Gramsci Bibliography: 2010

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Brookfield, Stephen D., and John D. Holst. Radicalizing Learning: Adult Education for a Just World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010.

The book develops a Gramscian perspective on training, globalization, research, and educational program planning.

Bruff, Ian. “European Varieties of Capitalism and the International”. European Journal of International Relations, vol. 16, no. 4 (2010): 615-38. Link.

This article develops a framework for analysing the distinctive national trajectories of European varieties of capitalism under the conditioning of ‘the international’. It does so through a critical engagement with two prominent historical materialist literatures — transnational historical materialism and uneven and combined development. I argue that, in contrast to these contributions, a nationally-oriented perspective utilizing Antonio Gramsci’s writings on ‘common sense’ has greater potential for narrowing the optic from broader concerns to fine-grained analysis. In particular, I focus on how articulations between the national and the international are constitutive of how humans make sense of the material basis for their existence.The Dutch variety of capitalism is then examined in order to demonstrate the advantages of utilizing this ‘common sense’ framework for political economy analysis.

Bruff, Ian. “Germany’s Agenda 2010 reforms: Passive revolution at the crossroads.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 409-428.

This article examines Germany’s Agenda 2010 reforms, passed in 2003, with regard to Antonio Gramsci’s discussions of passive revolution. It does so via a consideration of the inherently expansionary nature of passive revolution as a concept, for in its genesis lie both comparative and international dimensions. Nevertheless, one consequence of the realisation of passive revolution’s conceptual potential is the need to redefine hegemony as the granting of active consent by the led to the leading—a move I view as untenable. Agenda 2010 is a useful test case, for it can be analysed successfully with regard to either passive revolution or hegemony, although I consider hegemony to be better placed for analysing this period in Germany’s contemporary history. I conclude with some suggestions for how to utilise more effectively the concept of passive revolution, and with some reflections on the impact of the current crisis on Germany.

Callinicos, Alex. “The limits of passive revolution.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 491-507.

This article addresses what it identifies as the over-extension of the concept of passive revolution in recent writing on international political economy. It traces the evolution of the concept in the Prison Notebooks, where it is rooted in Antonio Gramsci’s development of the Marxist theory of bourgeois revolutions to account for episodes of what he called ‘revolution/restoration’ such as the Italian Risorgimento. But, in his attempt to offer a comprehensive alternative to the great liberal philosopher Benedetto Croce, Gramsci extends the concept to cases such as Mussolini’s fascism. The core meaning common to these uses is that of socio-political processes in which revolution-inducing strains are at once displaced and at least partially fulfilled. In more recent Marxist work, even this meaning is in danger of being lost. The article concludes by seeking to relocate passive revolution within Gramsci’s non-determinist, but still firmly materialist, understanding of Marx’s theory of history.

Casarino, Cesare. “The Southern Answer: Pasolini, Universalism, Decolonization,” Critical Inquiry, vol. 36, no. 4, Summer 2010, pp. 673-696.

Davidson, Neil. “Scotland: Birthplace of passive revolution?.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 343-359.

This article addresses what it identifies as the over-extension of the concept of passive revolution in recent writing on international political economy. It traces the evolution of the concept in the Prison Notebooks, where it is rooted in Antonio Gramsci’s development of the Marxist theory of bourgeois revolutions to account for episodes of what he called ‘revolution/restoration’ such as the Italian Risorgimento. But, in his attempt to offer a comprehensive alternative to the great liberal philosopher Benedetto Croce, Gramsci extends the concept to cases such as Mussolini’s fascism. The core meaning common to these uses is that of socio-political processes in which revolution-inducing strains are at once displaced and at least partially fulfilled. In more recent Marxist work, even this meaning is in danger of being lost. The article concludes by seeking to relocate passive revolution within Gramsci’s non-determinist, but still firmly materialist, understanding of Marx’s theory of history.

Fontana, Benedetto. “Political space and hegemonic power in Gramsci.” Journal of Political Power 3.3 (2010): 341-363.

Antonio Gramsci's political thought focusses on power, hegemony, and domination. This article attempts to delineate the close and intimate relationship in Gramsci between political power and political space. It argues that political space is a central ingredient in his understanding of hegemony and civil society.

