Gramsci Bibliography: 2017

Bibliography: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


Anderson, Perry. The H-Word: The Peripeteia of Hegemony. Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2017. ISBN: 9781786633682

A fascinating history of the political theory of hegemony. Few terms are so widely used in the literature of international relations and political science, with so little agreement about their exact meaning, as hegemony. In the first full historical study of its fortunes as a concept, Perry Anderson traces its emergence in Ancient Greece, its rediscovery during the upheavals of 1848–9 in Germany, and then its chequered career in revolutionary Russia, fascist Italy, Cold War America, Thatcherized Britain, post-colonial India, feudal Japan, Maoist China, through to the world of Merkel and May, Bush and Obama. The result is a surprising and fascinating expedition into global intellectual history, ending with a strong political statement about the present.

Anderson, Perry. The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci. London: Verso, 2017

Abstract: A major essay on the thought of the great Italian Marxist, Perry Anderson’s essay “The Antimonies of Antonio Gramsci,” first published in New Left Review in 1976, was an explosive analysis of the central strategic concepts in the thought of the great Italian Marxist. Since then it has been the subject of book-length attacks across four decades for its disentangling of the hesitations and contradictions in Gramsci’s highly original usage of such key dichotomies as East and West, domination and direction, hegemony and dictatorship, state and civil society, and war of position and war of movement. In a critical tribute to the international richness of Gramsci’s work, the essay shows how deeply embedded these notions were in the revolutionary debates in Tsarist Russia and Wilhelmine Germany. Here arguments crisscrossed between Plekhanov, Lenin, Kautsky, Luxemburg, Lukács and Trotsky, with later echoes in Brecht and Benjamin. A new preface considers the objections the essay provoked and the reasons for them. This edition also includes the first English translation of Athos Lisa’s report on Gramsci’s lectures in prison.

Carta, Caterina. “Gramsci and The Prince: Taking Machiavelli outside the realist courtyard?” Review of International Studies 43.2 (2017): 345–366. Source.

Abstract: Abstract In the field of political theory, few authors have spurred intellectual tirades and triggered collective fantasy as much as the sixteenth-century Florentine Secretary Niccoló Machiavelli. Despite all controversies, in the discipline of International Relations (IR) Machiavelli and his The Prince have been almost exclusively associated with classical realism. This largely unchallenged association contributed to the edification of the myth of The Prince as the ruthless symbol of raison d’état, carrying transcendental lessons about the nature of politics and a set of prescriptions on how helmsmen should behave to seize, maintain, and reinforce their power. The realist hijacking of Machiavelli is at the core of the foundation of classical realism as an IR theory and its location at the very epicentre of IR as a discipline. This appropriation has, in turn, obscured alternative myths of The Prince, which depart from Machiavelli’s reflections on the Principati nuovi to read The Prince as a radical manifesto for political change. The opening of the semantic space in the field of IR – spurred by the so-called interpretive turn – offers an opportunity to break this monochromatic reading. This article delves into two competing myths of The Prince: the classical realist myth and Gramsci’s ‘progressive’ one to demonstrate its contested nature.

Choplin, Armelle, and Riccardo Ciavolella. “Gramsci and the African Città Futura: Urban Subaltern Politics From the Margins of Nouakchott, Mauritania.” Antipode 49.2 (2017): 314–334. Source.

Abstract: This article offers reflection on how Gramscian theories can be useful for critically analyzing the political significance of the actions and resistances of urban subaltern Africans. It interrogates the potential of subaltern political forms to profoundly transform society and to thus prepare for the African “future city”. It merges a theoretical analysis of Gramsci’s concepts relating to the città futura—and its relation to concepts of city, subalternity, political initiative and cittadinanza—with a comparative critique of urban theory applied to Africa and especially relating to the politicization of the city in Mauritania. Our reflections are based on Mauritania and the case of Nouakchott, its capital, where we have carried out our research for over a decade. We will interrogate the re-appropriations or resistances, as well as the autonomous construction of modes of living and of city-making, made by marginal inhabitants, in order to consider their political potentialities.

