottom-up studies of societal consent that are required in order for Gramscian theory and research to move beyond their current ontological applications.

Opitz, Andrew M. “Kierkegaard, Gramsci, and the Politics of Irony and Sarcasm.” Comparative Literature 64.3 (2012): 270–285.

This article examines the politics of irony and considers the role this ostensibly elitist mode of communication plays in a world characterized by economic inequality and unequal access to educational resources. Its study of the political uses of irony is grounded in an analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's dissertation On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates and Antonio Gramsci's prison notes on the usefulness of irony and sarcasm for revolutionary politics. The essay places Kierkegaard's canonical and conservative evaluation of irony in dialog with Gramsci's lesser-known writings on "passionate sarcasm" — a politically progressive manifestation of irony that vigorously ridicules the corruption of the social status quo while also building a positive movement for historical change. It argues that although Kierkegaard's philosophical study of irony is of enduring interest to scholars of classical Athens and nineteenth-century Romanticism, Gramsci's historicist evaluation of irony as a political tactic provides a more open and practical framework for the study of today's political satire. Although Gramsci's notes on irony and sarcasm are rooted in the cultural politics of early twentieth-century Europe, and interwar Italy in particular, many of their observations are applicable to the world in which we live. The article concludes by applying Gramsci's insights to select uses of irony in contemporary culture, including New Yorker cartoons and television programs such as The Daily Show.

Reed, Jean-Pierre. “Theorist of Subaltern Subjectivity: Antonio Gramsci, Popular Beliefs, Political Passion, and Reciprocal Learning.” Critical Sociology (2012): [pre-publication].

Some recent positions on Antonio Gramsci portray him as a vanguardist who outright rejects common sense and popular culture as playing a role in counter-hegemony or political resistance. This manuscript seeks to provide a corrective to these recent portrayals. It does so by accurately evaluating Gramsci’s position on the dialectical relationship subaltern (popular) beliefs have to counter-hegemony; by considering his bottom-up stance on the relationship organic intellectuals have to the subaltern; by focusing on his cutting edge position on ideological articulation; and in light of his articulations regarding the role of subaltern passion and subaltern-centered pedagogy for counter-hegemony. As a way to illustrate the significance of the subaltern for counter-hegemony, the potential of popular religion for counter-hegemony is explored.

Santoro, Lorenzo. “Antonio Gramsci: The Fascist Leadership as Modern Reactionary Caeserism and the Novelty of the Corporative State.” Leadership 8.3 (2012): 277–286.

Antonio Gramsci's detention in fascist jails from 1926 to 1937 forced him to see, in a very unpleasant way, the full affirmation of fascism in the vital ganglia of the country. During this pivotal period Gramsci developed a complex analysis of fascism's approach to leadership. He addressed Mussolini's charisma in relation to the unique aspects of the fascist regime as a corporative system, a feature that was fostered by the mobilization of the petit-bourgeoisie and the depoliticization of the masses. Gramsci refuted Michels' thesis about charisma and developed his own autonomous path of research, applying Max Weber's study on German militarism in new contexts. It may not be possible to identify a definitive analysis of fascism by Gramsci, but two different visions come to light in the Prison Notebooks, both of which highlight Mussolini's leadership as essential to grasp the idea of fascism as a weak regime or – conversely – as a new state able to 'Americanize' the European system of production.

Srivastava, Neelam, and Baidik Bhattacharya, eds. The Postcolonial Gramsci. Routledge, 2012. ISBN 9780415874816.


    Introduction: The Postcolonial Gramsci. Neelam Srivastava and Baidik Bhattacharya
    I. Gramsci and Postcolonial Studies
  1. Il Gramsci meridionale. Robert JC Young
  2. Provincializing the Italian Reading of Gramsci. Paolo Capuzzo and Sandro Mezzadra
  3. The Travels of the Organic Intellectual: The Black Colonized Intellectual in George Padmore and Frantz Fanon. Neelam Srivastava
  4. The Secular Alliance: Gramsci, Said and the Postcolonial Question. Baidik Bhattacharya
  5. II. Gramsci and the Global Present
  6. The 'Unseen Order': Religion, Secularism and Hegemony. Iain Chambers
  7. Gramsci in the Twenty-first Century. Partha Chatterjee
  8. Entering the World from an Oblique Angle: On Jia Zhangke as an Organic Intellectual. Pheng Cheah
  9. Questioning Intellectuals: Reading Caste with Gramsci in Two Indian Literary Texts. Rajeswari Sunder Rajan
  10. Mariátegui and Gramsci in 'Latin' América: Between Revolution and Decoloniality. Walter D. Mignolo
  11. III. Epilogue
    Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Thomas, Peter D. "Conjunctures of the integral State? Poulantzas's Reading of Gramsci", in Reading Poulantzas, edited by Alexander Gallas, et al. London: Merlin Press, 2012.