Frassinelli, Pier Paolo. “Gramsci-Theory-Translation-Reading: ‘Loose Notes and Jottings for a Group of Essays on the History of Intellectuals’.” Social Scientist 38.5/6 (2010): 35–48. [JSTOR]

Gencarella, Stephen Olbrys. “Gramsci, Good Sense, and Critical Folklore Studies.” Journal of Folklore Research 47.3 (2010): 221-252.

This article addresses the scholarly lacunae surrounding Antonio Gramsci's contributions to folklore studies in the English-speaking world. It contends that Gramsci's critique of folklore has often been misunderstood because it has not been read in tandem with his comments on language, common sense, and religion, nor has it been contextualized by his discussions of distinctions among folklore, philosophy, and science. This article provides a close reading of Gramsci's commentaries and draws a brief comparison with the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer in order to adapt these ideas for contemporary research, reclaim folklore's political legitimacy, and promote a critical folklore studies that would overtly address political dilemmas and human suffering.

Gencarella, Stephen Olbrys. “Gramsci, Good Sense, and Critical Folklore Studies: A Critical Reintroduction.” Journal of Folklore Research 47.3 (2010): 259-264.

This is a reply to a comment made by José E. Limón on the article "Gramsci, Good Sense, and Critical Folklore Studies," published in this issue ( Journal of Folklore Research 47/3, 2010).

Gray, Kevin. “Labour and the state in China’s passive revolution.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 449-467.

This article begins by engaging with some recent attempts to bring the study of the agency of labour into analyses of global capitalism, and argues that these approaches fail to capture the ways in which labour movements impact upon state strategies and, in turn, how this affects the spatial and temporal nature of global capitalist restructuring. Through adopting Antonio Gramsci’s concept of passive revolution, the article shows that whilst China has witnessed a significant degree of spontaneous and unorganised labour unrest, the state has been highly active in seeking to forestall the emergence of a politically conscious organised labour movement in ways that have important implications for the mode of China’s insertion into the international division of labour. In accordance with Gramsci’s framework, this ‘revolution from above’ should be understood within the framework and the specificity of the international states system. Labour struggles, class formation and the role of the state in these processes are conditioned both by geopolitical rivalry and by the demonstrative effects of earlier cases of successful industrialisation, as well as by examples of resultant labour struggles.

Hesketh, Chris. “From passive revolution to silent revolution: Class forces and the production of state, space and scale in modern Mexico.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 383-407.

This article draws on Antonio Gramsci’s key concepts of passive revolution and hegemony to explore how specific scalar and spatial configurations have been historically produced in Mexico, within the conditions of worldwide capitalist development. It argues that passive revolution—understood as the state-led reorganisation of social relations that seeks to maintain or restore class domination—can be seen as a recurring theme of Mexican history in the 20th century. In order to make this case, the author examines the Mexican Revolution and elaborates the case for labelling it as a ‘passive revolution’. Following this, the contradictory character of Mexico’s development trajectory is explored, and the resulting restructuring of the economy along neoliberal lines is interpreted as a second phase of passive revolution. Through an analysis of changing state formation and the spaces and scales associated with it, the article thereby highlights the key antinomies of capitalist development that have augured the recurrence of passive revolutions.

Holub, Renate. 'Towards a Global Space of Democratic Rights: On Benjamin, Gramsci, and Polanyi,' in Anca M. Pusca, ed. Walter Benjamin and the Aesthetics of Change. Palgrave Mcmillan, UK, 2010. Pp. 1-55.

Ives, Peter, and Rocco Lacorte, eds. Gramsci, Language, and Translation. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010). [ISBN: cloth: 9780739118597. paperback: 9780739118603. electronic: 9780739147856].

Abstract: This anthology brings together key articles translated into English for the first time from Italian debates concerning Antonio Gramsci’s writings on language and translation as central to his entire social and political thought. It includes recent scholarship by Italian, German and English-speaking scholars providing important contributions to debates concerning culture, language, Marxism, post-Marxism, and identity as well as the many fields in which Gramsci’s notion of hegemony has been influential.