Chun, Christian W. The Discourses of Capitalism: Everyday Economists and the Production of Common Sense. New York: Routledge, 2017. ISBN: 9781138807105.

Since the global economic crisis of 2007–2008, 'capitalism' has been the topic of widespread general discussion in both mainstream and social media. In this book, Christian W. Chun examines the discourses of capitalism taken up by people in their responses to a street art installation created by Steve Lambert, entitled Capitalism Works for Me! In doing so, he considers several key questions, including: How do everyday people view and make sense of capitalism and its role in their work and personal lives? What are the discourses they use in their common-sense understandings of the economy to defend or reject capitalism as a system? Chun looks at how dominant discourses in social circulation operate to co-construct and support capitalism, and the accompanying counter-discourses that critique it. This is key reading for advanced students of discourse analysis, language and globalization/politics, media/communication studies, and related areas.

Del Roio, Marcos. The Prisms of Gramsci: The Political Formula of the United Front. Haymarket Books, 2017. (Paperback edition). ISBN: 9781608466931

Most scholars assume that Gramsci’s thinking can be clearly periodized, drawing a distinction between his early work and ‘The Prison Notebooks.’ In this important book, Marcos Del Roio instead defends the radical thesis that an examination of the Sardinian Communist’s pre-prison political-theoretical activity reveals a total continuity between his political praxis and his philosophical reflection throughout his life.

Filippini, Michele. Using Gramsci: A New Approach. Pluto Press, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-7453-3568-1

The notebooks kept by Antonio Gramsci while he was in prison in fascist Italy in the 1920s have been an inspiration to Marxist political thinkers and activists around the world for decades. With Using Gramsci, Michele Filippini teases out a number of previously ignored aspects of Gramsci’s works to create a book that stands apart from previous analyses. While Filippini does examine the aspects of Gramsci’s thought that have long attracted scholars—including his thinking on hegemony, organic intellectuals, and civil society—she foregrounds new concepts, including the individual, crisis, and space and time. The result is a rethinking of Gramsci for our era that offers a number of promising new ways forward.

Frosini, Fabio. “Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Hegemony: Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks and the European Crisis.” International Critical Thought 7.2 (2017): 190–204. Source.

Abstract: This research is based upon three interrelated elements: the European crisis, Italian Fascism and the analysis of the two carried out by Antonio Gramsci in the Prison Notebooks, that is, the notes he wrote during his detention in Fascist prisons from 1929 to 1935. However, the aim of this contribution is to shed light not on Gramsci’s analysis of the European crisis and the regime in Italy as such, but on the way in which this analysis interacts with the constellations of political power and of hegemonic social forces existing in Italy and in Europe at the time. Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks are in fact not reflections on a defeat, made far away—both physically and mentally—from the on-going struggle (as they have often been interpreted in the past), but a strategic analysis of opportunities for communist political initiative presented by the new European and Italian situation of the late 1920s and early 1930s.

Frosini, Fabio. "'Space-Time' and Power in the Light of the Theory of Hegemony" in The Government of Time: Theories of Plural Temporality in the Marxist Tradition, edited by Vittorio Morfino and Peter D. Thomas, Leiden: Brill, 2017. ISBN: 9789004291195

Frosini, Fabio. “What Is a ‘Hegemonic Crisis’? Some Notes on History, Revolution and Visibility in Gramsci.” Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 6.11 (2017): 45–71. [Source]

Abstract: History appears already to the young Gramsci as a system of forces in unstable balance, which struggle to position themselves on the side of history, to identify with it. For this reason, in his reading of Marxism, the unity of history is a result, the product of a successful strategy of hegemony building. This article reviews the Gramscian theory of hegemony and tries to show its coherence with the philosophy of praxis, that is, with the notion of the fundamentally practical nature of reality. In particular, it is argued that, on the one hand, a crisis of hegemony must be understood as disintegrating (and not emptying) a hegemonic system, which allows subordinated hegemonic moments to emerge; on the other hand, the crisis itself is determined by the formulation of hegemonic discourses that try to escape their condition of subordination.