Thomas, Peter D. "Althusser's last encounter: Gramsci", Encountering Althusser. Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought, New York: Bloomsbury, 2012.

Zompetti, Joseph. “The Cultural and Communicative Dynamics of Capital: Gramsci and the Impetus for Social Action.” Culture, Theory and Critique 53.3 (2012): 365–382.

Consumer capitalism has the perfunctory, if not proverbial, explanation that if only people work hard enough will they obtain what they deserve. For Gramsci, and others, this condition isn't about who is working 'hard enough', but rather 'who is working' (and what type of work!)? The fundamental problem with our class consciousness is that it is skewed: Culturally we believe that some people are more deserving than others. What does this have to do with social change? When we consider that global, consumer capitalism engulfs our everyday lives, we must be attune to its everyday impact and influence on our subjectivity. Relatedly, we should consider everyday 'pockets of resistance' – such as the surgical cleaner or the coffee house frequenter – who can contribute to what Gramsci refers to as the 'war of position' so that a more dedicated, organised, and significant cultural entity can develop and have power – known as the 'war of maneuver'. In other words, Gramsci's 'war of position' might best be served by educators and everyday citizens who suggest that what we have could be better – a (re)framing of 'common sense', in Gramscian terms, into 'good sense'. This paper will address not only the problem of how global capitalism is articulated into everyday discourse, but also how the common, cultural fabric of American life can attempt to combat it. While no universal struggle perhaps exists, currently, to tackle global capital, this paper will discuss how pockets of social movement resistance can collaborate to form a more unified 'war of maneuver' against the global, corporate hegemony of our times.


Gramsci, Antonio. Guerre De Mouvement Et Guerre De Position. Ed. Razmig Keucheyan. La Fabrique éditions, 2012. Link


Opratko, Benjamin. Hegemonie. Politische Theorie nach Antonio Gramsci, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2012. Link


Thomas, Peter D. “Η ιδέα του κομμουνισμού και το ζήτημα της οργάνωσης” [The Idea of Communism and the Question of Organisation], ΟΥΤΟΠΙΑ 100, 2012.


See IGS Italia > Bibliografia Italiana. News of Italian publications should be sent to Michele Filippini.


La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 56 (December 2012)

  1. My trips to the "House of Gramsci" in Ghilarz. Ichiro Obase
  2. Notebook 19 Risorgimento italiano, §27-§29. Translated by the Prison Notebooks Research Group.
  3. Bukharin and Gramsci: Two opinions on the history (Part 2). Boris Hydoudrovitch Slavin.

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 55 (September 2012)

  1. Notebook 19 Risorgimento italiano, §25 & §26. Translated by the Prison Notebooks Research Group.
  2. Historic material for the research of Gramscian theory: Bolshevism and Jacobinism (1920). Albert Mathiez
  3. Rethinking the subaltern and the question of cesorship in Gramsci's Prison Notebooks (Part 2). Marcus E. Green (translated by Jun-ichi Tanimoto)
  4. Bukharin and Gramsci: Two opinions on the history (Part 1). Boris Hydoudrovitch Slavin.
  5. Reading Notes: Hiroshi Kikunami, Marxism and Welfare State. Hiroshi Matsuda.
  6. Reminiscent Reflections: An Encounter with Antonio Gramsci. Minoru Kitamura.

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 54 (June 2012)

  1. Notebook 19 Risorgimento italiano, §24 (Part 2). Translated by the Prison Notebooks Research Group.
  2. Some doubts and interrogations on the opinions of Mr. Tomihisa Suzuki. Hiroshi Matsuda
  3. Rethinking the subaltern and the question of cesorship in Gramsci's Prison Notebooks (Part 1). Marcus E. Green (translated by Jun-ichi Tanimoto)
  4. Critique of the Manual of Sociology of Boukharine (1925), Georg Lukacs. Translated by Koichi Ohara.