Table of Contents

    Part I Gramsci’s Linguistics and Gramsci’s Marxism
  1. The Linguistic Roots of Gramsci’s Non-Marxism. Franco Lo Piparo
  2. Linguistics and Marxism in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci. Luigi Rosiello
  3. Language from Nature to History: More on Gramsci the Linguist. Tullio De Mauro
  4. Linguistics and the Political Question of Language. Stefano Gensini
  5. Gramsci the Linguist. Utz Maas
  6. Gramsci from One Century to Another. Interview with Edoardo Sanguineti by Giorgio Baratta
  7. Part II Language, Translation, Politics, and Culture
  8. Translation and Translatability. Derek Boothman
  9. Aunt Alene on Her Bicycle: Antonio Gramsci as Translator from German and as Translation Theorist. Lucia Borghese
  10. On ‘Translatability’ in Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks. Fabio Frosini
  11. Translations and Metaphors in Gramsci. Maurizio Lichtner
  12. Translatability, Language, and Freedom in Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks. Rocco Lacorte
  13. Part III Politics, Theory, and Method
  14. Language and Politics in Gramsci. Francisco F. Buey
  15. Gramsci’s Subversion of the Language of Politics. Anne Showstack Sassoon
  16. Some Notes on Gramsci the Linguist. Tullio De Mauro
  17. The Lexicon of Gramsci’s Philosophy of Praxis. André Tosel
  18. Subalternity and Language: Overcoming the Fragmentation of Common Sense. Marcus E. Green and Peter Ives

Jubas, Kaela. “Reading Antonio Gramsci as a Methodologist.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods 9.2 (2010): 224-239.

In this paper, the author connects conceptual and methodological development, typically presented as distinct processes. She argues that these processes are—or should be—underpinned by a common philosophical and theoretical stance. Using Gramsci’s The Prison Notebooks (1971), usually considered for its theory of social relations, the author outlines the work’s epistemological tenets. She then discusses the methodological ramifications of Gramsci’s perspective, relating his ideas to contemporary scholarship, especially by those working from feminist, critical race theory, and other critical perspectives. Because social theory and research methodology tend to be discussed as separate spheres and Gramsci’s work generally is taken up for its social theory, much of the methodological work reviewed here is not identified as Gramscian. Nonetheless, Gramsci’s ideas can have currency especially for qualitative researchers. An important message to take from The Prison Notebooks is to consider epistemology, theory, and methodology together rather than sequentially.

Kim, Sook-Jin, and Joel Wainwright. “When seed fails: The contested nature of neoliberalism in South Korea.” Geoforum 41 (2010): 723–733.

In recent years, many geographers have examined the ways that the production of nature has changed as a result of neoliberal practices. In this paper we examine a conflict in South Korea that started when some Chinese-cabbage seeds were affected by a virus, causing crop failure. This failure came shortly after liberalization in the Korean seed industry led to foreign ownership of the firm that sold the seed. We focus in particular on the farmers’ creative political responses – and their subsequent defeat in court. Drawing on Antonio Gramsci’s insights on politics, science, and law, we examine how the seed failure came to be evaluated through scientific and legal practices. We argue that the adjudication of the truth of the seed failure through science and law reveals how socionatures are contested under prevailing hegemonic conditions. These conditions are both general and specific: although law and science are relatively hegemonic spheres of truth-production in all capitalist societies, the ways that the seeds were disputed and evaluated were distinctly Korean.

Limón, José E. “Breaking with Gramsci: Gencarella on Good Sense and Critical Folklore Studies.” Journal of Folklore Research 47.3 (2010): 253-257.

A comment on Stephen Olbrys Gencarella's essay "Gramsci, Good Sense, and Critical Folklore Studies," published in this issue ( Journal of Folklore Research 47/3, 2010).

Mayo, Peter, ed. Gramsci and Educational Thought. (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010). [ISBN: 978-1444333947]

Abstract: Gramsci and Educational Thought pays tribute to the educational influence of this great social thinker and political theorist of the twentieth century. Reflecting Gramsci's growing international stature, contributions to this volume are drawn from around the world. Scholars and specialists from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Malta, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States tackle a wide range of issues relating to Gramsci's educational thought. Topics addressed include political education in a political party context, adult education, education and the ‘philosophy of praxis', Idealist philosopher Giovanni Gentile and education, Global English, language and education, schooling, feminism, community education, and education and social work.