Galastri, Leandro. “Social Classes and Subaltern Groups: Theoretical Distinction and Political Application.” Capital & Class (2017). [Journal]

The purpose of this article is to draw a theoretical distinction between the notions of ‘social classes’ and ‘subaltern groups’ as defined in The Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci. This distinction will involve a brief discussion about the notions of ‘social classes’ evolved by other key authors in the area, apart from Gramsci himself, such as Marx, D. Bensaïd, E. P. Thompson and N. Poulantzas, who, on this question, have close affinities with the ideas of Gramsci. Finally, I seek to make suggestions about how this distinction can be applied, together with some critical observations on ‘Subaltern Studies’ and some final considerations with regard to this article as a whole.

Goodman, Benny. “Antonio Gramsci on intellectual thought – Challenging nursing.” Nurse Education Today 55.Supplement C (2017): 140–141. Source.

Gramsci, Antonio. “The Turin Communist Movement.” International Gramsci Journal 2.2 (2017): 40–51. Source.

Hesketh, Chris. “Passive Revolution: A Universal Concept with Geographical Seats.” Review of International Studies (2017): 1–20. [Journal]

In this article, I argue that Antonio Gramsci’s concept of passive revolution makes a foundational contribution to International Relations (IR), yet has been relatively under appreciated by the broader discipline. Within the Historical Sociology of International Relations, uneven and combined development has recently been postulated as a key trans-historical law that provides a social theory of the ‘international’. Drawing from, but moving beyond these debates, I will argue that passive revolution is a key conditioning factor of capitalist modernity. I will demonstrate how the concept of passive revolution is the element that explains the connection between the universal process of uneven development and the manner in which specific combinations occur within the capitalist era as geopolitical pressures, in tandem with domestic social forces become internalised into geographically specific state forms. It therefore offers a corrective to the frequently aspatial view that is found in much of the literature in IR regarding uneven and combined development. Additionally, passive revolution provides a more politicised understanding of the present as well as an important theoretical lesson in relation to what needs to be done to affect alternative trajectories of development.

Holub, Renate. “Gramsci and cultural studies in the dual economy of the United States.” Filosofia Italiana 2 (2017). [pdf]

Abstract: In this article, I have tried to submit patterns in US academic cultural studies and Gramsci scholar¬ship to a brief comparative analysis against the background of the generic amalgamations of three national formations by the 1980’s: reproduction and maintenance of a consumerist “common sense” through credit card debts, accelerations in economic under-developments in a dual-econ¬omy, and the cultural reproduction of a collective psychic anchorage in self-perceptions of ex¬ceptionality and moral superiority in relation to racialized “others” in domestic and international spheres. My analysis distinguished patterns in academic cultural studies from those in Gramsci scholarship in that the former predominantly focused on aspects of discriminatory representa-tions in the cultural practices of the “national” spheres whereas the latter tended to orient itself on “international” analyses in human geography, environmental studies, climate change, development theory, global social moments, global conservatisms, and so on. I concluded that in light of the im¬portant role which the Gramsci’s legacy had assumed in the UK Birmingham School, the moment is opportune and necessary for Gramsci scholars in the US, as elsewhere, to make use of the most important Gramsci-inspired diagnostic instruments in the development of comprehensive research projects on the neo-liberal manipulations of the material and emotional institutions of diverse populations amidst a dual economy defined post-democratic age.