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 53 (March 2012)

  1. March Eleven 2011 in Japan and Gramsci. Hiroshi Matsuda
  2. Notebook 19 Risorgimento italiano, §24 (Part 1)
  3. The Premises of Gramscian theory of education. Nobuaki Kurosawa
  4. Materials for research on Benedetto Croce
    · Socialism is dead
    · The Party as judgment and as prejudice
    · Book review of Ludovico Limentani, The prevision of the social facts


Arnaut de Toledo, Cézar de Alencar; Gomes, Jarbas Mauricio. "O leitor de Gramsci". Revista Contemporânea de Educação. Rio de Janeiro, Ago/Dez, n. 14, p. 479-484, 2012. (Resenha) [Link]

Ramos, Leonardo César Souza. “Contra-hegemonia e política externa? A política externa brasileira no governo Lula.” Carta Internacional 7.1 (2012): link

Influenciado pelas dinâmicas da economia política global, o Partido dos Trabalhadores se transforma eadota uma política externa semelhante à do governo anterior. Contudo, dado seu passado ligado às lutassociais, PT/Lula adotam um discurso que remete a tal passado sem, contudo, alterar substantivamenteseu conteúdo de política externa, o que acaba por contribuir para a reconstrução – e não superação – domodelo.

Ramos, Leonardo. “A Questão Da Subalternidade Na Economia Política Global: Os Processos De Resistência Ao Sistema G7/8.” Revista Política Hoje 21.1 (2012): 256-90. PDF

Using the Gramscian notions of hegemony and subalternity, this article presents a critical analysis of the resistance processes to G7/8 system in a context of globalization of resistance. Hence, the aim is to elaborate some critical considerations concerning the emancipatory potentialities and limits of such protest and resistance movements to G7/8 system.

Salles, Ricardo. “Gramsci para historiadores.” História da Historiografia 0.10 (2012): n. pag.


Carmel Borg, Joseph. A Buttigieg and Peter Mayo (eds.), Gramsci y la educación, Xativa: Crec, 2012.

Kanoussi, Dora. Notas sobre el Maquiavelismo contemporáneo. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2012. (Mexico) ISBN 9786079115104

Para Gramsci, en los Cuadernos de la carcel, la aportacion de Maquiavelo no es lasimple separacion entre politica y moral y la consiguiente autonomia de la politica; tampoco la identificacion o sometimiento de una o la otra ymenos aun que Maquiavelo hubiera sido "precursor del pensiamento republicano". Para Gramsci, discipulo de De Sanctis, Maquiavelo introdujo (lo mismo que Lutero) una nueva idea del mundo y de la politica y por ende una nueva etica. Es contribucion de Gramsci, po lo tanto, el haber superado la orientacion de Ceoce, Meinecke y sus seguidores, quienes en Maquiavelo destanan en primer lugar al descubridor de la autonomia de la politica y/o al teorico del Estado-fuerza o razon de Estado.

Morera, Esteve. "Des dels marges: Aproximació de Gramsci a la Filosofia" Revista de Catalunya No. 277 (Jan - March 2012): 11-27.


Note: Feyzullah Yilmaz has compiled a list of Turkish Gramsci publications at Neo-Gramsian Portal.

Gramsci, Antonio. Hapishane Defterleri: 2. Cilt. (Joseph A. Buttigieg). Translated by Barış Baysal. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları, 2012. ISBN: 6054511372.

Ozan, Ebru Deniz, and Deniz Yıldırım, eds. Praksis 27. Special issue on “Yeniden Gramsci: Hegemonya, Devlet Ve Yeniden Devrim Sorunu” (2012). [Praksis]


Sosyolojik Marksizmin Sınırları?
Adam David Morton

Pasif Devrimlerde Toplum, Siyaset ve Bloklar
Cihan Tuğal

Galip Yalman’la Gramsci Üzerine Söyleşi

Antonio Gramsci’nin Organik Bütünlük Anlayışı Çerçevesinde Devrimi Yeniden Düşünmek Gökhan Demir
Ali Yalçın Göymen

Antonio Gramsci’nin Türkiye Serüveni
Fuat Özdinç – Ümit Özger

İslami Burjuvazinin Siyasalkt İisadı: MÜSİAD Örneği
Berkay Ayhan – Seher Sağıroğlu

2011 Krizinin Gölgesinde Yeni Sanayi Politikaları Üzerine Bir Not
Ümit Akçay

Değerler ve Değer Yaratma Süreci: İşletmeTarihi Bağlamında Bir Deneme ya da Politik İktisadın Sosyolojik Eleştirisine Eleştiri
Koray R.Yılmaz

“Devrimci-Halkçı Yerel Yönetimler Sempozyumu”
Begüm Özden Fırat

Thomas, Peter D. Gramsci Çağı. Felsefe, Hegemonya ve Marksizm, Ankara: Dipnot, 2012.

Thomas, Peter D. “Devrimler, Edilgin ve Sürekli” [Revolutions, passive and permanent], Felsefelogos 44, 2012.

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Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025