Table of Contents

    Foreword (Michael A. Peters, University of Illinois).
    Introduction: Antonio Gramsci and Educational Thought (Peter Mayo, University of Malta).
  1. A Brief Commentary on the Hegelian-Marxist Origins of Gramsci's 'Philosophy of Praxis' (Debbie J Hill, University of Waikato).
  2. Antonio Gramsci and his Relevance for the Education of Adults (Peter Mayo, University of Malta).
  3. The Revolutionary Party in Gramsci's Pre-Prison Educational and Political Theory and Practice (John D. Holst, University of St. Thomas).
  4. Introducing Giovanni Gentile, the 'Philosopher of Fascism' (Thomas Clayton, University of Kentucky).
  5. Global English, Hegemony and Education: Lessons from Gramsci (Peter Ives, University of Winnipeg).
  6. Antonio Gramsci and Feminism: The elusive nature of power (Margaret Ledwith, Cumbria University).
  7. Towards a Political Theory of Social Work and Education (Translated by Florian Sichling with editing by Peter Mayo, Uwe Hirschfeld, Protestant University of Applied Science in Social Work, Dresden).
  8. Gramscian Thought and Brazilian Education (Rosemary Dore, Federal University of Minais Gerais).

McKay, Ian G. “The Canadian passive revolution, 1840-1950.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 361-381.

‘Passive revolution’, understood here as a specific moment of global capitalism, provides an indispensable key to Canadian history, especially that unfolding from the 1840s (when seigneurs, Tories, agrarian radicals and democrats were forcibly unified through a top-down, British-orchestrated administrative revolution) to the 1940s (when plutocrats, Liberals and Conservatives, trade unionists and social democrats were forcibly unified through the imposition of a top-down, Ottawa-orchestrated Fordist compromise). The ‘long Confederation’ of Canada, from 1841 to 1949, was in Marxist terms a social revolution, entailing the subordination of non-capitalist and proto-capitalist formations, through which northern North America was liberalised; yet this ‘active’ achievement of a liberal order was also ‘passive’ insofar as it constituted a strengthening of Britain’s imperial power; subdued, transformed and incorporated subaltern movements; and culminated in a new socioeconomic order that integrated Canadian producers into continental and global circuits of capital while denying them any de facto sovereignty over ‘their’ state.

McKay, Ian G. “Feature review: Our awkward ancestors: Trotsky, Gramsci and the challenge of reconnaissance.” [Review of Emanuele Saccarelli Gramsci and Trotsky in the Shadow of Stalinism: The Political Theory and Practice of Opposition, Routledge: London, 2008]. Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 509-530.

Morton, Adam David. “The continuum of passive revolution.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 315-342.

‘Some aspects of the Southern question’ (1926) established a strain of thought in Antonio Gramsci’s questioning of conditions of uneven and combined development in Italy, which encompassed complex relations of class stratification, racial domination, colonial rule, the social function of intellectuals, and how best to mobilise against the bourgeois state. This strain of thought was then extended, in his carceral research, through his sustained and wide-ranging historical sociological focus on passive revolution as a condition of modern state formation. This article sets up the importance of passive revolution as a backdrop to approaching passive revolutions of diverse varieties, which is the subject of this wider special issue, stressing ‘approaching’ (as transitive verb) in terms of setting about the task of assessing the theoretical import of passive revolution; and ‘approaching’ (as intransitive verb) in terms of the advance of passive revolutions that are contemporary to us, and those that are in the process of becoming. The continuum of passive revolution is thereby asserted in a historically specific sense, capturing transitions to and transformations of the social relations of capitalist production, rather than as some transhistorical affirmation of intersocietal existence.

Morton, Adam David. 'Reflections on Uneven Development: Mexican Revolution, Primitive Accumulation, Passive Revolution', Latin American Perspectives, 37:1 (2010): pp. 7-34.

Nicholson, Jenifer Margaret. “The Role of Educative Thought in the Life and Work of Antonio Gramsci.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southampton, 2010.

Raber, Douglas. “Hegemony, Historic Blocs, and Capitalism: Antonio Gramsci in Library and Information Science.” Critical Theory for Library and Information Science: Exploring the Social from Across the Disciplines. Ed. Gloria J. Leckie, Lisa M. Given, & John E. Buschman. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2010. 143-160.