Isseks, Jerald. “Hegemony of the ‘Great Equalizer’ and the Fragmentation of Common Sense: A Gramscian Model of Inflated Ambitions for Schooling.” Educational Studies 53.1 (2017): 49–62. [Source]

Abstract: Increasingly over the past 50 years, the mission statement of schooling in dominant US-American discourse has coalesced around a Great Equalizer narrative of education; that is, it has identified schools as the primary means through which individuals can achieve social mobility. In this article, I employ a Gramscian framework to describe how this dominant yet illusory definition of purpose disorients well-intentioned educational actors and often pits them unwittingly against each other. I show that as a result of a false narrative about what schools do for society, a fragmented common sense has arisen amongst teachers, politicians, scholars and activists to the detriment of a collective theory of change. To guard against fragmentation and avert educational actors’ consent to a hegemonic social order, I argue that the first step toward collective resistance is acknowledging the limited impact schools have on the socioeconomic layout of society. Accordingly, educational actors hoping to ameliorate inequality must agree upon more realistic—and less tangible—cultural goals for schooling, such as inculcating critical citizenship and fostering civic participation.

Jackson, Robert. "Antonio Gramsci's Dialectic: Past and Present." In: Materialistische Dialektik bei Marx und über Marx hinaus. Ed. S. Breda, K. Boveiri and FO. Wolf., 137-149. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin (2017). Source.

Abstract: This chapter considers some of the questions addressed by the Materialistische Dialektik conference (30/31 October 2015, FU Berlin) through the prism of the thought of the Italian philosopher and revolutionary Antonio Gramsci. How do Gramsci's writings help us to re-think the notion of a 'materialist dialectic', and, what pertinence might his reflections on dialectics have today for understanding the complex layers of historical sediment that constitute a Marxian conception of dialectics? I trace some of the sources of Gramsci's conception of the dialectic, and its emergence in opposition to, on the one hand, the 'speculative idealism' of Croce and, on the other, Nikolai Bukharin's 'metaphysical materialism'. I elaborate connections between Gramsci's reflections on the dialectic and his distinctive articulation of the relationship between structure and superstructures, arguing for their foundation in his innovative conception of the 'homogeneous circle' of philosophy, politics and economics. Finally, I make some brief observations on the contemporary relevance of Gramsci's thought in relation to more recent thinkers.

Lee, Seung-Ook, Joel Wainwright, and Jim Glassman. “Geopolitical economy and the production of territory: The case of US–China geopolitical-economic competition in Asia.” Environment and Planning A (2017). Source.

Abstract: Recent work in political geography and Marxist, critical political economy has refocused attention on the interrelations between political economy and geopolitics. This paper examines the contributions of Antonio Gramsci to the theory of geopolitical economy and the production of territory. Doing so enables two key insights. First, explaining the production of territory requires unraveling multiple—sometimes competing—levels of geopolitical and geoeconomic power relations. It follows that geopolitical economy requires historicizing the practices of territorialization. The second point is that the practice of territorialization is today everywhere bound up with the project of producing and reproducing capitalist (i.e. class) social relations, including the capitalist form of the state as a social relation. To support this claim, we examine recent US–China hegemonic competition in regional, geoeconomic strategies—US’s “Trans-Pacific Partnership” and China’s “One Belt, One Road” Initiative.

Liguori, Guido. Gramsci’s Pathways. Haymarket Books, 2017. (Paperback edition). ISBN: 9781608466924

Gramsci's works, in particular his Prison Notebooks, are a real 'workshop' of activity. Even though these texts were the product of a great mind and an organic conception of the world, the particular context in which they are written poses challenges for their interpreters. Gramsci's Pathways is a philological 'excavation' of the pathways of Gramsci's thinking that brings us closer to an author who is more 'widely-known' than he is understood. The first part of the volume deals with central themes of Gramsci's worldview such as the concepts of the state, civil society, ideology, common sense, morality and conformism. The second part deals with Gramsci’s relations with thinkers as diverse as Machiavelli, Marx, Engels, Labriola, and Togliatti. Lastly, the third part offers some reflections on the metaphors used by Gramsci as well as contemporary views of the Sardinian Communist.

Mallick, Ayyaz. “Beyond ‘Domination without Hegemony’: passive revolution(s) in Pakistan.” Studies in Political Economy 98.3 (2017): 239–262. Source.

Abstract: This paper delineates the problematic of state and civil society set out by Marx and Gramsci in its theoretical-conjunctural validity, as it relates to postcolonial social formations and especially post-1970s Pakistan. The Gramscian concepts of passive revolution, “boundary-traversing” hegemony, and the integral state are elaborated through references to three major theorists of postcolonial societies: Chatterjee, Alavi, and Fanon. The resulting framework is then deployed to understand developments in post-1970s Pakistan as two phases of passive revolution.

McNelly, Angus. “The contours of Gramscian theory in Bolivia: From government rhetoric to radical critique.” Constellations 24.3 (2017): 432–446. Source.

McNally, Mark. “The Neo-Gramscians in the Study of International Relations: An Appraisal.” Materialismo Storico 2.1 (2017): 93–114. [Source]

Abstract: In this article I provide an appraisal of the neo-Gramscian approach to the study of international relations by focusing on three of its major exponents: Robert Cox, Stephen Gill and Adam Morton. I argue that neo-Gramscians have yet to adequately address some important challenges and criticisms of their method around its overly “top-down” mode of analysis, its neglect of forms of resistance and its excessively global and cosmopolitan account of neoliberal hegemony and especially resistance. I maintain that a return to the letter of Gramsci’s writings on hegemony and its national-popular and democratic character would not only allow neo-Gramscians to address more effectively these weaknesses, but also strengthen their approach and align it more effectively with trends in contemporary politics.

Morton, Adam David. “The Architecture of ‘Passive Revolution’: Society, State and Space in Modern Mexico.” Journal of Latin American Studies (2017): 1–36. Source.

Abstract: Abstract This article analyses the political economy of Henri Lefebvre’s concept of ‘state space’ with specific attention directed towards the Monument to the Revolution in Mexico City, completed in 1938. The conditions of modernity can be generally related to the spatial ordering of urban landscapes within capital cities conjoining the specifics of national identity with imitative processes. Antonio Gramsci captured such sentiments through his understanding of the condition of ‘passive revolution’. The key contribution of this article is to draw attention to forms of everyday passive revolution, recognising both cosmopolitan and vernacular aspects of modern architecture in relation to the Monument to the Revolution. A focus on the Monument to the Revolution thus reveals specific spatial practices of everyday passive revolution relevant to the codification of architecture and the political economy of modern state formation in Mexico. These issues are revealed, literally, as vital expressions in the architecture of everyday passive revolution in modern Mexico.

Pizzolato, Nicola, and John D. Holst, eds. Antonio Gramsci: A Pedagogy to Change the World. New York: Springer, 2017.

Foreword. Anne Showstack Sassoon

  1. Gramsci, Politics and Pedagogy: An Interpretative Framework. Nico Pizzolato and John D. Holst
  2. Gramsci, Hegemony and Educational Politics. Peter Mayo
  3. Culture, Education and Political Leadership in Gramsci's Thought. Riccardo Pagano
  4. The Pedagogy of Praxis and the Role of Education in the Prison Notebooks. Diego Fusaro
  5. A Pedagogy for Power: Antonio Gramsci and Luis Emilio Recabarren on the Educational Role of Working-Class Organizations. María Alicia Vetter and John D. Holst
  6. Gramsci as Theory, Pedagogy, and Strategy: Educational Lessons from the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement. Rebecca Tarlau
  7. Language, Education and European Unification: Perceptions and Reality of Global English in Italy. Alessandro Carlucci
  8. Teachers as Salaried Intellectual Workers: Are They Part of the 'Pueblo'? An Argentinean Perspective. Flora M. Hillert
  9. Hegemony as Pedagogy: The Formation of a Collective Will and of Individual Personality According to Gramsci. Andrè Tosel
  10. A Pedagogy of the Subalterns: Gramsci and the Groups 'on the margins of history'. Pietro Maltese
  11. Catharsis: Antonio Gramsci, Pedagogy, and the Political Independence of the Working Class. John D. Holst and Stephen D. Brookfield.  