Rosengarten, Frank. “On Intellectuals, Engaged and Otherwise (With an Afterword on Thomas Mann's Use of Intellectual Reflection in the Novella Mario and the Magician).” Italian Culture 28.2 (2010): 157–167.

After a clarification of the word “intellectual,” this essay proceeds to discuss three influential twentieth-century intellectuals: Antonio Gramsci, Edward Said, and Betty Friedan. The works discussed are Gramsci's The Prison Notebooks, Said's Humanism and Democratic Criticism and The Question of Palestine, and Friedan's The Feminine Mystique. The essay ends with an afterword on Thomas Mann's 1929 novella “Mario and the Magician,” with a view to shedding light on why retrospective intellectual commentary is relevant to emotions whose intensity as lived experience seems to lie beyond the purview of such commentary.

Santucci, Antonio A. Antonio Gramsci. Translated by Graziella DiMauro and Salvatore Engel-DiMauro. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010). [ISBN: 978-1-58367-210-5]. [more info].

Abstract: This volume provides a complete English translation of Antonio Santucci's Antonio Gramsci. Guida al pensiero e agli scritti [Antonio Gramsci: A Guide to His Thought and Writings (Editori Riuniti, 1987)], as well as the first chapter of Gramsci ["Fin de Siècle Gramsci” (Newton & Compton, Rome 1996)].

Table of Contents

Preface by Eric J. Hobsbawm
Foreword by Joseph A. Buttigieg
Editor’s Note by Lelio La Porta
List of Abbreviations
The Political Writings
The Letters From Prison
The Prison Notebooks
End-of-Century Gramsci
Appendix 1: Biographical Chronology
Appendix 2: Biographies of Main Political Figures

Simon, Rick. “Passive revolution, perestroika, and the emergence of the new Russia.” Capital & Class 34.3 (2010): 429-448.

This article makes a distinction between a ‘type I’ passive revolution, which transforms the relations of production, and a ‘type II’ passive revolution, which modifies the existing production relations. It argues that Gorbachev’s aim through perestroika was a type II passive revolution designed to rejuvenate the Soviet economy through further integration into the global capitalist economy. The disruption produced by perestroika laid the foundations, however, for a type I passive revolution by opening the door to the influence of global capitalism, fragmenting the heterogeneous Soviet elite, and enabling an opposition linked to global neoliberalism to utilise the nascent Russian state as a mechanism for advancing systemic transformation. The transition to capitalism has not, however, been a smooth process, but has been characterised by ‘revolution/restoration’: a ruling bloc of pro-capitalist forces and elements of the former Soviet elite; and a combination of capitalist and Soviet-era production relations.

Wainwright, Joel. “On Gramsci’s ‘conceptions of the world’.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 35.4 (2010): 507-521.

Antonio Gramsci is widely celebrated for his conceptualisation of hegemony. This paper elucidates a related concept that appears frequently in Gramsci’s prison notebooks yet has been surprisingly under-emphasised: ‘conceptions of the world’. By conceptions of the world, Gramsci refers to things that inform our understanding of the world and our place in it. Each conception of the world is inherently practical and philosophical, relational and political. Gramsci argues that producing a new, effective conception of the world is the key to successfully building communism. It is therefore important to situate this concept in Gramsci’s thought. That is the aim of this paper, which elaborates on the implications of ‘conception of the world’ through a reading of Gramsci’s prison notes – particularly his commentaries on humanity and worldliness.

Wainwright, Joel. “Was Gramsci a Marxist?.” Rethinking Marxism 22.4 (2010): 617-626.

This paper argues that Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony is rooted in Marx's theory of value. Although value theory, and Marx's economic writings more generally, are by no means central themes of the Prison Notebooks, they nevertheless shape Gramsci's theoretical disposition and political analysis in fundamental respects. Thus, Gramsci's critique of economism should be seen as an extension of Marx's critique of political economy.

Zahran, Geraldo, and Leonardo Ramos. “From Hegemony to Soft Power.” Soft Power and US Foreign Policy: Theoretical, Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Edited by Inderjeet Parmar & Michael Cox. Routledge, 2010.


Thomas, Peter. "Voies démocratiques vers le socialisme Le retour de la question stratégique", Contretemps 8, 2010.


None to report.


See Gramsci Project > Bibliografia. News of Italian publications should be sent to Michele Filippini.


La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 47 (March 2010)

  1. Study of Prison Notebooks and Gramsci-Comintern relationship: A reply to criticism by Mr. Tomihisa Suzuki in his recently published book “Scientific structure of Gramsci's Prison Notebooks,” by Hiroshi Matsuda
  2. Contribution from abroad: Gramsci and Civil movement in ROK, by Cha Myong Je (Explanatory Notes by Shigeki Maruyama)
  3. Book Review: Nobuyuki Kurosawa, Lifelong study and association by Hiromi Fujioka
  4. Book Review: Adriano Tilgher, Homo Faber--History of the concept of Labor in the western civilization, translated by Koichi Ohara & Keiko Murakami (Social Critique Publisher, Nov.,2009.), by Yoshihumi Morikawa
  5. New Publication: Antonio Labriola, Essays on the Materialist Conception of History, translated by Koichi Ohara & Minoru Watanabe ("Contemporary” publishing house, Feb., 2010)
  6. Publications of Tokyo Gramsci Society

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 48 (August 2010)

  1. Gramsci and Arendt, by Joseph A. Buttigieg
  2. For a legislation of Network of Social Services & Undertakings: A task for Japanese subalterns to fulfil as soon as possible, by Hiroyuki Kashii
  3. Summary on the 2010 annual assembly of Tokyo Gramsci Society

La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 49 (November 2010)

  1. Notebook 19 Italian Risorigimento, §1-§4, translated by the Prison Notebooks Research Group.
  2. “Thinking of solidarity with Ainu Nationality from the Gramscian viewpoint of subalterns,” by Masaya Honda
  3. Review of Ronaldo Munck, Marx@2000: Late Marxist Perspectives, byKoichi Ohara


Galastri, Leandro de Oliveira. Revolução passiva e jacobinismo: uma bifurcação da história. Filosofia e Educação (on line), Campinas, n. 2, p. 101-126, 2010.

Galastri, Leandro de Oliveira. A construção do bloco histórico: via jacobina e o "debate" com Georges Sorel nos Cadernos do Cárcere. Lutas Sociais (PUCSP), São Paulo, n. 23, p. 80-92, 2009.

Passos, Rodrigo Duarte Fernandes dos . Breves notas sobre o debate teórico contemporâneo em Relações Internacionais. Informe Econômico (UFPI), Teresina, n. 22, p. 21-24, 2010.

Passos, Rodrigo Duarte Fernandes dos . Um esboço da relação de uma biografia de Gramsci com sua obra. Informe Econômico (UFPI), Teresina, n. 23, p. 39-42, 2010.

Passos, Rodrigo Duarte Fernandes dos ; Leite, Y. O cientista social é um intelectual orgânico? Informe Econômico (UFPI), Teresina, n. 24, p. 40-45, 2010.


Modonesi, Massimo. Subalternidad, antagonismo, autonomía. Marxismos y subjetivación política. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2010.

Rodríguez, Manuel S. Almeida. Dirigentes Y Dirigidos: Para Leer Los Cuadernos De La Cárcel De Antonio Gramsci. (Bogotá: Envión Editores, 2010). [ISBN 958994380-2].

Abstract: El presente trabajo intenta proveer una clave interpretativa con la cual abordar el complejo cuerpo de la obra escrita en cárcel por el marxista italiano Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) conocido como los Cuadernos de la cárcel, un inmenso cuerpo teórico-político sumamente fragmentario en la superficie. La elaboración de esta clave interpretativa es a la misma vez necesariamente un recorrido por la rica teoría política de Gramsci. Es decir, los elementos constitutivos de importancia en su teoría política – los leitmotivs de su trabajo maduro – son proyectados de vuelta sobre la materialidad de la escritura carcelaria para proponer un tema común subyacente a lo que es en la superficie una colección cruda de notas y reflexiones. Nunca olvidamos que, como planteara numerosas veces Gramsci en sus Cuadernos, estos textos eran material provisional para ser desarrollado con los recursos apropiados. Por esto, un proyecto humilde como el que se pretende en el presente trabajo es a la vez un necesario diálogo con Gramsci, que intenta trascender lo incompleto, lo inacabado, pero dentro de un marco de sensatez interpretativa.

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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025