Rosenfeld, Heather. “‘Plug into Choice’? The Trouble with Common-Sense Participation in a Smart Electric Grid.” Capitalism Nature Socialism 0.0 (2017): 1–22.

Smart electric grids add digital technologies to the grid. While some suggest that they offer many environmental and social benefits, others remain critical and call them a neoliberal project. Considering smart grids a boundary object, I examine how multiple social groups come together in cooperation and conflict in the installation of one smart grid. In what follows, I first argue that participation is Gramscian common sense (1971), a taken-for-granted good in producing a smart grid. Gramsci points out that common sense can be used to reinforce oppressive ideologies of a hegemonic status quo, but that it also contains "good sense" that can be developed into counter-hegemonic narratives and movements. Second, I argue that in the course of cooperation and conflict, the smart grid indeed becomes more neoliberal, and this occurs through participation. While the utility often seeks or accepts public participation, the meaning of participation gradually becomes limited to individualistic and financially motivated "choice." In the discussed case, many of the (less neoliberal) social and environmental benefits of the grid and more collectivist forms of participation were precluded. This article offers a grounded examination of a smart grid and a sympathetic critique of common-sense participation.

Saito, Carlos Hiroo, and Andréa A. Azevedo. “Organic Intellectuals: Legitimizing Agribusiness Production in Brazil.” International Gramsci Journal 2.2 (2017): 107–132. Source.

Selenu, Stefano. “Reading Dante Impolitically: Gramsci’s Contrapuntal Criticism of Inferno 10.” Mediaevalia: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Medieval Studies Worldwide38 (2017): 209–248.

Semeraro, Giovanni. “The Economic-Political Crisis in Brazil: a Reading from Some Reflections of Gramsci.” International Gramsci Journal 2.2 (2017): 89–106. Source.

Sotiris, Panagiotis. “From the Nation to the People of a Potential New Historical Bloc: Rethinking Popular Sovereignty through Gramsci.” International Gramsci Journal 2.2 (2017): 52–88. Source.

Sotiris, Panagiotis. “Althusser and Poulantzas: Hegemony and the State.” Materialismo Storico 2.1 (2017): 115–163. [Source]

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to examine Althusser’s and Poulantzas’s confrontation with the work of Antonio Gramsci regarding in particular questions of hegemony and State theory. I try to retrace their various encounters and missed encounters with the work of Gramsci in order to show both the profound influence it had upon them but also how they both in fact misinterpreted crucial aspects of Gramsci’s work. Regarding Althusser, I stress the influence Gramsci had upon his conceptualization of the Ideological Apparatuses of the State but also his inability to discern the non idealist and non teleological character of Gramsci’s historicism and his tendency to underestimate the complexity of the notion of hegemony and Gramsci’s conception of the integral State. Moreover, I try to see this in the context of Althusser’s interventions in the debates on the State and strategy of the 1970s. Regarding Poulantzas, I stress his continuing dialogue with Gramsci, and how Gramsci influenced his theory of the State. I also stress that one of the contradictions of Poulantzas’s work was that the closer he came to thematic and conceptualization that were compatible with Gramsci’s theory of hegemony and the integral State, the more critical he tended to be towards Gramsci. Based on this elaboration, I try to stress the need for new theorizations of both State and strategy based upon both Gramsci and the work of Althusser and Poulantzas.

Staricco, Juan Ignacio. “Class dynamics and ideological construction in the struggle over fairness: a neo-Gramscian examination of the Fairtrade initiative.” The Journal of Peasant Studies 0.0 (2017): 1–19. Source.

Abstract: This paper develops a neo-Gramscian conceptual framework in order to examine the ideological constructs and political dynamics that frame the day-to-day workings of the certification-based Fairtrade initiative. To accomplish this goal, the paper resorts to the notion of a ‘comprehensive concept of control’, which accounts for the main ideological elements that constitute the Fairtrade vision of the world. The analysis of these imaginaries is complemented with an examination of the concrete ways in which they have been institutionalized in the Fairtrade system and the specific power relations between class fractions they promote. This is followed by an exploration of the way in which Fairtrade articulates the contradictory interests of a variety of class fractions, bringing them together under the shared objective of advancing the situation of small producers and workers in the global South. The paper finishes with a reflection on the main limitations inherent to Fairtrade’s concept of control and the political dynamics it entails.

Sum, Ngai-Ling. “The Makings of Subaltern Subjects: Embodiment, Contradictory Consciousness, and Re-Hegemonization of the Diaosi in China.” Globalizations 14.2 (2017): 298–312. PDF

This article examines the emergence since 2011 of the 'Diaosi' (loser) identity among second-generation migrant workers in China. This subjective identification of a new social category with little hope can be contrasted with the hopeful policy constructions of a strong China eager to promote the civilizing 'suzhi' (population quality) of its population nationally and internationally. Yet, as this article shows, in four steps, these phenomena are intertwined. First, it locates the emergence of this 'Diaosi' subject in the global and national dialectics of hope in China since the global financial crisis. Second, drawing on neo-Foucauldian and neo-Gramscian scholarship, Diaosi marginality is related to the interactions among global capitalist production, the socialist market economy, continuous state domination via a household registration system (hukou), and the civilising discourse of 'suzhi'. Third, it shows how the Diaosi embody their multiplex loser identity and marginality affectively and expressively in their everyday demeanour. Fourth, it examines recent efforts by state/corporate capital and the party-state to re-make and re-hegemonize Diaosi life in the name of consumption, civility, and social stability. The article ends with some neo-Gramscian remarks on the complexities and contradictory consciousness of marginal social categories, such as the Diaosi, and their openness to passive revolution and (re-) hegemonization.

Thomas, Peter D. “The Modern Prince: Gramsci’s Reading of Machiavelli”, History of Political Thought XXXVIII:3, 2017. Source.

Abstract: Gramsci's 'modern Prince' has often been interpreted in relation to his theory of political parties. According to this reading, Gramsci was constrained by carceral censorship to use this Machiavellian metaphor as a 'codeword'. This interpretation has tended to direct attention away from the novelty of Gramsci's reading of The Prince in the Prison Notebooks. This article argues that a contextualist and diachronic reading of the development of the figure of the modern Prince allows it to be understood as also a novel contribution to the Machiavelli scholarship of Gramsci's time and the tradition of 'democratic' readings of The Prince.

Thomas, Peter D. “The Plural Temporalities of Hegemony”, Rethinking Marxism 29.2, 2017. Source.

Abstract: Louis Althusser’s critique of Gramsci’s “absolute historicism” involved the elaboration of a distinctive notion of plural historical temporalities or times. This argues, first, that Althusser’s theory of plural historical temporalities should be understood as integrally linked to his critique both of structuralism and of theories of the subject. Second, the essay argues that, Althusser’s early criticisms notwithstanding, Gramsci can be understood to have elaborated a consistently nonformalist notion of constitutive temporal plurality, particularly with his notion of “prevision” as a method of political work. Rather than culminating in a figure of temporal synchronization, hegemonic politics should instead be thought as a mode of intervention that valorizes rather than negates the “non-presence of the present,” or constitutive noncontemporaneity, as the fundamental condition of revolutionary politics.

Thomas, Peter D. “Gramsci’s Plural Temporalities”, The Government of Time: Theories of Plural Temporality in the Marxist Tradition, edited by Vittorio Morfino and Peter D. Thomas, Leiden: Brill, 2017. ISBN: 9789004291195

Thomas, Peter D. "A Revolution against Capital? Gramsci and the 'visual angle' of October 1917", Gramsciana 3, 2017, pp. 35-49.


None to report.


None to report.


Thomas, Peter D. "Η διαλεκτική της ηγεμονίας" [The Dialectics of Hegemony], τετράδια μαρξισμού 5, 2017.


See Gramsci Project > Bibliografia. News of Italian publications should be sent to Michele Filippini.


La Città Futura, Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin No. 68 (December 2017)

  1. "The strange afterlife of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks," The Economist. Translated by Koichi Ohara.
  2. "I talk to a true Gramsci," Interview with Angelo d'Orsi about "Gramsci. New Biography." Translated by Koichi Ohara.
  3. Book Review: Shigeki Maruyama, Seeing Gramsci and Polanyi. Hiroshi Maeda
  4. Book Review: Chikaya inoshita, Populism and Politics of the Will of the People. Takemi Miyashita.
  5. Report on the Forum commemorating the 80th anniversary of the death of Antonio Gramsci. Takemi Miyashita.
  6. Report on the Annual Assembly of the Tokyo Gramsci Society. Takemi Miyashia.


Salles, Ricardo, ed. Ensaios Gramscianos. Política, escravidão e hegemonia no Brasil Imperial. Curitiba: Prismas, 2017. ISBN: 978-855507558-2

Apresentação. Ricardo Salles
1. Segunda escravidão, liberalismo de classe e a matriz política imperial, c. 1815-1860. Ricardo Salles
2. A valentia da dialética: Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos, o senso comum, a classe conservadora e a cabeça da Medusa. Wlamir Silva
3. Disputando a direção: escravidão, civilização e ordem no Império do Brasil (1838-1850). João Carlos Escosteguy Filho
4. Por uma leitura integral do Estado imperial brasileiro: os engenheiros em foco. Pedro Eduardo Mesquita de Monteiro Marinho
5. O barão de Cotegipe e a crise do Império. Carla da Silva Nascimento.

Thomas, Peter D. “A Hipótese Comunista e a Questão da Organização”, Crítica Marxista 45, 2017.


Kanoussi, Dora. (Ed.). (2017). Estudios sobre Gramsci: Una Pequeña Puesta al Día. Puebla, México: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla – Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades “Alfonso Vélez Pliego”. ISBN: 978-607-525-374-9


  • Del materialismo histórico a la filosofía de la praxis. Giuseppe Vacca, 15
  • Del internacionalismo al “cosmopolitismo” de tipo nuevo en los Cuadernos de la cárcel. Francesca Izzo, 33
  • Los primeros pasos: un compendio de glotología. Giancarlo Schirru
  • Después de los cuadernos. Las últimas lecturas de Gramsci. Giuseppe Cospito, 73
  • La investigación de los escritos juveniles para la Edición Nacional de la obra de Gramsci. María Luisa Righi, 87
  • Recuperación y nueva sistematización de los documentos. El intercambio epistolar de Tania Schucht con Sraffa y la familia en Moscú. Eleonora Lattanzi, 101
  • El dilema del prisionero. El “gran proceso”: Gramsci frente al tribunal especial. Leonardo Pompeo D’Alessandro, 115
  • Sobre los intereses lingüísticos de Gramsci. Alessandro Carlucci, 131
  • Gramsci y la cuestión del parlamentarismo. Michele Fiorillo, 139
  • La force des choses en la crítica de Gramsci a Vico. Renate Holub, 149
  • Gramsci y Bourdieu: una mirada más cercana al lenguaje y la política. Peter Ives, 163
  • El gran transformismo. Adam David Morton, 185
  • Pensar Brasil con Gramsci: revolución pasiva y democracia. Alberto Aggio, 195
  • El concepto de hegemonía en Gramsci y los procesos políticos en América Latina actual. Carlos Figueroa Ibarra, Giuseppe Lo Brutto, Octavio Moreno Velador, 213
  • ¿Estado, clase o red? Hegemonía y acumulación de capital mundial. Héctor Sotomayor Castilla, Liza Aceves López, 239

Las Torres de Lucca. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política. Special Issue: Dossier: Gramsci, la democracia entre América Latina y Europa. Vol. 6, Núm. 11 (2017): Julio-Diciembre. Source.



None to report.


Feyzullah Yilmaz has compiled a list of Turkish Gramsci publications at Neo-Gramsian Portal.


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©2025 International Gramsci Society
Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: February 6, 2025